

@RequestMapping("/deleteComment")@ResponseBodypublic ResultInfo deleteComment(@RequestParam(value = "comment_id",required = false) int comment_id,@RequestParam(value = "id",required = false) int id) {return commentService.deleteComment(comment_id,id);}

Optional int parameter ‘id’ is present but cannot be translated into a null value due to being declared as a primitive type. Consider declaring it as object wrapper for the corresponding primitive type.
就是你定义的某个方法的参数,但是这个参数是非必须的,系统会自动给这个字段赋值为null,但是你的字段类型为int,int不能接收null值,所以会报如上的错误。解决办法就是使用包装类 Integer。


@RequestMapping("/deleteComment")@ResponseBodypublic ResultInfo deleteComment(@RequestParam(value = "comment_id",required = false,defaultValue = "0") Integer comment_id,@RequestParam(value = "id",required = false,defaultValue = "0") Integer id) {return commentService.deleteComment(comment_id,id);}

将int 改为Integer,并给了默认值为0,业务层好使用。

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