oculus rift s

The Oculus Rift is locked down by default, and will only run games and apps from Oculus’s own store. You’ll see an “Unknown Source” message on the Rift if you try to run something else. But change one setting, and you can use Valve’s SteamVR or any other Rift-enabled app or game.

Oculus Rift默认情况下处于锁定状态,只会运行Oculus自己商店中的游戏和应用。 如果您尝试运行其他内容,则会在Rift上看到“未知来源”消息。 但只要更改一个设置,就可以使用Valve的SteamVR或任何其他启用Rift的应用程序或游戏。

Oculus says that apps from “unknown sources” haven’t been “reviewed by Oculus for security, comfort, content, or health and safety”, which is why they’re blocked. But you can quickly disable this restriction. It’s the same approach used by Android, and the option even goes by the same name.

Oculus表示,“来自“未知来源”的应用尚未得到Oculus的安全性,舒适性,内容或健康与安全审查”,这就是为什么它们被阻止的原因。 但是您可以快速禁用此限制。 这与Android使用的方法相同,而且该选项甚至具有相同的名称。

如何从未知来源启用应用程序和游戏 (How to Enable Apps and Games from Unknown Sources)

You can change this setting in the Oculus application on your computer. First, open the Oculus application.

您可以在计算机上的Oculus应用程序中更改此设置。 首先,打开Oculus应用程序。

Click the gear menu icon at the top right corner of the window, and click “Settings”.


Click the “General” tab at the left side of the settings window.


Click the switch to the right of “Unknown Sources” to enable applications that haven’t been reviewed by Oculus.


You’ll see a warning message. Oculus warns that such applications can be a problem “for security, comfort, content, or health and safety”. That’s because this setting allows any application from any developer to access your Rift, assuming that application is running on your PC. Exercise normal caution when running VR applications, just as you would when running normal Windows desktop applications. For example, use an antivirus application and don’t download and run .exe files from sources you don’t trust.

您会看到一条警告消息。 Oculus警告说,此类应用程序可能是“安全性,舒适性,内容或健康与安全方面的问题”。 这是因为此设置允许任何开发人员的任何应用程序访问您的Rift,前提是该应用程序正在您的PC上运行。 在运行VR应用程序时要格外小心,就像在运行普通Windows桌面应用程序时一样。 例如,使用防病毒应用程序,不要从不信任的源下载并运行.exe文件。

Click the “Allow” button to continue.


A notification will appear at the bottom of the window, indicating apps from unknown sources will now function on your Rift.


You can now launch virtual reality applications and games from outside the store. For example, to launch SteamVR and set it up, open the Steam application on your computer and click the “VR” icon that appears at the top-right corner of your screen. This icon will appear when you have your Rift connected, just as it will appear if you have an HTC Vive connected. Steam will offer to automatically download and install the SteamVR software the first time you click this icon.

现在,您可以从商店外部启动虚拟现实应用程序和游戏。 例如,要启动SteamVR并进行设置,请在计算机上打开Steam应用程序,然后单击屏幕右上角显示的“ VR”图标。 当您连接Rift时,此图标将出现,就像您连接HTC Vive时一样。 首次单击此图标时,Steam将提供自动下载并安装SteamVR软件的功能。

To launch another third-party application or game that supports the Rift, just launch that game and it should automatically detect the Rift and use it. Follow the application or game’s instructions for information on getting it to work with the Rift.

要启动另一个支持Rift的第三方应用程序或游戏,只需启动该游戏,它将自动检测并使用Rift。 按照应用程序或游戏的说明获取有关使其与Rift一起使用的信息。

Unfortunately, there’s no way to add external applications to the Oculus Home interface that appears when you put on the Rift headset, so you can’t easily launch third-party applications from within virtual reality. Only applications and games you get from Oculus’s own store will appear in this interface. You’ll have to launch third-party applications from the Windows desktop.

不幸的是,当您戴上Rift头戴式耳机时,无法将外部应用程序添加到出现的Oculus Home界面中,因此,您无法轻松地从虚拟现实中启动第三方应用程序。 只有从Oculus自己的商店获得的应用程序和游戏才会出现在此界面中。 您必须从Windows桌面启动第三方应用程序。

Image Credit: Sergey Galyonkin

图片来源: Sergey Galyonkin

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/259404/how-to-play-steamvr-games-and-use-other-non-oculus-store-apps-on-the-oculus-rift/

oculus rift s

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