In this lesson you will learn to describe a person.


appearance  -> ap pea ran ce  外貌

How to describe a person?  <

character -> cha rac ter  ['kærɪktɚ]   性格



方脸   square face

圆脸  round face

瓜子脸 oval face


short  矮的

medium  中等

tall  高的

fat (肥)or over weight(过重,肥胖)  # 使用fat不是特别的 polite(礼貌)

thin  瘦的

slim  苗条的


wavy hair  卷发;波浪发

curly hair  卷发,卷发型;自然卷发

straight hair 直发

short hair  短发

相关 Adjective -> Ad jec ti ve  # d没有发音

Nice 和蔼的

Beautiful 美丽的

lovely 可爱的

handsome (男子)英俊的;可观的;大方的,慷慨的;健美而端庄的    #  handsome   这里的d没有发音

friendly  .友好的;亲切的;支持的;融洽的,和睦的

sunshiny  晴朗的;阳光照耀的;向阳极好的


bad tempered  坏脾气

good tempered 好脾气

funny  ['fʌni] 有趣                interesting 有趣的

boring  无聊

词汇(Key Word )

popular  流行的

famous 著名

round 圆的

slim 苗条的

look at  看;考虑;着眼于

tones   n. 声调;基本音色(tone的复数)


Is your tutor tall? 你的老师是个高吗?

Does your tutor have brown hair?  你的老师的头发是棕色吗?

My tutor is tall.  我的老师很高

Not really 不见得;并非真的如此

saw  -- see 的过去式

Jim doesn't enjoy his job . It's not very interesting.

I can't open the door. I haven't got my key.

Sally is married. her husband works in a bank.

It's very cold today. Put on your coat when you go out.

"What are the children doing?" They're doing their homework

"Do you konw that man?" Yes, but I don't know his name.

We live on Barton Street. Our house is at the end on the left.



My tutor doesn't have brown hair, but Winona does(相当于  Winona have brown hair)

The man has round face, but The woman doesn't ( 相当于 The woman does not round face)

He isn't doctor,but She is(相当于 She is doctor,这里注意前面用什么,后面就要用什么。这里是Be动词)

Did you know that you can ask a question without using a question word?Just raise the tone of your voice at the end of the sentence.


For example:

Your hair is long.( Is your hair long?)    # 陈述句变成疑问句,只需要提高音调


Boy or Girl

A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl?

B: It's a girl. She's my daughter.

A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know that you were her father.

B: I'm not. I'm her mother.

A Good Wife

Fred is 32 year old and he is still single. One day a friend asked, "Why aren't you married? Can't you find a woman who will be a good wife?"

Fred replied,"Acutually, I've found many women that I have wanted to marry, but when I bring them home to meet my parents, my mother doesn't like them."

His friend thought for a moment and said, "I've got the perfect solution.Just find a girl who's just like your mother."

A few months later they met again and his friend said," Did you find the perfect girl? Did you mother like her?"

With a frown on his face, Fred answered," Yes, I found the perfect girl. She was just like my mother.You were right, my mother liked her very much."

The friend said,"Then what's the problem?"

Fred replied, "My father doesn't like her."

Extra Vocabulary

blue jeans  蓝色牛仔裤

married  已婚的;结婚的

perfect 完美的;完全的

still   仍然

bring   拿来;带来;促使;引起;使某人处于某种情况或境地

thought  --> think   v. 想,思考;认为(think的过去式和过去分词)

solution  [sə'luʃən]  n. 解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答

were     注意读音

frown  [fraʊn]  皱眉


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