
















import numpy as np, tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
_state_size_with_prefix = tf.nn.rnn_cell._state_size_with_prefixdef zero_state(cell, batch_size, dtype):"""Return zero-filled state tensor(s).Args:cell: RNNCell.batch_size: int, float, or unit Tensor representing the batch size.dtype: the data type to use for the state.Returns:If `state_size` is an int or TensorShape, then the return value is a`N-D` tensor of shape `[batch_size x state_size]` filled with zeros.If `state_size` is a nested list or tuple, then the return value isa nested list or tuple (of the same structure) of `2-D` tensors withthe shapes `[batch_size x s]` for each s in `state_size`."""state_size = cell.state_sizeif nest.is_sequence(state_size):state_size_flat = nest.flatten(state_size)zeros_flat = [tf.zeros(tf.pack(_state_size_with_prefix(s, prefix=[batch_size])),dtype=dtype)for s in state_size_flat]for s, z in zip(state_size_flat, zeros_flat):z.set_shape(_state_size_with_prefix(s, prefix=[None]))zeros = nest.pack_sequence_as(structure=state_size,flat_sequence=zeros_flat)else:zeros_size = _state_size_with_prefix(state_size, prefix=[batch_size])zeros = tf.zeros(tf.pack(zeros_size), dtype=dtype)zeros.set_shape(_state_size_with_prefix(state_size, prefix=[None]))return zeros



def get_initial_cell_state(cell, initializer, batch_size, dtype):"""Return state tensor(s), initialized with initializer.Args:cell: RNNCell.batch_size: int, float, or unit Tensor representing the batch size.initializer: function with two arguments, shape and dtype, thatdetermines how the state is initialized.dtype: the data type to use for the state.Returns:If `state_size` is an int or TensorShape, then the return value is a`N-D` tensor of shape `[batch_size x state_size]` initializedaccording to the initializer.If `state_size` is a nested list or tuple, then the return value isa nested list or tuple (of the same structure) of `2-D` tensors withthe shapes `[batch_size x s]` for each s in `state_size`."""state_size = cell.state_sizeif nest.is_sequence(state_size):state_size_flat = nest.flatten(state_size)init_state_flat = [initializer(_state_size_with_prefix(s), batch_size, dtype, i)for i, s in enumerate(state_size_flat)]init_state = nest.pack_sequence_as(structure=state_size,flat_sequence=init_state_flat)else:init_state_size = _state_size_with_prefix(state_size)init_state = initializer(init_state_size, batch_size, dtype, None)return init_state

initializer必须是一个带有四个参数的函数:shapedtype,一个la tf.zeros,另外batch_size还有index,它们被引入以便与变量一起使用。我们可以zero_state使用以下initializer函数实现与原始方法相同的行为:

def zero_state_initializer(shape, batch_size, dtype, index):z = tf.zeros(tf.pack(_state_size_with_prefix(shape, [batch_size])), dtype)z.set_shape(_state_size_with_prefix(shape, prefix=[None]))return z

然后调用get_initial_cell_state(cell, zero_state_initializer, batch_size, tf.float32)与调用相同zero_state(cell, batch_size, tf.float32)


def make_variable_state_initializer(**kwargs):def variable_state_initializer(shape, batch_size, dtype, index):args = kwargs.copy()if args.get('name'):args['name'] = args['name'] + '_' + str(index)else:args['name'] = 'init_state_' + str(index)args['shape'] = shapeargs['dtype'] = dtypevar = tf.get_variable(**args)var = tf.expand_dims(var, 0)var = tf.tile(var, tf.pack([batch_size] + [1] * len(shape)))var.set_shape(_state_size_with_prefix(shape, prefix=[None]))return varreturn variable_state_initializer

我们现在可以通过调用获得变量初始状态get_initial_cell_state(cell, make_variable_initializer(), batch_size, tf.float32)


def make_gaussian_state_initializer(initializer, deterministic_tensor=None, stddev=0.3):def gaussian_state_initializer(shape, batch_size, dtype, index):init_state = initializer(shape, batch_size, dtype, index)if deterministic_tensor is not None:return tf.cond(deterministic_tensor,lambda: init_state,lambda: init_state + tf.random_normal(tf.shape(init_state), stddev=stddev))else:return init_state + tf.random_normal(tf.shape(init_state), stddev=stddev)return gaussian_state_initializer

这个包装器将高斯噪声添加到底层的initial_state。例如,要创建初始化函数,初始化状态的平均值为零,标准差为0.1,我们调用make_gaussian_state_initializer(zero_state_initializer, stddev=0.01)。deterministic_tensor是一个可选的布尔张量,可用于在测试时禁用添加的噪声(推荐)。



Helper functions

from tensorflow.models.rnn.ptb import reader
from enum import Enum#data from http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~imikolov/rnnlm/simple-examples.tgz
raw_data = reader.ptb_raw_data('ptb_data')
train_data, val_data, test_data, num_classes = raw_data
batch_size, num_steps = 30, 50def gen_epochs(n, num_steps, batch_size, dataset=train_data):for i in range(n):yield reader.ptb_iterator(dataset, batch_size, num_steps)def reset_graph():if 'sess' in globals() and sess:sess.close()tf.reset_default_graph()def eval_network(sess, g, num_steps = num_steps, batch_size = batch_size):losses = []for X, Y in next(gen_epochs(1, num_steps, batch_size, dataset=val_data+test_data)):feed_dict={g['x']: X, g['y']: Y, g['deterministic']: True}loss_ = sess.run([g['loss']], feed_dict)[0]losses.append(loss_)return np.mean(losses, axis=0)def train_network(sess, g, num_epochs, num_steps = num_steps, batch_size = batch_size):sess.run(tf.initialize_all_variables())losses = []val_losses = []for idx, epoch in enumerate(gen_epochs(num_epochs, num_steps, batch_size)):loss = []for X, Y in epoch:feed_dict={g['x']: X, g['y']: Y}loss_, _ = sess.run([g['loss'], g['train_step']], feed_dict)loss.append(loss_)val_loss = eval_network(sess, g)print("Average perplexity for Epoch", idx,": Training -", np.exp(np.mean(loss)),"Validation -", np.exp(np.mean(val_loss)))losses.append(np.mean(loss, axis=0))val_losses.append(val_loss)return np.array(losses), np.array(val_losses)class StateInitializer(Enum):ZERO_STATE = 1VARIABLE_STATE = 2NOISY_ZERO_STATE = 3NOISY_VARIABLE_STATE = 4


def build_graph(state_initializer,state_size = 200,num_classes = num_classes,batch_size = batch_size,num_steps = num_steps,num_layers = 2):reset_graph()x = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, num_steps], name='input_placeholder')y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, num_steps], name='labels_placeholder')lr = tf.constant(1.)deterministic = tf.constant(False)embeddings = tf.get_variable('embedding_matrix', [num_classes, state_size])rnn_inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, x)cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(state_size, state_is_tuple=True)cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([cell] * num_layers, state_is_tuple=True)if state_initializer == StateInitializer.ZERO_STATE:initializer = zero_state_initializerelif state_initializer == StateInitializer.VARIABLE_STATE:initializer = make_variable_state_initializer()elif state_initializer == StateInitializer.NOISY_ZERO_STATE:initializer = make_gaussian_state_initializer(zero_state_initializer,deterministic)elif state_initializer == StateInitializer.NOISY_VARIABLE_STATE:initializer = make_gaussian_state_initializer(make_variable_state_initializer(),deterministic)init_state = get_initial_cell_state(cell, initializer, batch_size, tf.float32)rnn_outputs, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, rnn_inputs, initial_state=init_state)with tf.variable_scope('softmax'):W = tf.get_variable('W', [state_size, num_classes])b = tf.get_variable('b', [num_classes], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0))#reshape rnn_outputs and y so we can get the logits in a single matmulrnn_outputs = tf.reshape(rnn_outputs, [-1, state_size])y_reshaped = tf.reshape(y, [-1])logits = tf.matmul(rnn_outputs, W) + blosses = tf.reshape(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, y_reshaped),[batch_size, num_steps])loss_by_timestep = tf.reduce_mean(losses, reduction_indices=0)train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(loss_by_timestep)return dict(x = x,y = y,lr = lr,deterministic = deterministic,init_state = init_state,final_state = final_state,loss = loss_by_timestep,train_step = train_step)


tr_losses, val_losses = [None] * 4, [None] * 4
g = build_graph(state_initializer=StateInitializer.ZERO_STATE)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
tr_losses[0], val_losses[0] = train_network(sess, g, num_epochs=20)
Average perplexity for Epoch 0 : Training - 674.599 Validation - 483.888
Average perplexity for Epoch 1 : Training - 421.366 Validation - 348.751
Average perplexity for Epoch 2 : Training - 305.943 Validation - 272.674
Average perplexity for Epoch 3 : Training - 241.748 Validation - 235.801
Average perplexity for Epoch 4 : Training - 205.29 Validation - 212.853
Average perplexity for Epoch 5 : Training - 180.5 Validation - 198.029
Average perplexity for Epoch 6 : Training - 160.867 Validation - 186.862
Average perplexity for Epoch 7 : Training - 145.657 Validation - 179.394
Average perplexity for Epoch 8 : Training - 133.973 Validation - 173.399
Average perplexity for Epoch 9 : Training - 124.281 Validation - 169.236
Average perplexity for Epoch 10 : Training - 115.586 Validation - 166.216
Average perplexity for Epoch 11 : Training - 108.34 Validation - 163.99
Average perplexity for Epoch 12 : Training - 101.959 Validation - 162.627
Average perplexity for Epoch 13 : Training - 96.3985 Validation - 162.423
Average perplexity for Epoch 14 : Training - 91.6309 Validation - 163.904
Average perplexity for Epoch 15 : Training - 87.29 Validation - 163.679
Average perplexity for Epoch 16 : Training - 83.2224 Validation - 164.169
Average perplexity for Epoch 17 : Training - 79.5156 Validation - 165.162
Average perplexity for Epoch 18 : Training - 76.1198 Validation - 166.714
Average perplexity for Epoch 19 : Training - 73.1628 Validation - 168.515
g = build_graph(state_initializer=StateInitializer.VARIABLE_STATE)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
tr_losses[1], val_losses[1] = train_network(sess, g, num_epochs=20)
Average perplexity for Epoch 0 : Training - 525.724 Validation - 325.364
Average perplexity for Epoch 1 : Training - 275.811 Validation - 239.312
Average perplexity for Epoch 2 : Training - 210.521 Validation - 204.103
Average perplexity for Epoch 3 : Training - 176.135 Validation - 184.352
Average perplexity for Epoch 4 : Training - 153.307 Validation - 171.528
Average perplexity for Epoch 5 : Training - 136.591 Validation - 162.493
Average perplexity for Epoch 6 : Training - 123.592 Validation - 156.533
Average perplexity for Epoch 7 : Training - 113.033 Validation - 152.028
Average perplexity for Epoch 8 : Training - 104.201 Validation - 149.743
Average perplexity for Epoch 9 : Training - 96.7272 Validation - 148.263
Average perplexity for Epoch 10 : Training - 90.313 Validation - 147.438
Average perplexity for Epoch 11 : Training - 84.7536 Validation - 147.409
Average perplexity for Epoch 12 : Training - 79.8758 Validation - 147.533
Average perplexity for Epoch 13 : Training - 75.5331 Validation - 148.11
Average perplexity for Epoch 14 : Training - 71.5848 Validation - 149.513
Average perplexity for Epoch 15 : Training - 67.9394 Validation - 151.243
Average perplexity for Epoch 16 : Training - 64.6299 Validation - 153.503
Average perplexity for Epoch 17 : Training - 61.6355 Validation - 156.37
Average perplexity for Epoch 18 : Training - 58.9116 Validation - 160.145
Average perplexity for Epoch 19 : Training - 56.4397 Validation - 164.863
g = build_graph(state_initializer=StateInitializer.NOISY_ZERO_STATE)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
tr_losses[2], val_losses[2] = train_network(sess, g, num_epochs=20)
Average perplexity for Epoch 0 : Training - 625.676 Validation - 407.948
Average perplexity for Epoch 1 : Training - 337.045 Validation - 277.074
Average perplexity for Epoch 2 : Training - 245.198 Validation - 230.573
Average perplexity for Epoch 3 : Training - 202.941 Validation - 205.394
Average perplexity for Epoch 4 : Training - 175.752 Validation - 189.294
Average perplexity for Epoch 5 : Training - 156.077 Validation - 178.006
Average perplexity for Epoch 6 : Training - 141.035 Validation - 170.011
Average perplexity for Epoch 7 : Training - 128.985 Validation - 164.033
Average perplexity for Epoch 8 : Training - 118.946 Validation - 160.09
Average perplexity for Epoch 9 : Training - 110.475 Validation - 157.405
Average perplexity for Epoch 10 : Training - 103.191 Validation - 155.624
Average perplexity for Epoch 11 : Training - 96.9187 Validation - 154.584
Average perplexity for Epoch 12 : Training - 91.4146 Validation - 154.25
Average perplexity for Epoch 13 : Training - 86.494 Validation - 154.48
Average perplexity for Epoch 14 : Training - 82.1429 Validation - 155.172
Average perplexity for Epoch 15 : Training - 78.1957 Validation - 156.681
Average perplexity for Epoch 16 : Training - 74.6005 Validation - 158.523
Average perplexity for Epoch 17 : Training - 71.3612 Validation - 160.869
Average perplexity for Epoch 18 : Training - 68.3056 Validation - 163.278
Average perplexity for Epoch 19 : Training - 65.4805 Validation - 165.645
g = build_graph(state_initializer=StateInitializer.NOISY_VARIABLE_STATE)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
tr_losses[3], val_losses[3] = train_network(sess, g, num_epochs=20)
Average perplexity for Epoch 0 : Training - 517.27 Validation - 331.341
Average perplexity for Epoch 1 : Training - 278.846 Validation - 239.6
Average perplexity for Epoch 2 : Training - 210.333 Validation - 203.027
Average perplexity for Epoch 3 : Training - 174.959 Validation - 182.456
Average perplexity for Epoch 4 : Training - 151.81 Validation - 169.388
Average perplexity for Epoch 5 : Training - 135.121 Validation - 160.613
Average perplexity for Epoch 6 : Training - 122.301 Validation - 154.474
Average perplexity for Epoch 7 : Training - 111.991 Validation - 150.337
Average perplexity for Epoch 8 : Training - 103.425 Validation - 147.664
Average perplexity for Epoch 9 : Training - 96.1806 Validation - 145.957
Average perplexity for Epoch 10 : Training - 89.8921 Validation - 145.308
Average perplexity for Epoch 11 : Training - 84.3145 Validation - 145.255
Average perplexity for Epoch 12 : Training - 79.3745 Validation - 146.052
Average perplexity for Epoch 13 : Training - 74.96 Validation - 147.01
Average perplexity for Epoch 14 : Training - 71.0005 Validation - 148.22
Average perplexity for Epoch 15 : Training - 67.3658 Validation - 150.713
Average perplexity for Epoch 16 : Training - 64.0655 Validation - 153.78
Average perplexity for Epoch 17 : Training - 61.0874 Validation - 157.101
Average perplexity for Epoch 18 : Training - 58.3892 Validation - 160.376
Average perplexity for Epoch 19 : Training - 55.9478 Validation - 164.157
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(color_codes=True)def best_epoch(val_losses):return np.argmin(np.mean(val_losses, axis=1))labels = ['Zero', 'Variable', 'Noisy', 'Noisy Variable']def plot_losses(losses, title, y_range):global val_lossesfig, ax = plt.subplots()for i in range(len(losses)):data = np.exp(losses[i][best_epoch(val_losses[i])])ax.plot(range(0,num_steps),data,label=labels[i])ax.set_xlabel('Step number')ax.set_ylabel('Average loss')ax.set_ylim(y_range)ax.set_title(title)ax.legend(loc=1)plt.show()
plot_losses(tr_losses, 'Best epoch training perplexities', [70, 110])


plot_losses(val_losses, 'Best epoch validation perplexities', [120, 200])




  • 所有非零状态初始化加速了训练并改进了泛化。
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