1.下载AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic for linux http://www.free-av.com/

2.解压: tar zxvf antivir.tar.gz

3.进入解压后的文件夹: sudo ./install


press <ENTER> to view the license

阅读完之后,输入 ‘q’退出。

●Do you agree to the license terms? [n] y

●Enter the path to your key file:[hbedv.key] 如/home/tom/antivir-workstation-pers-2.1.11-21/hbedv.key

●Would you like to install the internet update daemon? [n] y

●Would you like to create a link in /usr/sbin for avupdater ? [y] y

●Would you like the internet update daemon to start automatically? [y] y

●How should AvGuard be installed? [n] k <<<---注意這里是选“K”

●Would you like to create a link in /usr/sbin for avguard ? [y] y

●Would you like AvGuard to start automatically? [y] y

●Would you like to install the GUI (+ SMC support)? [y] y

●Would you like to configure the AntiVir updater now? [y] y

●Would you like email notification about updates? [n] 这里根据个人喜好

●What email address will receive notifications? [] 这里也根据个人喜好

●Would you like the updater to log to a custom file? [y] y

●What will be the log file name with absolute path (it must begin with '/') ? [/var/log/avupdater.log]

●How often should AntiVir check for updates? [2] 2

●Does this machine use an HTTP proxy server? [n] n 有没有用代{过}{滤}理?

●Save configuration settings? [y] y

●Would you like to apply the new configuration? [y] y


注意:默认下,您和root都不能使用AntiVir。必须要在 系统>系统管理>用户和组>管理组>antivir>属性 中选上root和您的用户名。

sudo antivir-gui

打开红伞的gui界面了 比win下简去了好多东西

6.默认下,实时扫描只记录又闻的档案在 /var/log/avguard.log
在Gui(sudo antivir-gui)下,expertmode打勾
--search > (添加或排除需要扫描的路径的路径 默认 /home 是必需的。)
--Action > Repair 打勾(不打也行)
Move to directory > 自己创建一个文件夹如myGuard(即时扫描发现病毒就送来)
--Heuristic>MacrovirusHeuristic 打勾
--Heuristic>Detection level high
--Extended threat categoties > select all


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