
本专栏用于收纳我本学期在《英语演讲》课上的present的所有演讲文稿,一来是记录文案防止在自己电脑上误删了hh(虽然成功传上来我可能就立马会删掉orz),二来是方便大家学习与交流(啦)。如果之后有时间+final score还不错的话,我可以写一下这门课的“通关技巧”,供同校的朋友们参考~

本期为Description Speech,要求是:①描述某一时刻的心情、景象等;②演讲时长为2min左右;

A Rainy Day on Earth

When it comes to favorite weather, I believe that most people will put sunny days on the top of the list. I don’t know if you remember that Peking actually made a poor performance last week, exposing us to the wind and rain. Well, today I’m not here to criticize the sudden climate change, but to let you discover and experience the beaty of rain.

First, please close your eyes. Imagine that you are standing by the window and reaching out. You can feel the raindrops dancing cheerfully in the palms of your hands. You can feel the raindrops flowing down your forearms like a slide. You can feel the wind patting gently across your face. Gradually, the rain is playing a passionate and paragon symphony because it is making a beep on the window. After a thunder that can echo to the clouds, the heavy rain is falling like a cluster of broken beads through the branches of trees. Looking down, you will find people holding up various umbrellas and the dull roads suddenly turn into colorful rivers.

Now, please open your eyes. Well, I’m sure that you were having a nice dream. As far as I’m concerned, people have joys and sorrows just as the climate has its ups and downs. Only when we face up to these so-called negative things, can we appreciate the beauty and excavate the true meaning of life.

That’s all. Thank you!

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