unity iap

Take your monetization to the next level by promoting in-app purchases (IAPs) throughout the player lifecycle.


New from Unity, IAP Promo gives you this functionality for FREE, by serving existing product offers to players as a new type of ad unit. Surfacing these promotions helps players discover your offers organically, rather than having to search for them in your game’s store. In this article, you’ll learn about three promotion strategies you can easily implement today to grow your IAP revenue. Throughout this post, we’ll cover some strategies, tips, and learning materials that provides everything you need to get up and running.

IAP Promo是Unity的新增功能,它通过将现有的产品报价作为一种新型的广告单元提供给播放器,从而为您免费提供此功能。 显示这些促销信息有助于玩家自然地发现您的报价,而不必在游戏商店中搜索它们。 在本文中,您将了解三种可以在今天轻松实施以增加IAP收入的促销策略。 在本文中,我们将介绍一些策略,技巧和学习资料,这些资料提供了启动和运行所需的一切。

促销策略 (Promo strategies)

1.宣传运动 (1.  Awareness campaigns)

If you’ve ever stood before a larger-than-life display of a double-foam latte drizzled with chocolate while waiting in line at a coffee shop, you’re already familiar with this technique and how effective it can be.The same concept can work wonders in your game. Surface existing products at natural pauses to remind players of content that can enhance their experience.

如果您曾经在一家咖啡店排队等候时,曾站在大型展示架上撒上巧克力而下毛毛雨的双泡沫拿铁,那么您已经熟悉这种技术及其效果。可以在您的游戏中创造奇迹。 以自然的暂停显示现有产品,以提醒播放器可以增强其体验的内容。

Example of an awareness campaign


2.进度解锁促销 (2. Progression unlock promotions)

These campaigns allow players to earn special offers by progressing in your game. The most common example is promoting a discounted starter pack when players complete a tutorial. These promotions are very effective at encouraging first-time purchases, and encouraging repeat purchases when strategically employed at various progression milestones.

这些活动可让玩家通过游戏的进步获得特殊优惠。 最常见的示例是在玩家完成教程时推广打折的入门包。 这些促销在鼓励首次购买以及在战略上采用各种进步里程碑时鼓励重复购买非常有效。

Example of a progression unlock promotion


3.时令特价 (3. Seasonal specials)

This classic retailer-inspired technique offers discounts around specific calendar dates, such as Halloween or Christmas. Many developers go even further, offering region-specific holiday specials, such as the 4th of July (USA only) or Chinese New Year (most Asian countries).

这种受零售商启发的经典技术可在特定日历日期(例如万圣节或圣诞节)附近提供折扣。 许多开发商走得更远,提供特定地区的假日特惠,例如7月4日(仅限美国)或农历新年(大多数亚洲国家/地区)。

Example of a seasonal special


设置促销:在正确的时间和地点提供正确的报价 (Setting up Promos: the right offer at the right place and time)

什么 (What)

This video demonstrates how to get started immediately, using your existing product catalog. However, don’t stop there; try creating discounted versions of each product, so you have the option of using variable price points in special offers. A 20% discounted version is usually a good starting point.

该视频演示了如何使用现有产品目录立即上手。 但是,不要到此为止。 请尝试为每种产品创建折扣版本,以便您可以选择在特价商品中使用可变价格点。 打折20%的版本通常是一个很好的起点。

哪里 (Where)

Use Placements to control where your game shows an offer. Watch how!

使用展示位置来控制游戏在何处显示要约。 观看方法!

什么时候 (When)

Once you’ve set up your products and Placements, use them in any combination to create promotions. Learn how by watching it in action!

设置好产品和展示位置后,可以将它们组合使用以创建促销 。 通过观看实际操作来学习方法!

放在一起 (Putting it all together)

So what might a successful promotion look like? Here are some common examples for the aforementioned campaign types:

那么成功的晋升会是什么样子? 以下是上述广告系列类型的一些常见示例:

Campaign Type Placement(s) Product(s) Promotion Criteria
Awareness campaign Insufficient resources, end of level Existing product Start now, no end date
Progression unlock Tutorial complete, town hall unlock, or any other game milestone Discounted product Stat now, no end date
Seasonal special Return to lobby Discounted product Specific start date, specific end date, specific regional targeting
广告活动类型 刊登位置 产品 晋升标准
宣传运动 资源不足,级别已结束 现有产品 立即开始,无结束日期
渐进解锁 教程完成,市政厅解锁或任何其他游戏里程碑 打折产品 现在统计,无结束日期
季节性特别 返回大厅 打折产品 特定开始日期,特定结束日期,特定区域定位

纳入反馈回路 (Incorporating a feedback loop)

A best practice for managing promotions is to use a predict, measure, and learn feedback loop.


预测 (Predict)

Ask yourself: what metric will this new promotion move and by how much? For example, maybe you predict that a starter pack offer will add a 5% increase in IAPs, as a result of increased awareness and investment at a more favorable price point. This estimate helps prioritize new promotion ideas.

问自己:这项新促销活动将以什么度量标准移动多少? 例如,也许您预测入门包的报价将使IAP增长5%,这是由于人们以更优惠的价格提高了意识和投资的结果。 此估算有助于确定新的促销思路的优先级。

测量 (Measure)

Use Unity Analytics to measure results once a promotion is live. Data Explorer enables you to drill down to specific changes. For example, plotting Verified IAP Revenue, DAU, Verified Paying Users, and Number of Verified Transactions on a single chart can help determine if an increase in revenue is actually coming from incremental purchases, as opposed to an influx of new users.

促销活动开始后,使用Unity Analytics衡量结果。 通过数据资源管理器,您可以深入查看特定更改。 例如,在单个图表上绘制“已验证的IAP收入”,“ DAU”,“已验证的付费用户”和“已验证的交易数量”可以帮助确定收入的增加是否实际上来自增量购买,而不是涌入新用户。

Unity Analytics report using Data Explorer

使用Data Explorer的Unity Analytics报告

Most developers run many promotions in parallel. Our Promo funnel report helps isolate results by illustrating performance at each step for a specific promotion.

大多数开发人员并行运行许多促销。 我们的促销渠道报告通过说明特定促销的每个步骤的效果来帮助隔离结果。

IAP Promo report for funnel analysis


学习 (Learn)

Use these results to inform how you might improve the performance of your promotions. For example, if you’re seeing a steeper than expected drop-off between first impression and purchase conversion, consider using a different creative or Placement. If that funnel looks good, consider price changes to increase transaction size.

使用这些结果来告知您如何改善促销效果。 例如,如果您看到第一印象和购买转化之间的下降幅度大于预期,请考虑使用其他广告素材或展示位置。 如果该渠道看起来不错,请考虑更改价格以增加交易规模。

有兴趣了解更多吗? (Interested in learning more?)

In addition to the integration videos referenced throughout this article, we have more material to help you out:


  • IAP Promo overview provides a high-level feature summary, and highlights its cutting edge machine learning function.

    IAP Promo概述提供了高级功能摘要,并重点介绍了其先进的机器学习功能。

  • Integration provides a step-by-step walkthrough for implementing IAP Promo in your game.

    集成提供了在游戏中实施IAP Promo的分步演练。

  • Promo Placements takes a deep-dive into the subject of Placements, and managing them through the Developer Dashboard.


  • Product Catalogs explores how to create, import, and manage your catalog of Products using the Editor and Developer Dashboard.


  • Promotions covers how to use Products, Placements, and business logic to target the right audience with the right offer.


If you have any questions about getting started now, please reach out to us at iap-promo@unity3d.com and we’ll work with you every step of the way.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/18/3-ways-to-make-more-money-with-unity-iap-promo/

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