



2023-02-26 11:25:01.925 CST,"prouser","prodb",1514,"",63fad0a5.5ea,4,"idle in transaction",2023-02-26 11:23:17 CST,7/50609,43757341,FATAL,57P01,"terminating connection due to administrator command",,,,,,,,,"psql","client backend",,-7856242769374161054

从日志看对应时间有一个idle in transaction的session被kill了,但是并没记录被kill的具体query,没有十足的证据就是对应sql被kill。

只能是怀疑alter table执行完后,在idle in transaction状态session被kill,导致事务未提交alter table未生效。当然这是根据日志做的推测,没有十足的证据,被A同学怼的没有半点脾气。


idle,idle in transaction状态的会话被terminate后不会打印对应的query,具体可以看下进程接收到SIGTERM后ProcessInterrupts和errfinish的处理逻辑。只有active也就是正在执行的被terminate后可以打印出具体的query,但是也存在两个因素无法证明是谁执行的terminate。


2、直接在数据库后台kill -15 pid,也是同样的效果,使用pg_terminate_backend() 其实就是封装了kill -15 pid,因此DBA同学也没法完全自证排除嫌疑。


那么只要记录pg_terminate_backend() 的调用操作记录,同时记录kill的会话对应的query信息,这里就非常清晰了,不用再浪费时间扯皮了。看起来改造pg_terminate_backend()函数就可以了。

我们都知道当实例发生crash后postmaster会记录异常的process信息,假如是某个query导致了OOM,那么日志会打印出对应进程的query。看了下具体的实现,是postmaster在处理子进程退出时LogChildExit函数记录退出子进程的信息。但是,对于普通backend子进程的FATAL这种level是不调用LogChildExit的,被pg_terminate_backend() kill的就是FATAL类型的报错。

/** HandleChildCrash -- cleanup after failed backend, bgwriter, checkpointer,* walwriter, autovacuum, archiver or background worker.** The objectives here are to clean up our local state about the child* process, and to signal all other remaining children to quickdie.*/
static void
HandleChildCrash(int pid, int exitstatus, const char *procname)
{dlist_mutable_iter iter;slist_iter siter;Backend    *bp;bool       take_action;/** We only log messages and send signals if this is the first process* crash and we're not doing an immediate shutdown; otherwise, we're only* here to update postmaster's idea of live processes.  If we have already* signaled children, nonzero exit status is to be expected, so don't* clutter log.*//* 当子进程是FatalError退出时是不会调用LogChildExit函记录进程信息的 */take_action = !FatalError && Shutdown != ImmediateShutdown;if (take_action){LogChildExit(LOG, procname, pid, exitstatus);ereport(LOG,(errmsg("terminating any other active server processes")));SetQuitSignalReason(PMQUIT_FOR_CRASH);}/* 省略部分代码行 */



/** Send a signal to terminate a backend process. This is allowed if you are a* member of the role whose process is being terminated. If the timeout input* argument is 0, then this function just signals the backend and returns* true.  If timeout is nonzero, then it waits until no process has the given* PID; if the process ends within the timeout, true is returned, and if the* timeout is exceeded, a warning is emitted and false is returned.** Note that only superusers can signal superuser-owned processes.*/
{int            pid;int         r;int           timeout;        /* milliseconds *//* Modify by Nickyoung at 2023-02-26 AM *//** size of activity_buffer is arbitrary, but set equal to default* track_activity_query_size*/char                    activity_buffer[1024];const char              *activity = NULL;/* End at 2023-02-26 AM */pid = PG_GETARG_INT32(0);timeout = PG_GETARG_INT64(1);if (timeout < 0)ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE),errmsg("\"timeout\" must not be negative")));/* 从共享内存查询pid对应query文本 */activity = pgstat_get_crashed_backend_activity(pid,activity_buffer,sizeof(activity_buffer));/* 向对应pid发送SIGTERM终止进程 */r = pg_signal_backend(pid, SIGTERM);if (r == SIGNAL_BACKEND_NOSUPERUSER)ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE),errmsg("must be a superuser to terminate superuser process")));if (r == SIGNAL_BACKEND_NOPERMISSION)ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE),errmsg("must be a member of the role whose process is being terminated or member of pg_signal_backend")));/* Modify by Nickyoung at 2023-02-26 AM *//** Record the operation of using pg_terminate_backend (PID) * to kill the session and the terminated query *//* 如果SIGTERM发送成功,那么打印pg_terminate_backend()函数调用记录,以及被终止的query文本 */if (r != SIGNAL_BACKEND_ERROR){ereport(WARNING,(errmsg("process is terminated by: select pg_terminate_backend(%d), query is: %s" ,pid ,activity)));}/* End at 2023-02-26 AM *//* Wait only on success and if actually requested */if (r == SIGNAL_BACKEND_SUCCESS && timeout > 0)PG_RETURN_BOOL(pg_wait_until_termination(pid, timeout));elsePG_RETURN_BOOL(r == SIGNAL_BACKEND_SUCCESS);


1、session1开启事务执行alter table,未提交,进程处于idle in transaction状态

testdb=> begin;
testdb=*> alter table instance_list add column type varchar(50) not null default 'rds';

2、session2 查询表等锁,进程active状态

testdb=> select * from instance_list limit 1;

3、session3 kill所有admin账户的query

testdb=> select pg_terminate_backend(pid),* from pg_stat_activity where usename='admin' and pid <> pg_backend_pid();
WARNING:  process is terminated by: select pg_terminate_backend(9680), query is: alter table instance_list add column type varchar(50) not null default 'rds';
WARNING:  process is terminated by: select pg_terminate_backend(9744), query is: select * from instance_list limit 1;pg_terminate_backend | datid | datname | pid  | leader_pid | usesysid | usename | application_name | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port |         backend
_start         |          xact_start           |          query_start          |         state_change          | wait_event_type | wait_event |        state       | backend_xid | backend_xmin |       query_id       |                                     query                                     |  backend_type
-+-------------+--------------+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------t                    | 24583 | testdb  | 9680 |            |    24582 | admin   | psql             |             |                 |          -1 | 2023-02-26 14:4
6:09.621174+08 | 2023-02-26 14:46:12.540059+08 | 2023-02-26 14:46:17.352702+08 | 2023-02-26 14:46:17.354734+08 | Client          | ClientRead | idle in transaction|    43785370 |              | -7856242769374161054 | alter table instance_list add column type varchar(50) not null default 'rds'; | client backendt                    | 24583 | testdb  | 9744 |            |    24582 | admin   | psql             |             |                 |          -1 | 2023-02-26 14:4
6:45.833136+08 | 2023-02-26 14:46:48.770609+08 | 2023-02-26 14:46:48.770609+08 | 2023-02-26 14:46:48.770626+08 | Lock            | relation   | active             |             |     43785370 |                      | select * from instance_list limit 1;                                          | client backend
(2 rows)testdb=>


WARNING: process is terminated by: select pg_terminate_backend(9680), query is: alter table instance_list add column type varchar(50) not null default ‘rds’;
WARNING: process is terminated by: select pg_terminate_backend(9744), query is: select * from instance_list limit 1;


2023-02-26 14:48:37.792 CST,"admin","testdb",9850,"",63fb0068.267a,4,"SELECT",2023-02-26 14:47:04 CST,7/21,0,WARNING,01000,"process is terminated by: select pg_terminate_backend(9680), query is: alter table instance_list add column type varchar(50) not null default 'rds';",,,,,,,,,"psql","client backend",,-3764573643027268885
2023-02-26 14:48:37.792 CST,"admin","testdb",9680,"",63fb0031.25d0,1,"idle in transaction",2023-02-26 14:46:09 CST,4/16,43785370,FATAL,57P01,"terminating connection due to administrator command",,,,,,,,,"psql","client backend",,-7856242769374161054
2023-02-26 14:48:37.792 CST,"admin","testdb",9850,"",63fb0068.267a,5,"SELECT",2023-02-26 14:47:04 CST,7/21,0,WARNING,01000,"process is terminated by: select pg_terminate_backend(9744), query is: select * from instance_list limit 1;",,,,,,,,,"psql","client backend",,-3764573643027268885
2023-02-26 14:48:37.792 CST,"admin","testdb",9744,"",63fb0055.2610,1,"SELECT waiting",2023-02-26 14:46:45 CST,5/18,0,FATAL,57P01,"terminating connection due to administrator command",,,,,,"select * from instance_list limit 1;",15,,"psql","client backend",,0



而我们这里的方案是两个同级的子进程,先获取了query,然后紧接着去发送信号终止进程,这是个异步的过程,有细微的时间差(纳秒级别),获取query过程中假如连接数非常多,那么轮询匹配pid的过程可能就会久一些。那么假如批量select pg_terminate_backend(pid),pid,state,query from pg_stat_activity where xxx;杀连接的过程中,对于执行sql很快的活跃连接(比如单条sql执行1ms都不到这种)可能就会存在本来要杀这个sql,实际终止时已经执行到了其他sql。
我用pgbench做了测试,实例连接数20000的情况下,批量 杀2000 active连接,大约会出现20个pid是这个情况。

其实换个思路来想,假如我想杀一个pid ,这个pid执行的sql很快等我操作完pg_terminate_backend(pid)后可能已经是在执行其他query了。这种情况下是不可避免的,不过这个方案对于pg_terminate_backend(pid)的操作记录可以很准确的抓取到。


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