Trading University

Doc Brown’s Trading University is a for profit business operating in the SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NEC STANDARD INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION CODE (SIC) #8299.

We are a corporation organized under the laws of Nevada and headquartered in Las Vegas.

The mission of Trading University is to advance knowledge and educate students in family financial management, online platforms, investing, and trading of four key markets; stocks, futures, forex, and options.

In addition we constantly seek to develop other areas of scholarship that will best serve individual investors, their families, and the world in the twenty-first century.

Trading University is committed to gathering, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to help individuals learn skills allowing them, and the families they lead, to overcome financial challenges.

Trading University is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines study and the excitement of mastering practical application with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse academic and non-academic community.

We seek to develop in each member of the Trading University community the ability and passion to manage money wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of their family.  Trading University seeks to maintain the highest quality of customer service and ethical standards in the care of our students.

We measure the success of our customer service both quantitatively and qualitatively through our support website.

Education Team

Dr. Scott Brown

Dr. Scott Brown (Doc Brown) is a tenured professor of finance at the most prestigious university in the Caribbean; The University Of Puerto Rico Main Campus Rio Piedras.  As an active academically qualified researcher he routinely publishes in leading academic journals in the field of finance.   He is a tenured professor in the Graduate School of Business.

He holds a Ph.D. in finance from the University of South Carolina and an MBA from Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management in Phoenix, Arizona, ranked #1 by the U.S. News and World Report. His doctoral dissertation in futures and forex trading attracted the interest and sponsorship of the Chicago Board of Trade. Dr. Brown has published his academic investment research in The Journal of Financial Management, The Journal of Financial Research, The Journal of International Finance and Economics, The Review of Business Research, The International Journal of Business Research, and The European Journal of Management.  His paper, “Do Investment Newsletters Move Markets?,” was semi-finalist for best paper at the Financial Management Association annual 2010 conference in New York.  The author of numerous investment how-to-books, courses, and seminars, Scott Brown is an outspoken advocate of self-employment, self-investment, and self-enrichment through introspection, study, and self motivated action.  Scott is a 31 year veteran of the equity, bonds, futures, forex, and options markets. In addition to leading Trading University Dr. Brown is a tenured professor of finance at the University of Puerto Rico’s Graduate School of Business where he teaches doctoral and MBA investments, corporate finance, asset pricing, financial theory, and derivative trading classes. Dr. Brown is the director of Trading University.  His standard setting Oxford Club course, “Investment U’s How To Build A Million Dollar Portfolio From Scratch” is the Oxford Club’s number #1 selling course in its multi-decade history.

Dr. Brown heads up the education team at Trading University allowing him to fulfill his life passion of helping families master their finances; master the markets; become debt free; and retire both early and secure.

Mr. Lan Turner

Lan Turner is a major force behind the quality of education at Trading University.

Mr. Turner is the CEO of Gecko Software, Inc., and chief design architect of the line of Track ‘n Trade LIVE trading platforms, and charting software applications. 

Mr. Turner has been working in the financial industry for over 18 years, and has taught his Stocks, Futures & Forex trading ideas and concepts to clients, professional traders, and brokers from around the world.Mr. Turner has also been invited to present his unique style of trading at the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Education Centers on multiple occasions.

Mr. Turner is the Editor in Chief of PitNews Magazine; he’s an accomplished author, publisher, and public speaker, having taught live trading seminars across the US, as well as internationally.

You can find Mr. Turner’s line of trading software and educational courses on the web at:

Research Team

Prof. Eric Powers, Ph.D.

Professor Eric Powers is a co-researcher with Dr. Brown.  Together they explore contemporary topics in corporate finance, fixed income, market microstructure, and market returns.  Many of he leading edge trading tactics Dr. Brown teaches at Trading University come from this rich research background.

Eric A. Powers (Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998) is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. His research focuses on fixed-income policies of corporations as well as corporate capital investment policy and corporate restructuring. Dr. Powers’ research has appeared in leading peer-reviewed academic journals such as the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and Journal of Corporate Finance. At various times, Dr. Powers has taught introductory financial management at the undergraduate and masters levels, undergraduate fixed income security valuation, and the Ph.D. seminar in corporate finance.

Prof. Jose Cao Alvira, Ph.D.

Professor Jose Julian Cao-Alvira is a co-researcher with Dr. Brown.  Together they explore contemporary topics in currency markets (of which forex is a part), the real estate market collapse, and market returns.

Jose A. Cao-Alvira (Ph.D. Cornell University, 2004) is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Puerto Rico Graduate School of Business. His research focuses on international monetary theory, market returns, and economic bailout of GSEs. Dr. Cao’s research has appeared in leading peer-reviewed academic journals such as the Journal of Financial Management. At various times, Dr. Cao has taught MBA micro-economics, principles of finance, business statistics, and the Ph.D. seminar in financial econometrics.

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