
Playmaker the best-selling visual scripting tool on the Unity Asset Store, with over 2,800 reviews and a 5-star rating average.

Playmaker是Unity Asset Store上最畅销的视觉脚本工具,拥有超过2,800条评论和5星级评分。

出于各种原因,学习创造包括游戏在内的互动体验可能是一项挑战。 最大的挑战之一来自以下事实:从历史上看,编写交互式内容的主要模式是通过基于文本的编程。 (Learning to create interactive experiences, including games, can be a challenge for a variety of reasons. One of the biggest challenges arises from the fact that, historically, the main mode of authoring interactive content has been through text-based programming. )

免费获得Playmaker (Special Offer:
Get Playmaker Free)

For a limited time, Playmaker is included free with Unity Plus subscriptions as part of the Accelerator Pack, which also includes 2 other top-selling productivity assets (normally a $190 value total) that will help you fast track your development and get your project to the finish line faster.

在限定时间内,Playmaker随Accelerator Pack的一部分免费提供Unity Plus订阅,其中还包括其他2项最畅销的生产力资产(通常总价值190美元),可帮助您快速跟踪开发并将项目推向终点线更快。

学到更多 (Learn more)

In Unity, we support C# and Unityscript, with a primary focus on teaching people to program using C#.  When learning to create games with C#, there are two main areas that need to be understood: logic and syntax. We can think of the logic as ‘what is supposed to happen, in what order, or under what conditions’ and syntax as the language in which we communicate that to the compiler. Learning both of these things, simultaneously, for the first time can be very challenging.

在Unity中,我们支持C#和Unityscript,主要侧重于教人们使用C#进行编程。 学习使用C#创建游戏时,需要理解两个主要方面:逻辑和语法。 我们可以将逻辑视为“应该发生什么,以什么顺序或在什么条件下发生”,以及将语法视为与编译器进行通信的语言。 第一次同时学习这两项都是非常困难的。

Playmaker, a visual scripting tool created by Hutong Games, replaces the text-based paradigm with a visual metaphor. Logic is expressed through graphs that are wired together to create relationships and syntax is automatically expressed using pre-made ‘Actions’ that can be selected from a list.

Playmaker是Hutong Games创建的视觉脚本工具,用视觉隐喻代替了基于文本的范例。 逻辑通过连接在一起以创建关系的图形来表达,并且使用可以从列表中选择的预制“动作”自动表达语法。

Because of this, Playmaker can be a very useful tool for creators who are interested in exploring the logical side of creating interactivity without having to interface deeply with written code syntax.


Many users get stuck simply because they have neglected to place a semicolon, parenthesis, or other punctuation mark in the correct place and their code fails to compile, blocking their progress.


Removing the struggle with syntax allows creators to learn to ‘think like a programmer’ by focusing on creating logic for their game, without worrying about compiler errors.


For this reason, Playmaker presents a great opportunity for creators who are new to programming and want to begin creating interactive experiences — or even those who know that they have no interest in ever learning text-based programming but do want to be able to create interactivity.


看到它的行动… (See it in action…)

I recently conducted a live training on Playmaker that I’m sharing online now. In the video below, you’ll get a short introduction to the core concepts of Playmaker including applications for both player mechanics and enemy intelligence. You’ll learn how to set up an invisibility mechanic for the player, a patrolling robot enemy, and a turret that will fire when it shoots the player. This training is part of a three-part series highlighting Playmaker, Ultimate FPS, and Amplify Shader Editor. These three top-selling productivity tools are included in the Accelerator Pack, which is free with all new Unity Plus subscriptions for a limited time.

我最近在Playmaker上进行了现场培训,现在我正在在线分享。 在下面的视频中 , 您将简要介绍Playmaker的核心概念,包括播放器机制和敌人情报的应用程序。 您将学习如何为玩家设置隐形机制,巡逻的机器人敌人以及在射击玩家时会发射的炮塔。 该培训是一个分为三部分的系列的一部分,该系列重点介绍Playmaker,Ultimate FPS和Amplify Shader Editor。 这三个最畅销的生产力工具包含在Accelerator Pack中,所有新的Unity Plus订阅都可在有限时间内免费获得。




在限定时间内,加速包包括Playmaker,Ultimate FPS和Amplify Shader Editor(总价值190美元), 并随Unity Plus订阅免费提供。 (For a limited time, the Accelerator Pack, which includes Playmaker, Ultimate FPS, and Amplify Shader Editor (a $190 total value), is included free with new Unity Plus subscriptions.)

Along with the amazing value of the Accelerator Pack, you’ll enjoy the enhanced features of Unity Plus:

除了Accelerator Pack的惊人价值之外,您还将享受 Unity Plus 的增强功能 :

  • Editor Dark Skin UI

    编辑器Dark Skin UI

  • 1 month of free access to Unity Certification Courseware


  • Performance Reporting: troubleshoot and identify issues in real time


  • VIP Cloud Build Queue, enhanced Unity Analytics, Multiplayer, and more!

    VIP云构建队列,增强的Unity Analytics,多人游戏等!

For more information and frequently asked questions, please visit the Accelerator Pack page.

有关更多信息和常见问题,请访问Accelerator Pack页面。

已经是订阅者? (Already a subscriber?)

The Accelerator Pack is included with new Unity Plus and Pro subscriptions. If you subscribed to Plus or Pro in the past 30 days, you are eligible to receive the Accelerator Pack at no charge, simply contact Unity Support for assistance.

Accelerator Pack包含在新的Unity Plus和Pro订阅中。 如果您在过去30天内订阅了Plus或Pro,则有资格免费获得Accelerator Pack,只需与 Unity支持 联系即可 获得帮助。

For current Unity Plus and Pro subscribers, we are pleased to be able to offer you the Accelerator Pack for $75 —  a significant discount of 60% off the retail price of these assets. To claim your Accelerator Pack at this special discounted price, simply contact us at Inquiries will be processed in the order they are received.

对于当前的Unity Plus和Pro订户 ,我们很高兴能以75美元的价格为您提供Accelerator Pack,这些资产的零售价可享受60%的大幅折扣。 要以这个特别的折扣价申领您的Accelerator Pack,只需通过 与我们联系 。 查询将按照接收到的顺序进行处理。




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