
  • 1. 背景
  • 2. 定义
  • 3. 方法
    • 3.1. Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures
    • 3.2. PREPARING A WBS
  • 4. 示例

1. 背景

最近在《软件协同设计》课程中学习了WBS(Work Breakdown Structure)工作结构分解方法,在此进行总结。

2. 定义

WBS:工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure), 创建WBS是把项目工作按阶段可交付成果分解成较小的,更易于管理的组成部分的过程。

WBS是项目管理重要的专业术语之一。WBS的基本定义 :以可交付成果为导向对项目要素进行的分组,它归纳和定义了项目的整个工作范围每下降一层代表对项目工作的更详细定义。无论在项目管理实践中,还是在PMP,IPMP考试中,工作分解结构(WBS)都是最重要的内容之一。WBS总是处于计划过程的中心,也是制定进度计划、资源需求、成本预算、风险管理计划和采购计划等的重要基础。WBS同时也是控制项目变更的重要基础。项目范围是由WBS定义的,所以WBS也是一个项目的综合工具。

3. 方法

3.1. Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures

如何创建WBS,Project management Insitute 出版的 《Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures》 中对WBS做了详细的描述。


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The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) can be created new, or it can reuse com- ponents from other WBSs. When reusing existing components, WBS elements may be drawn from previous similar projects or from standard project templates that the organization has determined support accepted best practices.
The following sections in this chapter are presented as guides for use during the development of a WBS, and contain a number of topics for consideration:

  • 4.2 contains Guidelines for Preparation
  • 4.3 contains Basic Assumptions or Factors
  • 4.4 contains Measurement Considerations
  • 4.5 includes Project Challenges for Consideration
  • 4.6 aids in determining the Appropriate Level of Detail
  • 4.7 discusses WBS Life-Cycle Considerations
  • 4.8 addresses Risk Assessment
  • 4.9 contains guidance for use when considering Resource Planning.

Some of the sections can be used as checklists for the development and refine- ment of the WBS.


The WBS evolves through an iterative consideration of the project’s purpose and objectives, functional/performance design criteria, project scope, technical performance requirements, and other technical attributes. A high-level WBS can often be developed early in the conceptual stage of the project. Once the project is defined and specifications are prepared, a more detailed WBS can be developed.

The WBS can assist the project manager and stakeholders in developing a clear vision of the end product(s) of the project and of the overall process by which it will be created. With this in mind, the following should stimulate thought when developing a WBS to manage the project:

  • Think through the entire project. (Look at dividing high-level deliverables.)
  • Think deliverables. (What is to be provided/what is required?)
  • Think with the end in mind. (How will this component contribute to the finished deliverable?)
  • Think through the production of the deliverables. (What methods? What special processes? What quality requirements? What inspections?)

Have you formulated a vision of the final product in your mind?

  • What are its constituent parts?
  • How do the pieces work together?
  • What needs to be done?

These thoughts and questions are intended to help the project manager develop a clear statement of what the product of the project is—and to help answer the question, “How does one eat an elephant?” Answer: “One bite at a time!” The WBS is the technique for dividing “the elephant” into bite-sized pieces.

The following steps describe the general process for developing a WBS:

  • Step 1: Identify the final product(s) of the project—what must be delivered to achieve project success. A thorough review of high-level project scope documents (inputs such as statement of work [SOW], technical requirements documents, and so on) is recommended to ensure consistency between the WBS and the project requirements.
  • Step 2: Define the product’s major deliverables, which are often predecessor deliverables necessary for the project, but that in themselves do not satisfy a business need (e.g., a design specification).
  • Step 3: Decompose major deliverables to a level of detail appropriate for management and integrated control. These WBS elements normally tie to clear and discrete identification of stand-alone deliverable products.
  • Step 4: Review and refine the WBS until project stakeholders agree that project planning can be successfully completed and that execution and control will successfully produce the desired outcomes.

4. 示例


  • 1.0 Project Management

    • 1.1 Planning

      • 1.1.1 Develop Project Charter
      • 1.1.2 Define Scope
      • 1.1.3 Develop Resource Plan
      • 1.1.4 Develop Communication Plan
      • 1.1.5 Develop Risk Plan
      • 1.1.6 Develop Change Control Plan
      • 1.1.7 Develop Quality Plan
      • 1.1.8 Develop Purchase Plan
      • 1.1.9 Develop Cost Plan
      • 1.1.10 Develop Organization Plan
      • 1.1.11 Develop Project Schedule
    • 1.2 Meetings
      • 1.2.1 Conduct Kickoff Meeting
      • 1.2.2 Weekly Status Meeting
      • 1.2.3 Monthly Tactical Meeting
      • 1.2.4 Project Closing Meeting
    • 1.3 Administration
      • 1.3.1 Standards

        • Document Performance Standards
        • Document Reporting Standards
        • Document Naming Conventions
        • Document Housekeeping Standards
      • 1.3.2 Program Office
        • Develop Program Office Charter
        • Assign Program Office Resources
  • 2.0 Product Requirements

    • 2.1 Software Requirements

      • 2.1.1 Create Draft Software Requirements
      • 2.1.2 Review Draft Software Requirements
      • 2.1.3 Update Draft Software Requirements
      • 2.1.4 Review Final Software Requirements
      • 2.1.5 Software Requirements Approved
    • 2.2 User Documentation
      • 2.2.1 Create Draft User Documentation
      • 2.2.2 Review Draft User Documentation
      • 2.2.3 Update Draft User Documentation
      • 2.2.4 Review Final User Documentation
      • 2.2.5 User Documentation Approved
    • 2.3 Training Program Materials
      • 2.3.1 Create Initial Training Requirements
      • 2.3.2 Review & Approve Training Requirements
      • 2.3.3 Create Initial Training Materials
      • 2.3.4 Review & Approve Training Materials
      • 2.3.5 Conduct Trial Course Delivery
      • 2.3.6 Update and Finalize Training Materials
    • 2.4 Hardware
      • 2.4.1 Create Draft Hardware Requirements
      • 2.4.2 Review Draft Hardware Requirements
      • 2.4.3 Hardware Requirements Approved
    • 2.5 Implementation & Future Support
  • 3.0 Detail Software Design

    • 3.1 Create Initial Software Design
    • 3.2 Review Initial Software Design
    • 3.3 Update Initial Software Design
    • 3.4 Review Final Software Design
    • 3.5 Software Design Approved
  • 4.0 System Construction

    • 4.1 Configure Software
    • 4.2 Customize User Documentation
    • 4.3 Customize Training Program Materials
    • 4.4 Install Hardware
    • 4.5 Implementation & Future Support






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