Analyze & Save


GOAL: analyze and save data against requirements



  1. Create the indices hamlet-1 and hamlet-2, each with two primary shards and no replicas

    1. 创建两个索引,hamlet-1hamlet-2,让他们都有2个主分片没有副本
  2. Add some documents to hamlet-1 by running the following command
    1. 用下面的命令给hamlet-1添加一些数据

      PUT hamlet-1/_doc/_bulk
      {"line_number":"1.1.1","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Whos there?"}
      {"line_number":"1.1.2","speaker":"FRANCISCO","text_entry":"Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself."}
      {"line_number":"1.1.3","speaker":"BERNARDO","text_entry":"Long live the king!"}
      {"line_number":"1.2.1","speaker":"KING CLAUDIUS","text_entry":"Though yet of Hamlet our dear brothers death"}
  3. Add some documents to hamlet-2 by running the following command
    1. 用下面的命令给hamlet-2添加一些数据

      PUT hamlet-2/_doc/_bulk
      {"line_number":"2.1.1","speaker":"LORD POLONIUS","text_entry":"Give him this money and these notes, Reynaldo."}
      {"line_number":"2.1.2","speaker":"REYNALDO","text_entry":"I will, my lord."}
      {"line_number":"2.1.3","speaker":"LORD POLONIUS","text_entry":"You shall do marvellous wisely, good Reynaldo,"}
      {"line_number":"2.1.4","speaker":"LORD POLONIUS","text_entry":"Before you visit him, to make inquire"}
  4. Create the alias hamlet that maps both hamlet-1 and hamlet-2
    1. 创建一个叫hamlet的索引别名,同时指向hamlet-1hamlet-2两个索引
  5. Verify that the documents grouped by hamlet are 8
    1. 校验一下所有被hamlet覆盖的数据一共有8条


  1. 创建索引

    1. 清理现有数据

      DELETE hamlet
      DELETE hamlet-1
      DELETE hamlet-2
    2. 创建新索引

      PUT hamlet-1
      {"settings": {"number_of_shards": 2,"number_of_replicas": 0}
      PUT hamlet-2
      {"settings": {"number_of_shards": 2,"number_of_replicas": 0}
    3. 索引校验

      GET hamlet-1

      GET hamlet-2

  2. 插数据,命令如上 ⬆️ 略
  3. 创建别名
    PUT _aliases
    {"actions": [{"add": {"index": "hamlet-1","alias": "hamlet"}},{"add": {"index": "hamlet-2","alias": "hamlet"}}]
  4. 校验数据,GET hamlet/_count
    • 返回值
    {"count" : 8,"_shards" : {"total" : 4,"successful" : 4,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0}


  • 这题主要考察的是索引别名的使用,索引的别名类似操作系统里的快捷方式或者软连接,访问它就相当于访问了它所指向的所有的索引

    • 对索引别名的查询操作,ES会把它所保护的所有的索引作为一个整体进行召回和排序
    • 对索引别名的写操作只能作用在一个索引上,否则会报找不到特定索引的错,一般如果有类似使用场景的话可以考虑索引和别名1对1设置,或者对需要进行写操作的索引设置为写索引("is_write_index" : true
    1. 参考链接
    2. 页面路径:Indices APIs =》 Index Aliases


  1. Add a document to hamlet, so that the document:

    1. 添加一个满足下列要求的文档到hamlet
    2. has id “8”,
      1. id是“8”
    3. has “_doc” type,
      1. type是"_doc"
    4. has a field text_entry with value “With turbulent and dangerous lunacy?”
      1. 有个叫text_entry 的字段,值是 “With turbulent and dangerous lunacy?”
    5. has a field line_number with value “3.1.4”
      1. 有个叫line_number的字段,值是 “3.1.4”,
    6. has a field speaker with value “KING CLAUDIUS”
      1. 有个叫speaker的字段,值是"KING CLAUDIUS"
  2. Create a script named control_reindex_batch and save it into the cluster state.
    1. 创建一个满足以下条件的名字叫control_reindex_batch的script
    2. The script checks whether a document has the field reindexBatch, and
      1. 这script会去检查文档存不存在一个reindexBath字段
      2. in the affirmative case, it increments the field value by a script parameter named increment
        1. 如果存在,script会在原有的值上加上script参数里increment对应的值
      3. otherwise, the script adds the field to the document setting its value to “1”
        1. 否则,script就在原有的文档里加上这个字段,并把它设为1
  3. Create the index hamlet-new with 2 primary shards and no replicas
    1. 创建一个拥有2分片0副本的新索引,叫hamlet-new
  4. Reindex hamlet into hamlet-new, while satisfying the following criteria:
    1. hamlet里的数据通过下面的要求reindex到hamlet-new里面
    2. apply the control_reindex_batch script with the increment parameter set to “1”,
      1. 应用control_reindex_bath脚本,并且使用“1”作为increment的值
    3. reindex using two parallel slices
      1. 通过2个线程来进行这个reindex操作


  1. 添加数据

    POST hamlet/_doc/8
    {"text_entry": "With turbulent and dangerous lunacy?","line_number": "3.1.4","speaker": "KING CLAUDIUS"
  2. 创建script

    POST _scripts/control_reindex_batch
    {"script": {"lang": "painless","source": "if (null == ctx._source.reindexBath) { ctx._source.reindexBath = 1 } else { ctx._source.reindexBath += params.increments}"}
  3. 创建索引

    DELETE hamlet-new
    PUT hamlet-new
    {"settings": {"number_of_shards": 2,"number_of_replicas": 0}
  4. 做reindex操作

    POST _reindex?slices=2
    {"source": {"index": "hamlet"},"dest": {"index": "hamlet-new"},"script": {"id": "control_reindex_batch","params": {"increments": 1}}
    • 返回值
    {"took" : 556,"timed_out" : false,"total" : 8,"updated" : 0,"created" : 8,"deleted" : 0,"batches" : 2,"version_conflicts" : 0,"noops" : 0,"retries" : {"bulk" : 0,"search" : 0},"throttled_millis" : 0,"requests_per_second" : -1.0,"throttled_until_millis" : 0,"slices" : [{"slice_id" : 0,"total" : 6,"updated" : 0,"created" : 6,"deleted" : 0,"batches" : 1,"version_conflicts" : 0,"noops" : 0,"retries" : {"bulk" : 0,"search" : 0},"throttled_millis" : 0,"requests_per_second" : -1.0,"throttled_until_millis" : 0},{"slice_id" : 1,"total" : 2,"updated" : 0,"created" : 2,"deleted" : 0,"batches" : 1,"version_conflicts" : 0,"noops" : 0,"retries" : {"bulk" : 0,"search" : 0},"throttled_millis" : 0,"requests_per_second" : -1.0,"throttled_until_millis" : 0}],"failures" : [ ]
  5. 校验数据

    1. GET hamlet-new/_search(用来确定script中当reindexBath为空时,把它设为“1”的逻辑成功)

      {"took" : 1,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {"total" : 2,"successful" : 2,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0},"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 8,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "1","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "1.1.2","text_entry" : "Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.","speaker" : "FRANCISCO"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "5","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "2.1.2","text_entry" : "I will, my lord.","speaker" : "REYNALDO"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "2","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "1.1.3","text_entry" : "Long live the king!","speaker" : "BERNARDO"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "6","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "2.1.3","text_entry" : "You shall do marvellous wisely, good Reynaldo,","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "3","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "1.2.1","text_entry" : "Though yet of Hamlet our dear brothers death","speaker" : "KING CLAUDIUS"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "7","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "2.1.4","text_entry" : "Before you visit him, to make inquire","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "0","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "1.1.1","text_entry" : "Whos there?","speaker" : "BERNARDO"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "4","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "2.1.1","text_entry" : "Give him this money and these notes, Reynaldo.","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS"}}]}
    2. 重新运行上面 ⬆️ 的reindex命令 (用来确定script中当reindexBath不为空时,给他增加params.increments的逻辑成功)

      1. 把source里的index改成 hamlet-new
      2. 把dest里的index改成hamlet-new1
        POST _reindex?slices=2
        {"source": {"index": "hamlet-new"},"dest": {"index": "hamlet-new-1"},"script": {"id": "control_reindex_batch","params": {"increments": 1}}
      3. 运行GET hamlet-new-1/_search
        {"took" : 2,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {"total" : 1,"successful" : 1,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0},"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 8,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "hamlet-new-1","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "0","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 2,"line_number" : "1.1.1","text_entry" : "Whos there?","speaker" : "BERNARDO"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new-1","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "5","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 2,"line_number" : "2.1.2","text_entry" : "I will, my lord.","speaker" : "REYNALDO"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new-1","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "4","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 2,"line_number" : "2.1.1","text_entry" : "Give him this money and these notes, Reynaldo.","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new-1","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "1","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 2,"line_number" : "1.1.2","text_entry" : "Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.","speaker" : "FRANCISCO"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new-1","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "2","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 2,"line_number" : "1.1.3","text_entry" : "Long live the king!","speaker" : "BERNARDO"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new-1","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "6","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 2,"line_number" : "2.1.3","text_entry" : "You shall do marvellous wisely, good Reynaldo,","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new-1","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "3","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 2,"line_number" : "1.2.1","text_entry" : "Though yet of Hamlet our dear brothers death","speaker" : "KING CLAUDIUS"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new-1","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "7","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"reindexBath" : 2,"line_number" : "2.1.4","text_entry" : "Before you visit him, to make inquire","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS"}}]}


  • 这题主要考察的是对索引配合script进行reindex的操作,reindex命令可以在集群内部通过一些筛选/修改命令将源索引(单个或多个)写入满足条件的索引

    • 在这题中涉及到的script部分的用法,主要涉及到保存、作为pipeline处理数据等,其中比较容易出错的是在script里获取原始数据是通过ctx._source来实现的。在原数据中取值可以用ctx._source.fieldA或者ctx._source['fieldA']两种方式,但是对于非字符串数据可能需要通过ctx._source.fieldA.value等方式来获取它的真实值。
    1. 参考链接-scripting,参考链接-how-to-use-scripts,参考链接-accessing-document-fields
    2. 页面路径-scripting:Scripting
    3. 页面路径-how-to-use-scripts:Scripting =》 How to use scripts
    4. 页面路径-accessing-document-fieldds:Scripting =》 Accessing document fields and special variables


  1. Create a pipeline named split_act_scene_line. The pipeline splits the value of line_number using the dots as a separator, and stores the split values into three new fields named number_act, number_scene, and number_line, respectively

    1. 创建一个叫split_act_scene_line的pipeline,它需要能用"."做分隔符把line_number拆成3个字段,分别叫number_act, number_scenenumber_line
  2. To verify that an ingest pipeline works as expected, you can rely on the _simulate pipeline API. Test the pipeline on the following document:
    1. 你可以用下面的数据通过_simulateAPI来校验你的pipeline是否满足条件

      {"_source": {"line_number": "1.2.3"}
  3. Satisfied with the outcome? Go update your documents, then! Update all documents in hamlet-new by using the split_act_scene_line pipeline
    1. 结果还不错吧?那去把你到文档更新了吧!通过split_act_scene_linehamlet-new中所有的文档都更新掉


  1. 创建pipeline

    1. 数据拆分的pipeline

      {"split": {"if": "null != ctx.line_number && ctx.line_number.indexOf('.') > 0","field": "line_number","target_field": "line_number_array","separator": "\\."}
    2. 数据赋值的几种pipeline
      1. 从list/数组里依次取

        {"set": {"field": "number_act","value": "{{line_number.0}}"}
        {"set": {"field": "number_scene","value": "{{line_number.1}}"}
        {"set": {"field": "number_line","value": "{{line_number.2}}"}
      2. 通过script直接赋值
        {"script": {"source": """ctx.a1 = ctx.line_number.0;ctx.a2 = ctx.line_number.1;ctx.a3 = ctx.line_number.2;"""}
    3. 完整的pipeline(之一)
      PUT _ingest/pipeline/split_act_scene_line
      {"description": "split 'line_number' by '.' into 3 fields: 'number_act', 'number_scene' and 'number_line'","processors": [{"split": {"if": "null != ctx.line_number && ctx.line_number.indexOf('.') > 0","field": "line_number","target_field": "line_number_array","separator": "\\."}},{"script": {"source": """ArrayList array = ctx.line_number_array;if (null == array || 3 > array.length) { return; }ctx.number_act = array[0];ctx.number_scene = array[1];ctx.number_line = array[2];"""}}]
  2. 校验数据

    1. 完整写法

      POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
      {"docs": [{"_id": "1","_source": {"line_number": "1.2.3"}},{"_id": "2","_source": {"line_number": "1.2"}},{"_id": "3","_source": {"line_number": "1"}}],"pipeline": {"processors": [{"split": {"if": "null != ctx.line_number && ctx.line_number.indexOf('.') > 0","field": "line_number","target_field": "line_number_array","separator": "\\."}},{"script": {"source": """ArrayList array = ctx.line_number_array;if (null == array || 3 > array.length) { return; }ctx.number_act = array[0];ctx.number_scene = array[1];ctx.number_line = array[2];"""}}]}
      • 返回值
      {"docs" : [{"doc" : {"_index" : "_index","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "1","_source" : {"line_number_array" : ["1","2","3"],"line_number" : "1.2.3","number_act" : "1","number_scene" : "2","number_line" : "3"},"_ingest" : {"timestamp" : "2020-11-24T02:10:35.848893Z"}}},{"doc" : {"_index" : "_index","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "2","_source" : {"line_number_array" : ["1","2"],"line_number" : "1.2"},"_ingest" : {"timestamp" : "2020-11-24T02:10:35.848897Z"}}},{"doc" : {"_index" : "_index","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "3","_source" : {"line_number" : "1"},"_ingest" : {"timestamp" : "2020-11-24T02:10:35.848899Z"}}}]
    2. 由于我们之前已经把pipeline保存到集群里了,可以直接通过name调用,所以有个简单写法如下

      POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
      {"docs": [{"_id": "1","_source": {"line_number": "1.2.3"}},{"_id": "2","_source": {"line_number": "1.2"}},{"_id": "3","_source": {"line_number": "1"}}],"pipeline": {"processors": [{"pipeline": {"name": "split_act_scene_line"}}]}
      • 返回值和上面一种写法一致
      {"docs" : [{"doc" : {"_index" : "_index","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "1","_source" : {"line_number_array" : ["1","2","3"],"line_number" : "1.2.3","number_act" : "1","number_scene" : "2","number_line" : "3"},"_ingest" : {"timestamp" : "2020-11-24T02:13:19.631722Z"}}},{"doc" : {"_index" : "_index","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "2","_source" : {"line_number_array" : ["1","2"],"line_number" : "1.2"},"_ingest" : {"timestamp" : "2020-11-24T02:13:19.631727Z"}}},{"doc" : {"_index" : "_index","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "3","_source" : {"line_number" : "1"},"_ingest" : {"timestamp" : "2020-11-24T02:13:19.631729Z"}}}]
  3. 更新索引里所有数据

    POST hamlet-new/_update_by_query?pipeline=split_act_scene_line
    • 返回值
    {"took" : 144,"timed_out" : false,"total" : 8,"updated" : 8,"deleted" : 0,"batches" : 1,"version_conflicts" : 0,"noops" : 0,"retries" : {"bulk" : 0,"search" : 0},"throttled_millis" : 0,"requests_per_second" : -1.0,"throttled_until_millis" : 0,"failures" : [ ]
  4. 校验结果,GET hamlet-new/_search

    • 返回值
    {"took" : 2,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {"total" : 2,"successful" : 2,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0},"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 8,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "1","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"text_entry" : "Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.","line_number_array" : ["1","1","2"],"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "1.1.2","speaker" : "FRANCISCO","number_act" : "1","number_scene" : "1","number_line" : "2"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "5","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"text_entry" : "I will, my lord.","line_number_array" : ["2","1","2"],"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "2.1.2","speaker" : "REYNALDO","number_act" : "2","number_scene" : "1","number_line" : "2"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "2","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"text_entry" : "Long live the king!","line_number_array" : ["1","1","3"],"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "1.1.3","speaker" : "BERNARDO","number_act" : "1","number_scene" : "1","number_line" : "3"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "6","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"text_entry" : "You shall do marvellous wisely, good Reynaldo,","line_number_array" : ["2","1","3"],"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "2.1.3","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS","number_act" : "2","number_scene" : "1","number_line" : "3"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "3","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"text_entry" : "Though yet of Hamlet our dear brothers death","line_number_array" : ["1","2","1"],"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "1.2.1","speaker" : "KING CLAUDIUS","number_act" : "1","number_scene" : "2","number_line" : "1"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "7","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"text_entry" : "Before you visit him, to make inquire","line_number_array" : ["2","1","4"],"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "2.1.4","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS","number_act" : "2","number_scene" : "1","number_line" : "4"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "0","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"text_entry" : "Whos there?","line_number_array" : ["1","1","1"],"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "1.1.1","speaker" : "BERNARDO","number_act" : "1","number_scene" : "1","number_line" : "1"}},{"_index" : "hamlet-new","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "4","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"text_entry" : "Give him this money and these notes, Reynaldo.","line_number_array" : ["2","1","1"],"reindexBath" : 1,"line_number" : "2.1.1","speaker" : "LORD POLONIUS","number_act" : "2","number_scene" : "1","number_line" : "1"}}]}


  • 这一题主要考察的是各种pipeline的使用,需要注意的是,在考试时可能不需要过多的在意数据的归整形,但是在实际生产中可能会存在数据缺失、数据不规则、数据错误等,这就需要在设计pipeline等时候配合if参数以及on_failureignore_failure之类的公共参数了。

    • 本题涉及的pipeline包含拆分(split),赋值(set),脚本(script)和管道(pipeline

      • 其中split中使用的分隔符和Java里一样,是需要转译的[.] => [\.]
      • 对于数组/arraylist里的值,在ES里可以直接通过list.$idx的方式进行取值,但是要小心可能这个数组是空,或者因为数组不够长导致的index越界
      • ES里的脚本有个类似语法糖的存在,就是当脚本太长了,可以不用使用一对双引号框起来,而是用一对三个连续的双引号框起来一段话
    • 以及用来测试pipeline用的_simulate接口
    1. 参考链接-split,参考链接-set,参考链接-script,参考链接-pipeline,参考链接-pipeline-simulate
    2. 页面路径-split:Ingest node =》 Processors =》 Split Processor
    3. 页面路径-set:Ingest node =》 Processors =》 Set Processor
    4. 页面路径-script:Ingest node =》 Processors =》 Script Processor
    5. 页面路径-pipeline:Ingest node =》 Processors =》 Pipeline Processor
    6. 页面路径-pipeline-simulate:Ingest node =》 Ingest APIs => Simulate Pipeline API

Elastic Certified Engineer复习记录-复习题详解篇-索引数据(3)相关推荐

  1. Elastic Certified Engineer复习记录-复习题详解篇-索引数据(2)

    MAPPINGS AND TEXT ANALYSIS 索引和文档的分析(分词) GOAL: Model relational data 目标:规整带关系的数据模型 REQUIRED SETUP: 初始 ...

  2. Elastic Certified Engineer复习记录-复习题详解篇-索引数据(1)

    INDEXING DATA 存储(索引)数据 GOAL: Create, update and delete indices while satisfying a given set of requi ...

  3. Java期末复习题详解

    Java期末复习题详解 选择题 1 .class: .java: .cpp: .txt: 2 3 4 封装: 继承: 覆盖: 重载: 5 构造函数: 特点: 6 异常处理: 注:catch可以进行多重 ...

  4. 工作记录-代理服务详解

    工作记录-代理服务详解 一.代理服务 代理服务的实现,就是在服务器上安装代理服务的软件,让其成为一个代理服务器,从而实现代理技术而服务.分为三类,正向代理.反向代理和透明代理. 二.正向代理 1.原理 ...

  5. 大数据架构详解_【数据如何驱动增长】(3)大数据背景下的数仓建设 amp; 数据分层架构设计...

    背景 了解数据仓库.数据流架构的搭建原理对于合格的数据分析师或者数据科学家来说是一项必不可少的能力.它不仅能够帮助分析人员更高效的开展分析任务,帮助公司或者业务线搭建一套高效的数据处理架构,更是能够从 ...

  6. mysql c接口返回自增id_详解mysql插入数据后返回自增ID的七种方法

    引言 mysql 和 oracle 插入的时候有一个很大的区别是: oracle 支持序列做 id: mysql 本身有一个列可以做自增长字段. mysql 在插入一条数据后,如何能获得到这个自增 i ...

  7. mysql 新增返回主键自增id_详解mysql插入数据后返回自增ID的七种方法

    引言 mysql 和 oracle 插入的时候有一个很大的区别是: oracle 支持序列做 id: mysql 本身有一个列可以做自增长字段. mysql 在插入一条数据后,如何能获得到这个自增 i ...

  8. mysql影响行数解析_详解MySQL的数据行和行溢出机制

    一.行 有哪些格式? 你可以像下面这样看一下你的mysql行格式设置. 其实mysql的数据行有两种格式,一种就是图中的 compact格式,还有一种是redundant格式. compact是一种紧 ...

  9. Android 性能优化(62)---存检测、卡顿优化、耗电优化、APK瘦身——详解篇

    Android 性能优化,内存检测.卡顿优化.耗电优化.APK瘦身--详解篇 自2008年智能时代开始,Android操作系统一路高歌,10年智能机发展之路,如今 Android 9.0 代号P  都 ...


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  3. 《中国人工智能学会通讯》——5.31 制造服务的产生与聚合
  4. Linux kernel内核调用crypto算法的方法
  5. Spark简介,您的下一个REST Java框架
  6. java其他进程,Java进程优先于其他Windows进程
  7. 《大道至简》第二篇读后感
  8. varnish使用汇总
  9. eclipse android 慢,Android编译很慢(使用Eclipse)
  10. 保存远程图片到本地 同时取得第一张图片并创建缩略图
  11. Python入门之经典函数实例
  12. oracle数据库基础知识
  13. Android控件:在《第一行代码(第二版)》学习RecyclerView的踩坑经过
  14. CSS 的相对单位 em 与 ex
  15. 百度关键词搜索量查询,百度,谷歌关键词查询工具
  16. html 5标签读音,radish读音
  17. 使用iptables进行流量控制
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  19. commit规范使用gitmoji全流程 cz-customizable+commitlint+husky+conventional-changelog
  20. 删除桌面菜单中的图形选项


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  4. Android横竖屏加载不同的XML,Android横竖屏切换View设置不同尺寸或等比例缩放的XML解决方案...
  5. (转载)前端表格制作教程
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  7. PHPMailer 发送邮件 PHP
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