
Microsoft Teams is the company’s answer to the need for user-friendly digital collaboration software in the modern workplace. It competes with Slack and will replace Skype for Business as the premier platform for remote telework. Also, there’s a free version!

Microsoft Teams是该公司满足现代工作场所对用户友好型数字协作软件需求的答案。 它与Slack竞争,并将取代Skype for Business成为远程办公的主要平台。 此外,还有一个免费版本!

什么是微软团队? (What Is Microsoft Teams?)

Microsoft Teams is a collaborative communications app built for small businesses, large enterprises, and individuals like freelancers, clients, students, and teachers. Anyone who wants to work with others on files, especially those that use Office 365, can use Teams as the platform for getting the job done.

Microsoft Teams是为小型企业,大型企业以及诸如自由职业者,客户,学生和教师之类的个人而构建的协作通信应用程序。 任何想要与他人一起处理文件的人,特别是那些使用Office 365的人,都可以使用Teams作为完成工作的平台。

The app features VoIP, text, and video chat, alongside easily configured integration with Office and SharePoint, all inside a user-friendly interface. As a freemium platform, Teams allows workplaces of any size to share, meet, and work on files together in real-time through either a desktop app (for Windows/Mac/Linux), a slightly less functional web-based app, or mobile app (Android/iPhone/iPad).

该应用程序具有VoIP,文本和视频聊天功能,以及与Office和SharePoint轻松配置的集成,所有这些都在用户友好的界面内。 作为免费增值平台,Teams允许任何规模的工作场所通过桌面应用程序(适用于Windows / Mac / Linux),功能稍差的基于Web的应用程序或移动设备实时共享,开会和处理文件。应用程式( Android / iPhone / iPad )。

Teams was first conceptualized in 2016 when the Redmond tech giant chose not to purchase Slack for $8 billion, and instead decided to develop its own app as a replacement for Skype for Business. Independently owned, Slack features native integration with Google applications, much like Teams does with nearly all other Microsoft tools.

团队最初于2016年被概念化,当时雷德蒙德科技巨头选择不以80亿美元的价格收购Slack,而是决定开发自己的应用程序以替代Skype for Business。 Slack独立拥有,与Google应用程序进行本机集成,就像Teams与几乎所有其他Microsoft工具一样。

Teams will eventually become the built-in workplace communications app for one of the world’s most popular operating systems (Windows) and productivity suites (Office 365). Even if you choose an alternative for your organization, you can expect a tremendous amount of business to happen through Teams. It’s easy to send anyone outside your organization a quick one-time-only invite to a private meeting, so you might just receive a Teams link for your next video call.

团队最终将成为内置的工作场所通信应用程序,用于世界上最流行的操作系统(Windows)和生产力套件( Office 365 )之一。 即使您为组织选择了替代方案,您也可以期望通过团队进行大量的业务。 向组织外部的任何人发送一次一次性的快速邀请来参加私人会议很容易,因此您可能仅会收到下一个视频通话的“团队”链接。

Microsoft’s educational initiatives like Microsoft Teams for Education have made it a great solution for classrooms as well. Teachers can create assignments, organize gradebooks, and make interactive quizzes through Microsoft Forms. There’s also a sizable app store that provides connectivity with relevant third-party apps like Flipgrid, Turnitin, and MakeCode.

Microsoft的教育计划(例如Microsoft Teams for Education)也使其成为教室的绝佳解决方案。 老师可以创建作业,组织成绩簿,以及通过Microsoft Forms进行交互式测验。 还有一个相当大的应用程序商店,可提供与相关第三方应用程序(例如Flipgrid , Turnitin和MakeCode)的连接。

微软团队做什么? (What Does Microsoft Teams Do?)

At its core, Teams simplifies and categorizes all the various interpersonal interactions that need to happen in a business with employees that need to communicate digitally. Beyond the world of business, it can be used by just about any group doing anything that requires digital communication and collaboration.

从本质上讲,Teams对需要与需要进行数字化沟通的员工进行的各种人际互动进行简化和分类。 超越商业世界,几乎所有从事数字通信和协作需求的团队都可以使用它。

The basic structure of teams begins when you create an organization. The people you invite to this organization (e.g., “My Classy Business”) are presented with different teams (e.g., Marketing, IT, Classroom #4), depending on how you manage permissions. In these teams, you (or users with admin access) can create public or private channels (e.g., Announcements, Project #21, Pop Quiz). Channels are where you can chat in organized threads, share digital files, and even collaborate on them in real time, depending on the integrations you’ve set up.

团队的基本结构始于创建组织时。 根据您如何管理权限,邀请您邀请该组织的人员(例如,“我的经典业务”)由不同的团队(例如,营销,IT,第4教室)参加。 在这些团队中,您(或具有管理员访问权限的用户)可以创建公共或私人渠道(例如,公告,Project#21,Pop Quiz)。 渠道是您可以在其中进行有组织的聊天,共享数字文件,甚至可以实时协作的渠道,具体取决于您已建立的集成。

Microsoft’s Advisor for Teams simplifies the process of setting up your organization. Once you’re up and running, you can set up virtual meetings and conferences and start creating, editing, and sharing files from Office 365 or any file storage service you want to integrate. The third-party app integrations in Teams make it easy to set up any integration or service you might need.

Microsoft的团队顾问可以简化组织的设置过程。 一旦启动并运行,就可以设置虚拟会议和会议,并开始从Office 365或要集成的任何文件存储服务中创建,编辑和共享文件。 通过Teams中的第三方应用程序集成,可以轻松设置您可能需要的任何集成或服务。

You can access these apps directly from Teams by clicking the “Apps” button in the bottom-left corner of the desktop application.


微软团队的费用是多少? (What Does Microsoft Teams Cost?)

For no cost at all, you can create an organization in Teams and invite up to 300 people (or unlimited users if you’re an accredited academic institution). Members of your Teams organization can be grouped into teams or channels with group audio and video calling and 10 GB of cloud storage (plus 2 GB per person).

完全免费,您可以在团队中创建一个组织并最多邀请300人(如果您是认可的学术机构,则可以邀请无限的用户)。 您可以将团队组织的成员分为具有小组音频和视频通话以及10 GB云存储(每人另加2 GB)的团队或渠道。

Plus, outside of the integration with nearly every Microsoft app, you can also connect Teams to apps from Google, Adobe, Trello, Evernote, and hundreds more.


If you and less than 300 people need to chat over text, voice, and video, while sharing and collaborating through Office 365, you can start using Teams for free right now. If you need access to official support, more storage, better security, more features for meetings, or integration with Microsoft’s SharePoint, Yammer, Planner, and Stream apps, you’re looking at $5 per user per month. Beyond that, access to desktop versions of other Office apps like Outlook and Word, along with higher data caps and a few other features, will cost you $12.50 per user per month.

如果通过Office 365共享和协作时,您和少于300人需要通过文本,语音和视频聊天,则可以立即免费使用Teams 。 如果您需要获得官方支持,更多的存储空间,更好的安全性,更多的会议功能或与Microsoft的SharePoint,Yammer,Planner和Stream应用程序集成的权限,则每位用户每月只需$ 5 。 除此之外,访问其他Office应用程序(如Outlook和Word)的桌面版本以及更高的数据上限和其他一些功能,每位用户每月的费用为$ 12.50 。

These prices are slightly higher if you opt for a monthly commitment instead of renewing your subscription annually. You can view a full breakdown of the pricing structure for Teams on the official Microsoft website.

如果您选择每月承诺而不是每年续订,则这些价格会略高。 您可以在Microsoft官方网站上查看Teams定价结构的完整细分。

微软团队vs Slack (Microsoft Teams versus Slack)

IBM chose Slack for all its employees. The NFL chose Teams for its players, coaches, and staff. This competition between the two biggest digital collaboration apps has made the two more similar than ever before as they race to incorporate the features that a wide range of diverse workplaces need to be successful in the modern digital age.

IBM为所有员工选择了Slack 。 NFL为球员,教练和员工选择了球队。 两个最大的数字协作应用程序之间的竞争使两个应用程序比以往任何时候都更加相似,因为他们竞相融合各种功能,这些功能是现代数字化时代成功所需要的。

Although it’s quite common to see these two platforms compared, individual advantages like the free file storage limits (Microsoft’s 2 GB vs. Slack’s 5 GB) might change over time as one company moves to compete with the other. Both offer freemium plans, although Microsoft’s first paid tier ($5) is slightly less expensive than Slack’s ($6.67).

尽管经常将这两个平台进行比较,但是随着一家公司开始与另一家公司竞争,免费文件存储限制(Microsoft的2 GB与Slack的5 GB)之类的个人优势可能会随着时间而改变。 两者都提供免费增值计划,尽管微软的第一个付费级别(5美元)比Slack的价格(6.67美元)要便宜一些。

For larger enterprises especially, Teams currently has an edge over Slack by providing more features like conference scheduling, detailed meeting recordings, and multi-user screen sharing. Both platforms support bots, have apps on every operating system, and offer deep levels of customization. But overall, any differences will continue to lessen as more features become standardized across platforms.

特别是对于大型企业,Teams通过提供更多功能(例如会议安排,详细的会议记录和多用户屏幕共享),在Slack方面具有优势。 这两个平台都支持bot,在每个操作系统上都有应用程序,并提供深层次的自定义。 但是总的来说,随着更多功能跨平台标准化,任何差异都将继续减少。

The biggest differentiator between Slack and Teams is the fact that the latter belongs to Microsoft. This means that Teams has far superior native integration with Office 365, even in the free version. Meanwhile, Slack primarily integrates with Google products, among others (including Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint). Many of these integrations are mutual, but some are not; find out which app integrates with the software and third-party platforms you’ll be using to conduct your business, and decide accordingly. There are always other platforms for digital collaboration and working remotely, like Discord or Google Hangouts.

Slack和Teams之间最大的区别是,后者属于Microsoft。 这意味着,即使在免费版本中,Teams也具有与Office 365更好的本机集成。 同时,Slack主要与Google产品(包括Microsoft Office 365和SharePoint)集成。 这些集成中有许多是相互的,但有一些不是相互的。 找出哪个应用程序与您将用来开展业务的软件和第三方平台集成在一起,并做出相应的决定。 总有其他平台可以进行数字协作和远程工作,例如Discord或Google Hangouts 。

Choosing Microsoft Teams as your platform for digital communication and collaboration mostly depends on what you’ll be using it for, and whether or not it integrates with the other software you use. For most of today’s digital communications platforms, it all boils down to you, your organization, and how practical or meaningful the various features actually are to you.

选择Microsoft Teams作为您的数字通信和协作平台主要取决于您要使用它什么,以及它是否与您使用的其他软件集成。 对于当今的大多数数字通信平台,一切都归结为您,您的组织以及各种功能实际上对您的实用性或意义。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/661203/what-is-microsoft-teams-and-is-it-right-for-my-business/



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