Under immense pressure to prioritize engagement and growth, technology platforms have created a race for human attention that’s unleashed invisible harms to society. Here are some of the costs that aren’t showing up on their balance sheets.

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The Next Generations

Making Sense of the World

Attention and Cognition

Why It Matters

Technology’s constant interruptions and precisely-targeted distractions are taking a toll on our ability to think, to focus, to solve problems, and to be present with each other.


The level of social media use on a given day is linked to a significant correlated increase in memory failure the next day. Assessing nearly 800 people aged 25-75, research showed similar effects irrespective of age and of the user’s memory levels on previous days. These effects occur in one direction only: levels of social media use predict later memory failure, but levels of memory failure do not predict social media use on subsequent days.

Draining attention

The mere presence of your smartphone, even when it is turned off and face down, drains your attention. An experimental study of several hundred adults showed that both working memory and the ability to solve new problems were drastically reduced when their phones were turned off but present on their desks, as opposed to being in another room. Ironically, participants who said they were highly dependent on their phones showed the greatest increase in memory and fluid intelligence scores when their phones were moved to the other room. Researchers noted that smartphones act as “high-priority stimuli,” unconsciously draining significant attentional resources even when we consciously ignore them.

A meta-analysis of several dozen research studies indicates that higher levels of switching between different media channels is significantly linked to lower levels of both working memory and long-term memory. Given the current Extractive Attention Economy, and the increasing number of social media platforms and apps competing to capture our attention, basic human capacities — such as our memories — are increasingly under attack.

Physical and Mental Health


The greater your level of Facebook addiction, the lower your brain volume. MRI brain scans of Facebook users demonstrated a significant reduction in gray matter in the amygdala correlated with their level of addiction to Facebook. This pruning away of brain matter is similar to the type of cell death seen in cocaine addicts.

Social Relationships

Politics and Elections

Systemic Oppression

Do Unto Others

Why It Matters
Many tech leaders don’t allow their own children to use the products they build — which implies they’re keenly aware that the products from which they make so much money from pose risks, especially for young users.

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