


@OverrideAutoConfiguration(enabled = false)
public @interface WebMvcTest {/*** Properties in form {@literal key=value} that should be added to the Spring* {@link Environment} before the test runs.* @return the properties to add* @since 2.1.0*/String[] properties() default {};/*** Specifies the controllers to test. This is an alias of {@link #controllers()} which* can be used for brevity if no other attributes are defined. See* {@link #controllers()} for details.* @see #controllers()* @return the controllers to test*/@AliasFor("controllers")Class<?>[] value() default {};/*** Specifies the controllers to test. May be left blank if all {@code @Controller}* beans should be added to the application context.* @see #value()* @return the controllers to test*/@AliasFor("value")Class<?>[] controllers() default {};/*** Determines if default filtering should be used with* {@link SpringBootApplication @SpringBootApplication}. By default only* {@code @Controller} (when no explicit {@link #controllers() controllers} are* defined), {@code @ControllerAdvice} and {@code WebMvcConfigurer} beans are* included.* @see #includeFilters()* @see #excludeFilters()* @return if default filters should be used*/boolean useDefaultFilters() default true;/*** A set of include filters which can be used to add otherwise filtered beans to the* application context.* @return include filters to apply*/Filter[] includeFilters() default {};/*** A set of exclude filters which can be used to filter beans that would otherwise be* added to the application context.* @return exclude filters to apply*/Filter[] excludeFilters() default {};/*** Auto-configuration exclusions that should be applied for this test.* @return auto-configuration exclusions to apply*/@AliasFor(annotation = ImportAutoConfiguration.class, attribute = "exclude")Class<?>[] excludeAutoConfiguration() default {};}

2、@WebMvcTest注解默认扫描 @Controller, @ControllerAdvice, @JsonComponent, Converter/GenericConverter, Filter, WebMvcConfigurer and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver这些组件,但是不会扫描 @Component, @Service or @Repository等组件,所以如果单独使用@WebMvcTest进行controller接口进行单元测试时,一般还要与@MockBean注解协同使用,下面给出一种用法:

private RemoteService remoteService;
private Reverser reverser;
void exampleTest() {
// 模拟RemoteService服务someCall接口调用返回值
String reverse = reverser.reverseSomeCall();



1、通过@WebMvcTest与@MockBean(Mock controller里面定义的Service接口)注解



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