

For Knowledge Itself Is Power’。 This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point in my life when I am about to complete my graduation and my future spreads in front of me like a dream, this adage has never influenced my life more than this before。

Knowledge and proper training are essential to succeed in today's highly competitive world。 The best place where I can achieve this is in the United States of America - the undisputed leader in developing new products and processes。

Not only is America the birthplace of my chosen field of study, it has also nurtured it for it's full growth and continuous development。

To achieve my goals, I want to pursue a Master's program in Computer Science。 It is the ideal way for me to gain the knowledge and skills to stand tall as a computer professional。

During my undergraduate studies, I acquired a comprehensive knowledge of computer hardware in all its complexity。 I also learnt of diverse software and their applications。

The highly dedicated teaching staff of my college taught me the various concepts involved in the field of computer engineering。

Some of the subjects I studied were computer graphics, computer methodology and algorithms, logic circuits, principles of communication engineering, C programming, object oriented programming as well as programming using different tools。

I take a keen interest in Networking and Database Management Systems。 As a part of my final year curriculum, I am working on a project with one of the India's finest web-site designing companies - MicroGiga Info。

Sys。 Ltd。 The aim of the project is to create a web-site。 The web-site, called "Jobs4All", aims to provide the user with a job depending upon his qualifications。

Various database concepts', programming scripts and the maintenance of a server are some of the features included in our web-site。

Some of the products and tools used are ASP scripts, Java scripts, Microsoft Access '97, Personal Web Server, etc。 I am also interested in System Programming。

For this very reason, I have selected Compiler Construction as the elective subject for my final year。

There is truly no end to learning, as this has become a world where a constant addition to abilities is the key to growth in a dynamic world。

I am fortunate to belong to a family that places a high value of education。 I have been given all the encouragement and facility to develop my talents and interests。

I have completed several courses in public speaking and leadership training。 Sports, music and reading also fill my life。

I was also one of the organizer's for the Open Software competition in TECHNOMANIA '98, which is an inter-college festival annually, organized annually by my college。

I am also an active participant in various events held in other institutes。

I seek to fulfill my goals in an environment that encourages creativity and motivation。

I feel confident that the staff and facilities in your institute will provide me with such an environment。 I am well aware of the demands of studying in the more competitive American environment。

I am certain that I am mentally and physically competent to succeed at your school。 I am basically a hard working and a sincere person。

My enthusiasm and urge to excel will help me to make the best use of every learning opportunity。

In conclusion I would like to say that the knowledge gained from 4 years of engineering has provided me with a solid foundation。

This will certainly help me in my desire to specialize in my chosen field。 My country India has a thriving software industry。

I aim to study abroad and return with the skill and competence to find my mark and be a vital part of this booming, futuristic industry。

I assure you of my sincerity, dedication and hard work。



For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to the various sub-fields of Computer Science (CS)。

However, our syllabus has focused mainly on "traditional" CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPU systems。 We have had barely a glimpse of the newer technologies that are likely to change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future。

The desire to examine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt for graduate study。

Most of my interests are in the fields related to information systems and sharing of computing power and resources。

I am interested in Database management systems。 We have had a course on this topic in our undergraduate program and I would like to explore it greater detail。

Another subject that I would like to study further is that of Distributed Operating systems, a topic which we studied briefly under the course on Operating systems。

Networking is the third field I consider interesting enough to study in greater depth。 We have not yet had a course on this subject but I have a fair amount of knowledge through independent reading。

I have tried, throughout my undergraduate career, not to restrict my activities to those imposed by the syllabus。 I have been a member of the organizing team of my college’s annual intercollegiate technical festival。

I have participated in an Internet Workshop conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, whose aim was to explain the underlying concepts used in the Net such as routing, domain naming, protocols & also to give an overview of Internet related languages such as HTML, VRML, JavaScript and Java。

I have also attended a seminar on E-commerce organized by Verifone India Ltd, an Indian subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard。 These seminars have given me " extra" information which was not possible through the undergraduate program。

In addition, I have participated in Software Developing Competition where I had developed ‘Graphical Sorting Tutor’ in C along with my co-developers。

This project sought to demonstrate and explain the various sorting techniques graphically。 I am also developing an Intranet e-mail Client and Server in Java as my final year project。

This will be developed using SMTP & POP3 protocols with minimal MIME conformance。 These projects have exposed me to the industry standards in software development along with the invaluable experience I gained from them。

The fact that more than five of the faculty of your department are working on subjects that I would like to pursue further, especially information systems, parallel computing, and distributed systems, and that your department is nationally ranked has in large part determined my decision to apply to your university。

I also believe that I possess the capacity for hard work & the motivation required to perform well in an undergraduate program as competitive as yours。

Since my economic resources permit me to partially fund myself for the duration of graduate course, I request you to consider me for any form of financial aid such as teaching and research assistantships。

In conclusion, it is my belief that a higher degree in CS from an esteemed university like yours will prepare me for the challenges of the rapidly evolving computer industry。


Statement of Purpose

Applicant: (Name of Student)

Proposed Department and Degree: Ph。D。 in Computer Science

Semester and year that the student is applying for: Fall Semester, 2001

Introduction and Undergraduate Background

As an applicant to Carnegie Mellon University's doctoral program in Computer Science, I am very glad to have an opportunity in introducing my study objectives to you。

I received a B。S。 degree from Yeungnam University, which is considered to be among the best engineering schools in South Korea, in February 1996。

I majored in Computer Engineering。 Throughout four undergraduate courses, I completed the several fundamental courses related to both software and hardware areas of research。

The courses were as follows: Operating Systems, Data Structures, Numerical Analysis, Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics, Compilers, Software Engineering, Programming Languages and Practice, DBMS, System Programming and Practice, Data Communication, Digital Logic Design, Microprocessor Laboratory and VLSI System Design。

Moreover, as a term project, I designed an 8-Bit microprocessor。

Work Experiences

My work experience started in 1996。

I was employed at the Business Communication R&D group in Samsung Electronics company。 Samsung is one of the top research & development company in several business areas in South Korea, and in the telecommunications and semiconductor sectors in the international economy。

I was assigned to the Business Communication Developing team at Samsung and developed DBMS of the digital Keyphone switching system。

Due to the characteristics of the Keyphone exchange system, we did not use a commercial DBMS product。 I developed a DBMS product, using HP UNIX and C languages in two years and six months。

The management's strategy at Samsung Electronics was in supporting wireless telecommunications technology as one of major information & communication business areas。

I was selected as one of the most qualified engineers to join the Wireless Communication Development group in July 1998。

The wireless team was developing CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) cellular phones。

I was assigned to the GSM team。 My job was developing a GSM cellular phone, which used satellite communications technology。

As a preceding project of developing a cellular telephone that uses satellite telecommunication technology, we developed GSM/DCS dual band cellular telephone (SGH-2200)。

In this project, I developed a MMI (Man Machine Interfaces) of SGH-2200 using Visual Basic for the menu frame and Borland C++ for the main modules。

I also developed a GINI debugging tool that analyzed the content of signals between phone and base stations in a GSM network。

Moreover, I went on business trips to Europe to test our product in the field where service providers operate GSM networks, and on these business trips, I acquired practical experience in the field。

While developing telecommunication network systems in several countries, I was strongly motivated in applying both theory and practice in research。

For example, I learned about the relevant theories in university and acquired the professional and technical skills in designing and implementing products in the field。

While doing so, I realized that I wanted to increase and deepen my knowledge in computer science。 Therefore, I decided to leave Samsung in August 1999 and work as a researcher at the KwangJu Institute of Science and Technology (K-JIST)。

Graduate Studies

In September 1999, I was enrolled in graduate courses as a full time student at K-JIST。 K-JIST is a fully government supported research institute of higher education and a cutting edge of research center in South Korea。

K-JIST is a leading research institute of higher education for the following reasons。 The ratio of students to professors is 5:1; Graduate students are few in number and high in international academic standards Research is conducted in conjunction with industrial and governmental support and acts as a catalyst in the technology transfer process。

Since the medium of instruction at K-JIST is English, and we study with both international students and faculty, I enhanced my English writing and conversation skills。

I completed both intermediate and advanced technical writing and English conversation courses。 English skills specific to professional communications and science and technical subjects were acquired in

K-JIST 's English for Science and Technology (EST) language program。

My academic interests were distributed systems and mobile software agent。 I completed related courses such as Advanced Discrete Mathematics, Distributed Algorithms, Distributed and Parallel Computing, Database Design, Selected Topics on Distributed Systems, Concurrent System Theory。

I received both praise and strong support from my professors in these areas of research。

Research and Project Experience

My research interests are designing distributed systems and mobile software agents。

For example, I was assigned to do a project in designing and implementing a mobile agent system。 The project was one of the projects of KOSEF (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation) and it was entitled "X-MAS: Mobile Agent Platform for Workflow systems" (July 1998)。

I designed and implemented an inter-agent communication infrastructure using Java software。 After that, I wrote a thesis about my research result and it was entitled "Design of Inter-Agent Communication Infrastructure for Agent-based Workflow System" (April 2000)。

The thesis was accepted by KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) in a Spring Conference (April 2000) and I received the top award。

Research Interests and Specific Goal

After considering my interests and reviewing all information about departments of compute science in several universities, I decided to apply to Carnegie Mellon University's doctoral program leading to a Ph。

D。 degree at Carnegie Mellon University。 Professor M。 Satyanarayanan's current research interests and projects are very likely to meet my expectations regarding a Ph。

D。 research project。

My research interests are as follows:

1) Mobility and Scalability in distributed systems

2) Reliable distributed file system

3) High-performance distributed computing

As a computer engineer, I have a strong background in computer science, professional and technical skills in programming and about four year's development experiences in the field。

As a researcher, I have a strong theory base in distributed systems and project experiences in design and implementation of mobile agent systems。

I am familiar with all the fundamentals and practical experiences in my research field。

What I hope to gain from doctoral studies at Carnegie Mellon University is an acquisition of advanced knowledge and the ability to carry out independent research。

Upon completion of my Ph。D。 degree, I will seek to pursue my studies with the aim of applying my knowledge towards the solution of specific problems in the field of distributed systems at Carnegie Mellon University, or another research institute。

It is my hope that my participation in relevant research projects will contribute in the development of new and signicant knowledge in the field of information and communications technology。

I appreciate your attention and consideration in reading this statement。

Sincerely yours


I would like to build on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph。

D。 degree in computer science at a distinguished university。 I wish in particular to be trained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AI and knowledge-based systems。

My ultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chinese university。 I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program will help me realize my goal。

Having worked in both academia and industries, I have narrowed down my career interest to teaching and researching, although I can also appreciate the value of other types of career。

I feel that, by teaching and researching at an advanced level within the context of a university, I can make the most contribution to the progress of science and technology in my country。

This is because, to a large developing country like China, the propagation of scientific and technological knowledge is at least as important as the development of cutting-edge expertise。

Enough people are already devoted to mastering the state-of-the -art in computer science, but not nearly enough people are prepared to spend their life training new generations to be better than they are。

As a computer professional, I am versed in a full range of computer knowledge and skills。 As a graduate student, I devoted the better part of my time to doing research on data consistency, a topic that is fundamental not only to the database itself but also to data mining。

In my Master's thesis, I proposed, under the most commonly used division of schemes, a new computing method that strikes the best balance to date between cost and computation performance。

In the capacity of a system analyst and project engineer, I have worked with all kinds of software applications, and created a lot of my own as well。

I once provided a model for the routine on form, which dominates daily operations in many offices。 Some of my work already stands on fore front of the technological progress in China。

Some time ago, I met the President of the New Technology Development Company affiliated with Beijing University, one of China's most distinguished higher-learning institution。

He told me that about their new product, a program of textual search within whole context, which can identify text titles and text intelligently。

Much to my surprise, I found that the program was virtually the same as the form-based handling system。 If I had done a proper job in disseminating what I had done, there would be this repetition of work。

I have developed some insights about the WWW technology, which is now part of the normal office environment。 Its widespread use has generated a lot of demands for change in the format of both the web server and the web browser。

One answer to some of the demands is being met by the adoption of the intranet technology。 With it, the architecture of CGI, +SQL DB+WEB SERVER has become a popular topic。

I tried my hand in this area several years ago, and would dearly love to enhance my expertise。

The ands-on experience in so many different areas has endowed me with string sensitivity to changes and progress in computer science, particularly to problems that arise out of routine work。

I am known among my colleagues for my ability to ask the right questions at the right moment, especially when dealing with DB, query tools, office models and the Internet。

With further training, I hope to be able to combine ANN or other AIs with DB for information handling。 I am glad to say that my competence at independent research will serve me well as I try to put my ideas into practice。

In view of the above, I would greatly appreciate it if you could accept me into your program and offer me whatever financial you might be able to。

By giving me an opportunity to study under your seasoned guidance, you will produce not only another computer scientist but also a computer scientist who will spawn many other computer scientists。


A fourth-year student grounded solidly in the basics of computer science, I am writing in pursuit of graduate studies that I hope can help me acquire cutting-edge expertise in software programming in general and parallel processing in particular。

Intrigued by the power of the computer since high school, I have been trying to stay on top of the computer science by concentrating my undergraduate studies on those subjects that underpin the discipline, particularly mathematics and electronics。

To build up my solid knowledge in these subjects, I have taken virtually all the related courses that the university has had to offer。

These courses include Algorithm & Data Structure, Mathematical Modeling, Network Theory, Digital Circuit, Discrete Mathematics, and Electric Circuit。

With a sophisticated understanding in these areas, I have been well positioned to appreciate the basic theories of computer science and their applications to software development。

Aided by the firm command of the basics, I have found it not only easy but also exciting to study the various subjects covered by my major。

As most of my classmates, I took a variety of courses ranging from AI to Computer Network, from AI Programming to Knowledge Engineering, from Pattern Recognition to Software Engineering, and from Database Design to Programming Language Design。

But I distinguished myself by my academic record, which places me as one of the very top students in my class。 My grades in these course never went below A or B。

I have also stood out as one of the few who have taught themselves Real Time System and Computer Graphics。

Armed with sound training in the basic theories and applied technologies, I have been able to move on into deeper and wider areas of computer science。

Early in my university life, I began to understand that the modern computer's base, the Turing machine, was reaching its limits in AI。

Gradually, I have narrowed down my research interest to parallel & distributive computing, which I understand can significantly boost the performance of personal computers by giving them some of the functions of mainframe computers。

Of all the areas of computer science, parallel processing fascinates me the most。 The term first came to me when I read the book Computer Organization & Design: the Hardware/Software Interface as part of my Computer Architecture course。

By teaching me how the performance of computers can be improved through pipelining and parallel processing, the book reshaped my thinking in computer science。

My lab experience deepened my understanding of parallel processing。 In my third year, I worked on a GIFT project with Dr。

Komatsu, chief researcher of IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory and Dr。 Koseki, one of Dr。 Komatsu's colleagues。 The project was to introduce the architecture supports that can allow compilers to derive more parallelism from programs。

These architecture supports include three designs, a conditional execution mechanism to execute instructions without normal conditional jump instructions, speculative execution mechanism, and a dynamic memory disambiguation mechanism to execute memory access instructions simultaneously。

As undergraduate students seldom get to be involved in actual research, I took full advantage of the opportunity of working in the lab。

I particularly enjoyed the seminars held twice a week as part of the lab work。 At these seminars, I engaged in in-depth discussions with Master's students under Dr。

Komatsu's seasoned guidance。 The lab experience is adding weight and insights to my graduation paper An Improvement of Software pipelining using Loop Transformations。

In this paper, I will introduce a translation algorithm using loop interchange and loop skewing。 This algorithm can minimize the initiation interval of loop nest to improve the performance of software pipelining。

Through my lab experience and other research, I have developed a long-term professional objective: the advancement of the parallel processing technology。

While I have strong faith in this technology, I also know its limitations as it is today。 Some sequential algorithms can't be easily translated into fast parallel algorithms and most compilers can only distribute works on one platform。

Another unsettled problem is that programming parallel computers is now still a manual work。 But even the modern language (like Java, C++) can do some automatic translation work。

If a compiler can be developed to translate and distribute work into different platforms, personal computers will be able to work like mainframe computers at a fraction of the mainframes' costs。

This will make it possible to connect all the computers in the world and speed up all the processes。

To help take the parallel processing technology beyond what is capable of today, I have to undertake more advanced studies。

This, I believe, can only be accomplished in a quality graduate program like yours。 I plan to pursue a master's degree with a concentration on paralleling and distributing compilers, operating systems or computer networks, a combination thereof。

With the training that goes into such an advanced degree, I think I will be able to take great strides towards fulfilling my professional objective。

When I do, I think I will be standing on the cutting-edge of the computer science。


Computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for this reason I have found my A-level courses extremely interesting。

This also has maintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers。

I have studied mathematics, physics and computing to A-level and also during the first year at Hills Road Sixth Form College I re-took my GCSE English。

Last year and this year I have been improving my self-learning, and developing many skills with the help of the key skills qualifications and A-level General Studies。

My sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist。 Specifically, I am interested in exploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificial intelligence。

I also want to learn about human cognition and machine intelligence。 I have been studying the online debate over whether machines will ever become "intelligent" given the current course of research and reading about such issues as whether a machine can acquire "common sense" (as discussed in Hubert Dreyfus's book “What Computers Still Can't Do”)。

I have been exploring many different areas within the domain of artificial intelligence (such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing)。

The bottom line is that I want to be a part of this exciting field。

Over the summer I traveled to Russia, and thoroughly enjoyed exploring a very different part of the world。

My other interests include current affairs and sports, such as football, tennis and general fitness。 Ever since the start of sixth form I have been a successful member of the college football team。

I have played basketball as an enrichment activity because it was a new sport to me at the beginning of sixth form。 I also participated in a 5-a-side indoor football tournament at the college。

In addition to pursuing my academic studies I would like to continue some of these sports at university。


Knowing where one is heading during navigation brings assured happiness。

As a student majoring in Computer Software, I began my odyssey four years ago。 Now, after the initial mysticism was gradually unveiled, my curiosity remains the same。

Indeed, having entered this splendid computer world, I am more than greedy for something new。

From the beginning of my study, my endeavor was fixed on the underlying branches of Computer Science, particularly System Software development。

Novel applications on other’s platform may be fruitful, but I think it’s more appealing to act as an independent “manager”。

In fact, mathematics, OS, DBMS and modern compiler are all the examples, any breakthrough of which would push forward the whole industry。

Individuality is achieved in this unique position。

My paces toward this goal are always steady。 As mathematics permeates to the every corner of Computer Science, I am eager to see how it functions。

I took courses offered by the Mathematics Department including Mathematical Analysis and Advanced Algebra。 The curriculum also covered Discrete Mathematics, Probability & Statistics and Theoretical Computer Science。

As supplement to my scope of knowledge, I learn by myself Combination Mathematics and the Science of Programming。 This really made a hard period of time, but the harvest was rewarding。

I come to understand that even the most irrelevant software disciplines have the origins in common。 The importance of Fractured Geometry in Computer Graphics is already obvious。

What if a step furthers toward TSP or Bin Packing? Immeasurable。 Then came my favorite topics: Operating System, Compiler and Database。

I worked hard and derived bits of my own insight。 In fact, I was greatly encouraged to find some of my ideas successfully implemented in the corresponding course projects。

My final grade is straight “As” in these coursed。 In short, although my experience in Computer Science is still limited, I believe its depth is well accessible。

As my advisor, Prof。 Fang Yu, put it figuratively in one of his lectures: “ It makes no difference whether a hunter captures 5 or 7 rabbits。

What counts is he knows how to use his gun。”

I think I can be the qualified shooter now。 in my undergraduate years, I have earned various kinds of scholarships, among which were “Peking University Fellowship” and “Excellent Academic Scholarship”。

My overall GPA ranks upper 10% among 48 students of the same grade。 Because of my satisfactory performance, I was granted the honor of entering the graduate program at Peking University directly, waived of the admission test。

In retrospect, my workload is always heavy but it is worth my time of effort。 Presently, I have both adequate theoretical understanding and rich programming experience。


Of all the sub-areas of Computer Science, my major interest is parallel processing and the related compiler construction。

The terminology of parallel processing came to me when I read an article about digital circuit testing。 According to this article, there exist many serial approaches of solving the automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) problem。

Though certain method of solving ATPG sometimes proved efficient, the computation time for a method of solving ATPG sometimes proved efficient, the computation time for a complete result is intolerable, the a parallel processing machine is proposed。

Using paralleled ATPG method, this NP complete dilemma is ingeniously handled。 After reading, I surprisingly realized that parallel processing opened a new window for the computationally intensive problems, which prove intractable for the VON NEUMANN Architecture。

You can always first split a specific computational task into several independent divisions, then assign each part to a certain processor。

With reasonable partition and proper synchronization, most grueling scientific applications can be reduced to normal scale problems。

With the advent of the multiprocessor architecture, compiler optimization faced a new challenge。 A compiler not only has to translate, but it is also responsible for generating parallel-processing loop provides a rich opportunity of exploiting parallelism。

Therefore, finding an optimum strategy for loops because a hot research topic。 On the whole, parallelism changes our view toward the conventional computer architecture so that the compiler’s construction must make the corresponding modification。

Because of this challenging characteristic, I choose them to be my interest of future study。

Yet parallel processing is far from maturity。

It has been observed that some sequential algorithms can be easily translated into fast parallel algorithms while some others may not。

Is every sequential computation can be done efficiently in parallel? If not, what properties result in such distinction? Another unsettled problem is programming parallel computers now is like programming serial computers in the 1960s。

Programmers get locked into a particular manufacturer’s computers。 Is it possible for us to design a higher level language for parallel computers that hides the underlying machine architecture from users? Both are crying out for solution。

Without advanced knowledge, I can do nothing but wait。 In order to convert my undergraduate study into full play, graduate education is a necessity。

From the college guide and my advisor’s recommendation, I am pleased to learn that your department has an academic atmosphere where originality is appreciated and individual potential is explored。

It will be the best place for my specialized study。 If possible, my main interest in the future will be in the following areas:

Parallel processing, Compiler construction。

Distributed/concurrent systems, Operating system。

Machine learning, Automated fault diagnosis。

As my undergraduate education is very basic, if you feel that I am more suited for some other areas, any of your suggestion would be highly appreciated。

Upon the completion of my study, I would return to Peking University and teach what I’ve learned to the students。 Then I shall establish a research center to experiment new ideas。

It is my ultimate goal to see the Chinese computer products leading the global market in the next century。 After all, the navigation is not over yet!


I would like to apply to do a Management degree。

Having acted as Managing Director on a Young Enterprise Team whilst doing my ‘AS’ levels, I came up with innovative ideas tha。



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