Stock Transport Scheduling Agreement 


Display a scheduling agreement with its delivery schedule. Record a goods receipt and analyze its effects on the stock/requirements list and the delivery schedule.
显示一个带有交运计划的计划协议. 记录一个收货, 及分析它对MRP库存/需求清单和交运计划的影响.

A scheduling agreement has been created for material R-1310 and plant 1000 as the supplier. Manually created delivery schedule lines are displayed. Comparison with the stock/requirements list during the process of recording the goods receipts against the scheduling agreement illustrates the effects of these receipts.
此计划协议的供应工厂为1000, 物料为R-1310.

The scheduling agreement has already been created. It is advisable to use this scheduling agreement for demo purposes in order to avoid a proliferation of data in the system. If existing schedule lines no longer suffice, you can simply create new ones. The scheduling agreement (SA) is valid until 31.12.2000. You can, of course, extend it if you wish. In this case, the schedule lines were created manually. The IDES process for the stock transport order illustrates how scheduling agreement schedule lines can be created automatically through the requirements planning (MRP) process.

In the following process chain, it is to be assumed that a strategic (long-term) purchasing operation is initiated by the materials planner, involving the setting up of a vendor scheduling agreement for a certain material. Up to now, the material has been procured on the basis of discrete purchase orders. The materials planner gives instructions to Purchasing with regard to the material and the validity period of the new long-term purchase agreement.

Process Flow

You can find the data for this process under   Data Used During This Process  

  Changing the Sched. Agreement and Displaying the Source List  更改计划协议及显示货源清单

  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

Logistics ® Materials Management ® Purchasing ® Outline Agreement ® Scheduling Agreement ® Change.

Transaction Code


  1. On the Change Scheduling Agreement: Initial Screen, enter the following data:





  1. Choose  .
  2. On the Change Scheduling Agreement: Item Overview screen, enter the following data:



Target quantity


  1. Choose  .
  2. On the Change Scheduling Agreement: Header Data screen, enter the following data:



Validity end

End of the current year

  1. Choose  .

To skip any warning messages, choose  .

  1. On the Change Scheduling Agreement: Item Overview screen, select the first item and choose  .

On the Change Scheduling Agreement: Item ### screen, you see the target quantity and other details.

  1. Choose  .

On the Change Scheduling Agreement: Item ### Additional Data screen, you see the firm and trade-off zones. Select a value with the cursor and press F1 to get help documentation regarding the significance of the field. You will see this data again in the SA delivery schedule.

  1. From the menu bar, choose Environment ® Source List.

The fields that appear on the left of the Display Source List: Overview Screen indicate the validity periods. The Fixed indicator shows that the scheduling agreement entered is the only allowed source for the material R-1310 in plant 1200. The materials planning key determines whether schedule lines are MRP-relevant and whether they can be generated automatically.

  1. Choose  to return to the Change Scheduling Agreement: Item Overview screen.
  2. Choose  .

If the dialog box Save Document? appears, choose Yes.

The system informs you that the stock transport scheduling agreement has been changed.

  1. Click  until the overview tree appears.

  Changing the Scheduling Agreement Delivery Schedule  更改计划协议交运计划

  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the Outline Agreement node, choose Scheduling Agreement ® Delivery Schedule ® Maintain.

Transaction Code


  1. On the Maintain Scheduling Agreement Schedule: Initial Screen, enter the following data:





  1. Choose  .
  2. On the Maintain Scheduling Agreement Schedule: Item Overview screen, select the first item displayed and choose  .

The Maintain Scheduling Agreement Schedule: Delivery Schedule for Item ### appears.

The system now shows you all the schedule lines created to date. Note the date formats, the time, the scheduled quantities, and the Fixed indicator.

  1. To create a new delivery schedule line, enter the following in the first free line:



D (date category)


Delivery date

Today‘s date

Scheduled quantity




Statistics-relevant delivery date

Today‘s date

  1. To skip any warning messages, choose  .
  2. Choose  .

If, in the dialog box Save Document, the system informs you that no message record was found, choose Yes.

Alternatively, you can specify the message record in the master data for Purchasing. In the dialog box Save document, keep choosing No until you are able to return to the overview tree. From the Purchasing node, choose Master Data ® Messages ® Sch. Agmt. Schedule ® Change. Enter LPET in the Message type field. Choose Continue. Choose Key combination. In the dialog box Key combination, choose the entries Message determination, Purchasing, and Document type. Choose  . Enter LU in the Purchasing document type field and then choose . Choose Communication. Enter a printer assigned to your workplace in the Output device field. Choose . Return to the overview tree and start again with step 2.


In the status line, the system informs you that the stock transport scheduling agreement has been changed.

  1. Click  until the overview tree appears.

  Displaying the Stock/Requirements List 

  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the Materials Management node, choose Material Requirements Planning ® MRP ® Evaluations ® Stock/Reqmts List

Transaction Code


  1. Enter the following data on the tab page Individual Access of the Stock/Requirements List: Initial Screen:






1200 (Ordering plant)

  1. Choose  .

Among other things, the Stock/Requirements List: as of xx:xx Hrs. screen provides you with an overview of the SA delivery schedule lines. They are identified by the entry SchLne.

  1. Overwrite the existing entry in the Plant field with the entry 1000 (supplying plant).
  2. Choose  .

You see the relevant SA releases with the entry SAgRel. The source of the requirement is now shown.

  1. Note the next possible delivery date for the line with the entry SAgRel in the Date field.
  2. Click  until the overview tree appears.

  Creating a Delivery Note in the Supplying Plant: Delivery List  在供应工厂创建一个交货单: 交货清单


The transportation functionality controls and monitors the entire transportation process as a central element of the supply chain. Transportation processing is integrated as a distinct element within the Sales and Distribution menu.


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the Logistics node, choose Sales and Distribution ® Shipping and Transportation ® Outbound Delivery ® Create ® Collective Processing of Documents Due for Delivery ® Purchase Orders.

Transaction Code

VL10B, VL02N, LT03, VL03N

  1. Enter the following data on the Purchase Orders: Fast Display screen:



Shipping point/receiving point


Delivery creation date from

One week before today’s date

Delivery creation date to

One week after today’s date

Take care that all further input fields remain empty (and that the content of any other populated fields is deleted).

  1. Choose  .

The delivery list is created and displayed on the Activities Due for Shipping: Purchase Orders, Fast Display screen.

  1. Select the item that belongs to your purchase order.
  2. Choose  Background.

The system confirms the transaction and draws your attention to a log that has been created for it.

  1. Choose  to display the log.

The CPIC and RFC Control screen appears.

  1. Select your item in the Group field and choose Documents.

Note the delivery document number shown in the Document field. It will be needed in one of the following steps.

  1. Click  until the overview tree appears.
  2. From the Shipping and Transportation node, choose Outbound Delivery ® Change ® Single Document.
  3. On the Change Outbound Delivery screen, enter the following data:




Your delivery document number


  1. Choose  .

The Change Replenishment Delivery ####: Overview screen appears.

  1. Choose Subsequent Functions ® Create Transfer Order.

Respond to the question in the dialog box End Document Processing with Yes.

  1. On the Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note: Initial Screen, enter the following data:



Warehouse number





Your delivery document number

Process Flow


Adopt picking quantity


  1. Choose  .

The system generates a transfer order for the picking of the delivery quantities. Option 2 (Adopt picking quantity) ensures that the goods issue posting is made at the same time as the delivery.

  1. Click  until the overview tree appears.





  Goods Receipt from Stock in Transit 

  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the Inventory Management node, choose Goods Movement ® Goods Receipt ® For Purchase Order ® PO Number Known.

Transaction Code


The Goods Receipt for Purchase Order <User> screen appears.

  1. In the upper part of the screen, choose the entry Purchase order in the for field.
  2. Enter the following data:



Purchase order


  1. Choose  .

The system copies the header data of the purchase order into the header data area of the GR document.

The purchase order items appear in the GR item overview.

The PO number you entered appears in the Current purchase order field, and the PO number field is once again ready to accept input.

If you click on individual items, the system displays an item data screen (allowing you to change the incoming quantity, for example).

  1. In the header data area of the General tab page, enter the following data:
  2. Select your item, then choose the Where tab page at the bottom of the screen to check your organizational data.
  3. If necessary, enter the following data:



Document date

Today's date (default)

Posting date

Today's date (default)



Movement type




Storage location


  1. On the Quantity tab page, enter the following data:



Quantity in unit of entry


Here you enter a smaller quantity than specified so that you are left with a residual quantity in the next process step, which you can post as a goods receipt.

  1. Set the OK indicator for your item in the item overview area and then choose Post.

To skip any warning messages, choose  .

The system confirms the posting and assigns a material document number. Make a note of this number.

  1. Click  until the overview tree appears.

  Generating a Goods Receipt as a Replenishment Delivery 

  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the Inventory Management node, choose Goods Movement ® Goods Receipt ® For Purchase Order ® PO Number Known.

Transaction Code


The Goods Receipt for Purchase Order <User> screen appears.

  1. In the upper part of the screen, choose the entry Outbound delivery in the for field.
  2. Enter the following data:
  3. Choose  .



Outbound delivery

Delivery document number

The system copies the header data of the purchase order into the header data area of the GR document.

The purchase order items appear in the GR item overview.

The PO number you entered appears in the Current purchase order field, and the PO number field is once again ready to accept input.

If you click on individual items, the system displays an item data screen (allowing you to change the incoming quantity, for example).

  1. In the header data area of the General tab page, enter the following data:
  2. Select your item, then choose the Where tab page at the bottom of the screen to check your organizational data.
  3. If necessary, enter the following data:



Document date

Today's date (default)

Posting date

Today's date (default)



Storage location



  1. Set the OK indicator for your item in the item overview area of the screen and then choose Check.

In the dialog box Information, the system confirms that the document is OK.

  1. Choose  .
  2. On the tab page Quantity, make the following changes:



Quantity in unit of entry


  1. Choose Post.

The system confirms the posting and assigns a material document number. Make a note of this number.

  1. Click  until the overview tree appears.

  Displaying Effects on Stock/Reqts. List and Delivery Schedule 

  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the Materials Management node, choose Material Requirements Planning ® MRP ® Evaluations ® Stock/Reqmts List

Transaction Code

MD04, ME38

  1. On the Stock/Requirements List: Initial Screen, enter the following data:





MRP area

Delete the existing entry



  1. Choose  .

The system shows you a new value (which has been reduced by the GR quantity) for the next possible schedule line.

  1. Click  until the overview tree appears.
  2. From the Purchasing node, choose Outline Agreement ® Scheduling Agreement ® Delivery Schedule ® Maintain.
  3. On the Maintain Scheduling Agreement Schedule: Initial Screen, enter the following data:






  1. Choose  .
  1. On the Maintain Scheduling Agreement Schedule: Item Overview screen, select the first item and choose  .

The Maintain Scheduling Agreement Schedule: Delivery Schedule for Item ### screen appears.

The table provides you with an overview of the delivery schedule lines with the associated release values.

  1. Click  until the overview tree appears.

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