⌘当前价格: $ 0.00

⌘支持系统: Intel 64 / OS X


⌘服务支持: 官方页面


累计下载次数: 209

MAMP stands for: Mac, Apache, MySQL and PHP. With just a few mouse-clicks, you can install Apache, PHP and MySQL for OS X! It installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your OS X computer, be it PowerBook or iMac. Like similar packages from the Windows- and Linux-world, MAMP comes free of charge. Similar to a Linux-distribution, MAMP is a combination of free software and thus it is offered free of charge. MAMP is released under the GNU General Public License and may thereby be distributed freely within the boundaries of this license. Please note: some of the included software is released using a different license. In these cases, the corresponding license applies. MAMP was created primarily as a PHP development environment for Mac, and should therefore not be used as live Webserver for the Internet. In this case, we recommend that you use OS X server with the provided Apache or a Linux server.

MAMP stands for: Mac, Apache, MySQL and PHP. With just a few mouse-clicks, you can install Apache, PHP and MySQL for OS X! It installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your OS X computer, be it PowerBook or iMac. Like similar packages from the Windows- and Linux-world, MAMP comes free of charge. Similar to a Linux-distribution, MAMP is a combination of free software and thus it is offered free of charge. MAMP is released under the GNU General Public License and may thereby be distributed freely within the boundaries of this license. Please note: some of the included software is released using a different license. In these cases, the corresponding license applies. MAMP was created primarily as a PHP development environment for Mac, and should therefore not be used as live Webserver for the Internet. In this case, we recommend that you use OS X server with the provided Apache or a Linux server.

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