

from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
import numpy as npdef crop_img_idex(mask, begin, stop, order = True):if order:sequen = 1else:sequen = -1id = 0  # 这里不先赋值 就会报错local variable 'id' referenced before assignmentfor id in range(begin, stop, sequen):if mask[id] > 0:breakreturn iddef whether_to_rm(mask, bottom = False):to_rm = Trueif not bottom:if mask[1] > 0:to_rm = Falseprint("无边框可以移除")elif bottom:if mask[-1] >0:to_rm =Falseprint("无边框可以移除")return to_rmdef remove_one_edge(Img, imarray, top = True, bottom = False, left = False, right = False, diff = False):# top 0 h-1 bottom h-1 0 left 0 w-1w = Img.width  # 图片的宽h = Img.height  # 图片的高w_begin, h_begin, w_new, h_new = 0, 0, w, hif top or left:judge = imarray[0, 0]elif bottom == 1 or right:judge = imarray[h - 1, w - 1]mask = np.sum(imarray != judge, axis=-1) > 0if top or bottom:mask1 = np.sum(mask, axis=-1)if not whether_to_rm(mask1, bottom=bottom):return Imgif top:h_begin = crop_img_idex(mask1, 0, h)h_begin = h_begin + 1print(f"将要剪裁上边界至像素{h_begin}")elif bottom:h_new = crop_img_idex(mask1, h-1, 0, order=False)h_new = h_new - 1print(f"将要剪裁下边界至像素{h_new}")if left or right:mask2 = np.sum(mask, axis=-2)if not whether_to_rm(mask2,bottom=right):return Imgif left:w_begin = crop_img_idex(mask2, 0, w)w_begin = w_begin + 1print(f"将要剪裁左边界至像素{w_begin}")elif right:w_new = crop_img_idex(mask2, w-1, 0,order=False)w_new = w_new - 1print(f"将要剪裁右边界至像素{w_new}")Img = Img.crop((w_begin, h_begin, w_new, h_new))return Imgdef rm_edges(Img,imarray,edge ):w = Img.width  # 图片的宽h = Img.height  # 图片的高w_begin, h_begin, w_new, h_new = 0, 0, w, hif edge.all == np.array([0,1,0,1]).all:judge = imarray[h - 1, w - 1]else:judge = imarray[0, 0]mask = np.sum(imarray != judge, axis=-1) > 0maskud = np.sum(mask, axis=-1)masklr = np.sum(mask, axis=-2)if edge[0]==1:h_begin = crop_img_idex(maskud, 0, h)h_begin = h_begin + 1print(f"将要剪裁上边界至像素{h_begin}")if edge[1]==1:h_new = crop_img_idex(maskud, h - 1, 0, order=False)h_new = h_new - 1print(f"将要剪裁下边界至像素{h_new}")if edge[2]==1:w_begin = crop_img_idex(masklr, 0, w)w_begin = w_begin + 1print(f"将要剪裁左边界至像素{w_begin}")if edge[3]==1:w_new = crop_img_idex(masklr, w - 1, 0, order=False)w_new = w_new - 1print(f"将要剪裁右边界至像素{w_new}")Img = Img.crop((w_begin, h_begin, w_new, h_new))return Imgdef remove_edge(img, edge = None, style = "diff"):"""img: 传入图片,格式为PIL格式,np格式,或者是路径edge: 为一个list[x,x,x,x] x为0或者1,如果为1则代表去除这条边的边框,顺序分别为上下左右,同时为1的两条边的边界可以是一样的也可以是不一样的,默认选项为diffstyle:["same", "diff"],same 表示去除的几个边的框框的像素值需要是一样的,diff表示只要框的一条边上像素值是一样的就可以去除当edge没传参的时候,默认按照上下左右顺序,尽可能去掉大宽度的边框"""if type(img) == str:img = Image.open(img)imarray = np.array(img)elif type(img) is np.ndarray:imarray = imgimg = Image.fromarray(imarray)elif type(img) is PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile:imarray = np.array(img)else:print("对象既不是地址,也不是数组,PngImageFile")return 0#print(type(edge))if type(edge) == list:edge = np.array(edge)print(  (type(edge) is np.ndarray and (edge.ndim != 1 or edge.shape != (4,))) )if (type(edge) is None) and (type(edge) is not np.ndarray  or (type(edge) is np.ndarray and (edge.ndim != 1 or edge.shape != (4,)))):print("edge 传入参数错误!")return imgif edge is not None and sum(edge) != sum(edge == 1):# 修正edge的数值for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:if edge[i]<0:edge[i] = 0elif edge[i]>0:edge[i] = 1if edge is not None and sum(edge) == 0:print("无需修改")return imgw = img.width  # 图片的宽h = img.height  # 图片的高if edge is not None and sum(edge) == 1:# 这个情况下 无论是diff还是same都是一样的img = remove_one_edge(img, imarray, edge[0]==1, edge[1]==1, edge[2]==1, edge[3]==1)print(1)elif edge is not None and sum(edge) == 2:edge1 = edge.reshape(2, 2)if np.sum((np.sum(edge1, axis=-1) == 2)):# 这里是对边 对边是区分diff和 same的print("这里是对边")if style == "diff":img = remove_one_edge(img, imarray, edge[0]==1, False, edge[2]==1, False)imarray = np.array(img)img = remove_one_edge(img, imarray, False, edge[1] == 1, False, edge[3] == 1)elif style == "same":img = rm_edges(img, imarray, edge)elif edge is not None and np.sum((np.sum(edge, axis=-1) == 2)):#这里是临边 临边其实不区分print("这里是临边")img = rm_edges(img, imarray, edge)elif edge is not None and sum(edge) >= 2:img = rm_edges(img, imarray, edge)elif edge == None:img = remove_one_edge(img, imarray, True, False, True, False)imarray = np.array(img)img = remove_one_edge(img, imarray, False, True, False, True)return img
path = "E:\\docu\\QQ\\file\\frame000.png"
img = Image.open(path)
#imarray = np.array(img)
# type(imarray)  imarray.shape imarray.ndim
img = remove_edge(img, [1,0,1,0])
print(img.width, img.height)


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