If you have local videos stored on your Android phone, there’s no shortage of ways to give them a watch. But that doesn’t mean all options are created equally—these are the best video apps for Android.

如果您在Android手机上存储了本地视频,那么就会有很多方法让他们观看。 但这并不意味着所有选项都创建相同,而是适用于Android的最佳视频应用。

Before we get into that though, we need to make it clear that these are apps for watching locally-stored videos. They are not for streaming services like YouTube or Netflix. This is all about watching videos stored on your phone, regardless of whether you shot them with your camera or downloaded them from somewhere.

不过,在进行讨论之前,我们需要明确这些是用于观看本地存储的视频的应用程序。 它们不适用于YouTube或Netflix等流媒体服务。 这一切都是为了观看存储在手机上的视频,无论您是用相机拍摄还是从某个地方下载它们。

最佳总体奖:Android VLC(免费) (The Best Overall: VLC for Android (Free))

When it comes to video players on pretty much any platform, it’s hard to not consider VLC. It’s open source, free, and can play pretty much any kind of video file you’d throw at it. All that combined makes VLC an easy choice for the “best” player on Android.

当涉及几乎所有平台上的视频播放器时,很难考虑VLC 。 它是免费的开源软件,几乎可以播放您要扔给它的任何类型的视频文件。 所有这些结合使VLC成为了Android“最佳”播放器的轻松选择。

VLC also offers compatibility with subtitles and closed captions, as well as a media library, folder support, multi-track audio, aspect ratio adjustment, and a widget. It can also stream videos over your local network.

VLC还提供与字幕和隐藏式字幕的兼容性,以及媒体库,文件夹支持,多轨音频,高宽比调整和小部件。 它还可以通过本地网络流式传输视频。

Not only is it a great video player, it’s also a full-featured audio player with EQ and support for essentially every audio format out there.


And it does it all for free. Just download it already.

而且它是免费的。 只需下载它 。

最适合拍摄摄像头的视频:Google相册(免费) (The Best for Camera-Shot Video: Google Photos (Free))

If all you’re looking to do is re-watch the videos you took with your phone’s camera, then Google Photos is the way to go. It’s already a powerful tool for all your photo and backup needs, but it’s also great for watching videos—and even small edits.

如果您只是想重新观看用手机相机拍摄的视频,那么Google相册就是您的最佳选择。 它已经是满足您所有照片和备份需求的强大工具,但它对于观看视频( 甚至进行少量编辑)也非常有用。

With Photos, you can watch all the videos you’ve shot with your camera (and many others that are stored locally on your device, though the supported file formats are limited), share them directly with other apps, and trim or cut clips if you need to.


It’s a simple, but useful tool—and one that you probably already have on your phone. If not, however, it’s free in the Play Store.

这是一个简单但有用的工具,而且您可能已经在手机上使用了。 但是,如果没有,则可以在Play商店中免费获得 。

最适合投放视频的视频:LocalCast(免费,不同的IAP) (The Best for Casting Videos: LocalCast (Free, Varying IAP))

Watching videos on your phone is cool and all, but it’s also nice to take advantage of the much bigger screen in your living room. That’s a huge part of what makes Google’s Chromecast such a nice thing to have, and LocalCast is the best app for a solid casting experience.

在手机上观看视频很酷,但利用客厅更大的屏幕也很不错。 这是让 Google的Chromecast拥有如此令人愉悦的东西的很大一部分, LocalCast是实现可靠铸造体验的最佳应用程序。

What makes it better than other apps? It has the best device support: not only does it support Chromecast, but also Apple TV, Fire TV, Sony and Samsung Smart TVs, Xbox 360/One, and all other DLNA devices. That’s a LOT.

是什么让它比其他应用程序更好? 它具有最佳的设备支持:它不仅支持Chromecast,而且还支持Apple TV,Fire TV,Sony和Samsung Smart TV,Xbox 360 / One和所有其他DLNA设备。 好多啊。

LocalCast also has features that support cloud streaming, so you don’t have to keep content stored on your device—you can connect Drive and Dropbox to LocalCast for remote streaming.


LocalCast is free to try, but uses a “pay what you want” model with a variety of options, including $0.99 a month, yearly payment plans of $5.50, $6.88, $10.67, or $21.30. There are also a couple of one-time payment options: $4.92 or $6.57.

LocalCast可以免费试用,但可以使用“按需付费”模型,并提供多种选择,包括每月0.99美元,每年5.50美元,6.88美元,10.67美元或21.30美元的年度付款计划。 还有一些一次性付款选项:4.92美元或6.57美元。

You can give it a shot by downloading it here.

您可以通过在此处下载来试一试 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/356574/the-best-video-players-for-android/


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