# 开课暖场视频

老美王霸胆 7个你不能不知道的“英语连读”规则_演讲


Pattern 1:

Unvoiced Consonant(清辅音) -> Voiced Consonat (浊辅音)

t   -->   d

s   -->   z

f   -->   v


Rule 1:  TT becomes DD in the middle of a word,Unless the vowel before the TT is schwa


Examples: Better, butter, shatter,batter,mutter,mettle    都是发的DD

Exceptions: Mattel,attest, attack   都是发的本音 TT

Rule 2: S becomes Z when preceded by a voiced syllable  OR the word is made plural using es

当前面是一个浊辅音或者是用es变复数的时候,S 要发 Z 的音

Examples: Rides, ladies, briges, bugs, angels, misses,    发 Z 音

Words ending with the ts sound are alawys unvoiced.


Example: Hats, hates

Rule 3: T becomes a tap in the middle of a word.


Example: Gated, lateral, notable, water

Rule 4: Of is pronounced ov or uh

Of 要发成ov 或者是 uh

Example: Game of Thrones, Bottle of water, Cup of tea

Pattern 2:

Consonant + Vowel

blending  连读

Pattern 3:

Consonant + Consonant

Rule 1: When the consonants are the same Hold the sound slightly longer(Applies to S,L,F,M,N,D,J,W,H,V,Z)

两个辅音相同的情况下,把音稍微的拖长(包括: S,L,F,M,N,D,J,W,H,V,Z)

Example:This Saturday, Until later, Half finished

Rule 2: When the consonants are the same. Break very briefly between the two sounds(Applies to T,P,K,B,G,C)

当两个辅音相同的情况下.在两个音中间做非常短的一个停顿(适用于 T,P,K,B,G,C)

Example:Wet towel, Big game, Gag gift,Black cat

Pattern 4:

Linking "the"

Rule 1: The + consonant                发音:/ðə;/

The + 辅音

Example: The dog, the cat, the woman

Rule 2: The + vowel(except long e)

The + 元音(长音e除外)

Example: The otter, the interesting thing, the apple         发音:/ði/

Rule 3: The vowel(long e)

The + 元音(长元音e)

Example: The election, the evil spirit, the eagle        发音(ee)

Note that the is NEVER pronounced ze or le  注意: the 走永远都不能被都读成ze 或者 le

Pattern 5:

Vowel + vowel

Rule 1: ee, ih, ay, aye, oi+ vowel = y sound in the middle

ee,ih,ay,aye,oi + 元音= 中间出现y的音


He is happy = He(y)is happy

She ate a burger = She(y)ate a burger

That boy is hungry = That bo(y)is hungry

I ate lunch  = I(y)ate lunch

Rule 2: Ooh, oh, ow + vowel

规则 Ooh, oh, ow + 元音

Example:  Go in = Go(w)in, Do it = Do(w)it, You are(w)are, Go out = G(w)out, How are you? = Ho(w)are you?

Pattern 6:

Deletion  n. 删除;[遗] 缺失;删除部分

Rule 1 : H-deletion  H-省略

Example: Did he get it ?   [DI-diy GE-dit]     he -> [iy]    him -> [Im]    his -> [Iz]  her-> [er]   has -> [æs]   have -> [æv]

Rule 2: Whenever  t or d comes between two consonants, They get deleted

无论什么时候,当t 或者 d在两个辅音之间时,都要被省略

Example: Old man -> Ol man, Gold ring -> Gol ring, Most famous  -> Mos' famous, Hand bag = han' bag, Next day = Nex'day, World religion = Worl'religion

Pattern 7:


Rule 1: When t is followed by j, it becomes tj  当t后面是j的时候,要发成tj的音

Example: What  you want -> Watchu want?

Note: Talking in this way will sound more native ,But also slightly uneducated


Rule 2: When d is followed by j, it becomes dj

当d 后面是j的时候, 要发成dj的音

Example: Would you -> Wouldju

# z w ng,v(little) oo, (long) oo

# Home Practice


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