///This articel just is a guideline but not a rule.此文仅为建议,并为规范。
This   library   is   written   to   appropriate   C++   coding   standards.     As   such,  
  it   is   intended   to   precede   the   recommendations   of   the   GNU   Coding  
  Standard,   which   can   be   referenced   here:  
  ChangeLog   entries   for   member   functions   should   use   the  
  classname::member   function   name   syntax   as   follows:  
  1999-04-15     Dennis   Ritchie     <dr@att.com>  
  *   src/basic_file.cc   (__basic_file::open):   Fix   thinko   in  
  _G_HAVE_IO_FILE_OPEN   bits.  
  Notable   areas   of   divergence   from   what   may   be   previous   local   practice  
  (particularly   for   GNU   C)   include:  
  01.   Pointers   and   references  
      char*   p   =   "flop";  
      char&   c   =   *p;  
      char   *p   =   "flop";     //   wrong  
      char   &c   =   *p;             //   wrong  
          Reason:   In   C++,   definitions   are   mixed   with   executable   code.     Here,                
          p   is   being   initialized,   not   *p.     This   is   near-universal  
                          practice   among   C++   programmers;   it   is   normal   for   C   hackers  
                          to   switch   spontaneously   as   they   gain   experience.  
  02.   Operator   names   and   parentheses  
      operator ==(type)  
      operator   ==   (type)     //   wrong  
          Reason:   The   ==   is   part   of   the   function   name.     Separating  
                          it   makes   the   declaration   look   like   an   expression.    
  03.   Function   names   and   parentheses  
      void   mangle()  
      void   mangle   ()     //   wrong  
            Reason:   no   space   before   parentheses   (except   after   a   control-flow  
            keyword)   is   near-universal   practice   for   C++.     It   identifies   the  
            parentheses   as   the   function-call   operator   or   declarator,   as    
            opposed   to   an   expression   or   other   overloaded   use   of   parentheses.  
  04.   Template   function   indentation  
      template< typename   T>  
          {   }  
      template< class   T>  
      void   template_function(args)   {};  
            Reason:   In   class   definitions,   without   indentation   whitespace   is  
                            needed   both   above   and   below   the   declaration   to   distinguish  
            it   visually   from   other   members.     (Also,   re:   "typename"  
            rather   than   "class".)     T   often   could   be   int,   which   is    
            not   a   class.     ("class",   here,   is   an   anachronism.)  
  05.   Template   class   indentation  
      template<typename   _CharT,   typename   _Traits>  
          class   basic_ios   :   public   ios_base  
              //   Types:  
      template<class   _CharT,   class   _Traits>  
      class   basic_ios   :   public   ios_base  
              //   Types:  
      template<class   _CharT,   class   _Traits>  
          class   basic_ios   :   public   ios_base  
              //   Types:  
  06.   Enumerators  
          space   =   _ISspace,  
          print   =   _ISprint,  
          cntrl   =   _IScntrl  
      enum   {   space   =   _ISspace,   print   =   _ISprint,   cntrl   =   _IScntrl   };  
  07.   Member   initialization   lists  
        All   one   line,   separate   from   class   name.  
      :   _M_private_data(0),   _M_more_stuff(0),   _M_helper(0);  
      {   }  
      gribble::gribble()   :   _M_private_data(0),   _M_more_stuff(0),   _M_helper(0);  
      {   }  
  08.   Try/Catch   blocks  
      catch   (...)  
      try   {  
      }   catch(...)   {    
  09.   Member   functions   declarations   and   definitions  
        Keywords   such   as   extern,   static,   export,   explicit,   inline,   etc  
        go   on   the   line   above   the   function   name.   Thus  
      virtual   int        
      virtual   int   foo()  
  Reason:   GNU   coding   conventions   dictate   return   types   for   functions  
            are   on   a   separate   line   than   the   function   name   and   parameter   list  
            for   definitions.   For   C++,   where   we   have   member   functions   that   can  
          be   either   inline   definitions   or   declarations,   keeping   to   this  
            standard   allows   all   member   function   names   for   a   given   class   to   be  
  aligned   to   the   same   margin,   increasing   readibility.  
  10.   Invocation   of   member   functions   with   "this->"  
        For   non-uglified   names,   use   this->name   to   call   the   function.  
  Reason:   Koenig   lookup.  
  11.   Namespaces  
      namespace   std  
          blah   blah   blah;  
      }   //   namespace   std  
      namespace   std   {  
          blah   blah   blah;  
      }   //   namespace   std  
  12.   Spacing   under   protected   and   private   in   class   declarations:  
        space   above,   none   below  
            int   foo;  
            int   foo;  
  13.   Spacing   WRT   return   statements.  
        no   extra   spacing   before   returns,   no   parenthesis  
        return   __ret;  
        return   __ret;  
        return   (__ret);  
  14.   Location   of   global   variables.  
        All   global   variables   of   class   type,   whether   in   the   "user   visable"  
        space   (e.g.,   cin)   or   the   implementation   namespace,   must   be   defined  
        as   a   character   array   with   the   appropriate   alignment   and   then   later  
        re-initialized   to   the   correct   value.  
        This   is   due   to   startup   issues   on   certain   platforms,   such   as   AIX.  
        For   more   explanation   and   examples,   see   src/globals.cc.     All   such  
        variables   should   be   contained   in   that   file,   for   simplicity.  
  15.   Exception   abstractions  
          Use   the   exception   abstractions   found   in   functexcept.h,   which   allow  
          C++   programmers   to   use   this   library   with   -fno-exceptions.   (Even   if  
          that   is   rarely   advisable,   it's   a   necessary   evil   for   backwards  
  16.   Exception   error   messages  
          All   start   with   the   name   of   the   function   where   the   exception   is  
          thrown,   and   then   (optional)   descriptive   text   is   added.   Example:  
          __throw_logic_error(__N("basic_string::_S_construct   NULL   not   valid"));  
          Reason:   The   verbose   terminate   handler   prints   out   exception::what(),  
          as   well   as   the   typeinfo   for   the   thrown   exception.   As   this   is   the  
          default   terminate   handler,   by   putting   location   info   into   the  
          exception   string,   a   very   useful   error   message   is   printed   out   for  
          uncaught   exceptions.   So   useful,   in   fact,   that   non-programmers   can  
          give   useful   error   messages,   and   programmers   can   intelligently  
          speculate   what   went   wrong   without   even   using   a   debugger.  
  The   library   currently   has   a   mixture   of   GNU-C   and   modern   C++   coding  
  styles.     The   GNU   C   usages   will   be   combed   out   gradually.  
  Name   patterns:  
  For   nonstandard   names   appearing   in   Standard   headers,   we   are   constrained    
  to   use   names   that   begin   with   underscores.     This   is   called   "uglification".  
  The   convention   is:  
      Local   and   argument   names:     __[a-z].*  
          Examples:     __count     __ix     __s1      
      Type   names   and   template   formal-argument   names:   _[A-Z][^_].*  
          Examples:     _Helper     _CharT     _N    
      Member   data   and   function   names:   _M_.*  
          Examples:     _M_num_elements     _M_initialize   ()  
      Static   data   members,   constants,   and   enumerations:   _S_.*  
          Examples:   _S_max_elements     _S_default_value   
Don't   use   names   in   the   same   scope   that   differ   only   in   the   prefix,    
  e.g.   _S_top   and   _M_top.     See   BADNAMES   for   a   list   of   forbidden   names.  
  (The   most   tempting   of   these   seem   to   be   and   "_T"   and   "__sz".)  
  Names   must   never   have   "__"   internally;   it   would   confuse   name  
  unmanglers   on   some   targets.     Also,   never   use   "__[0-9]",   same   reason.  
  [BY   EXAMPLE]  
  #ifndef     _HEADER_  
  #define     _HEADER_   1  
  namespace   std  
      class   gribble  
          //   ctor,   op=,   dtor  
          gribble()   throw();  
          gribble(const   gribble&);  
          gribble(int   __howmany);  
          operator=(const   gribble&);  
          ~gribble()   throw   ();  
          //   argument  
          inline   void      
          public_member(const   char*   __arg)   const;  
          //   in-class   function   definitions   should   be   restricted   to   one-liners.  
          one_line()   {   return   0   }  
          two_lines(const   char*   arg)    
          {   return   strchr(arg,   'a');   }  
          inline   int    
          three_lines();     //   inline,   but   defined   below.  
          //   note   indentation  
          template<typename   _Formal_argument>  
              public_template()   const   throw();  
          template<typename   _Iterator>  
          class   _Helper;  
          int   _M_private_data;  
          int   _M_more_stuff;  
          _Helper*   _M_helper;  
          int   _M_private_function();  
          enum   _Enum    
          static   void    
  //   More-or-less-standard   language   features   described   by   lack,   not   presence:  
  #   ifndef   _G_NO_LONGLONG  
      extern   long   long   _G_global_with_a_good_long_name;     //   avoid   globals!  
  #   endif  
      //   Avoid   in-class   inline   definitions,   define   separately;  
      //   likewise   for   member   class   definitions:  
      inline   int  
      gribble::public_member()   const  
      {   int   __local   =   0;   return   __local;   }  
      class   gribble::_Helper  
          int   _M_stuff;  
          friend   class   gribble;  
  //   Names   beginning   with   "__":   only   for   arguments   and  
  //       local   variables;   never   use   "__"   in   a   type   name,   or  
  //       within   any   name;   never   use   "__[0-9]".  
  #endif   /*   _HEADER_   */  
  namespace   std    
      template<typename   T>     //   notice:   "typename",   not   "class",   no   space  
          long_return_value_type<with_many,   args>      
          function_name(char*   pointer,                               //   "char   *pointer"   is   wrong.  
      char*   argument,    
      const   Reference&   ref)  
              //   int   a_local;     /*   wrong;   see   below.   */  
              if   (test)    
      nested   code    
              int   a_local   =   0;     //   declare   variable   at   first   use.  
              //     char   a,   b,   *p;       /*   wrong   */  
              char   a   =   'a';  
              char   b   =   a   +   1;  
              char*   c   =   "abc";     //   each   variable   goes   on   its   own   line,   always.  
              //   except   maybe   here...  
              for   (unsigned   i   =   0,   mask   =   1;   mask;   ++i,   mask   <<=   1)   {  
      //   ...  
      :   _M_private_data(0),   _M_more_stuff(0),   _M_helper(0);  
      {   }  
      inline   int    
          //   doesn't   fit   in   one   line.  
  }   //   namespace   std  
  简单的 风格:  
  这个是ANSI的 风格:  
  namespace   foospace  
          int   Foo()  
                  if   (isBar)  
                          return   1;  
                          return   0;  
  K&R 风格  
  namespace   foospace   {  
          int   Foo()   {  
                  if   (isBar)   {  
                          return   1;  
                  }   else  
                          return   0;  
  LINUX 风格  
  namespace   foospace  
                  int   Foo()  
                                  if   (isBar)   {  
                                                  return   1;  
                                  }   else    
                                                  return   0;  
  GNU 风格  
  namespace   foospace  
          int   Foo()  
                  if   (isBar)  
                          return   1;  
                      return   0;  
  JAVA 风格  
  class   foospace   {  
          int   Foo()   {  
                  if   (isBar)   {  
                          return   1;  
                  }   else  
                          return   0;  
  char   *  
  create_world   (x,   y,   scale)  
            int   x;  
            int   y;  
            float   scale;  
      .   .   .  

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