
For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Student Use of Computers. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the chart and the outline given below:




Student Use of Computer

Since 1990, there has been tremendous growth in the use of computers by students. While in 1990, the average number of hours a student spent on the computer was about one hour per week, this number grew to nearly four hours per week by 1995, and to approximately 20 hours per week by the year 2000.

This significant growth in the use of computers by students in the 1990’s can be attributed to several factors, including widespread usage, lower prices, and technological and social developments. Nowadays, computers are widely used by students for word processing, book keeping, multimedia presentations, and access to the Internet for both research and communications. Additionally, since 1990, due to competition and technological advances, computer hardware and software prices, as well as Internet usage charges have dropped significantly. Finally, technological developments and changes in social habits in the 1990’s have played a major role in this tremendous growth in the use of computers. Today’s society relies heavily on computers for immediate access to the news and for entertainment, including, listening to music, watching movies and sport events, and playing computer games.

While computers are of great assistance to the students, and therefore, are indispensable tools, they also pose some challenges. The biggest challenge that many students face is discipline in the use of this powerful device. That is, students need to have the discipline of not allowing themselves to be lured by the entertaining aspects of this wonderful tool—aspects that can result in addiction to computer games or viewing of undesirable material on the Internet. That is to say, students need to use this powerful tool with great wisdom!


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