
推荐比赛群:大数据比赛交流群 155167917




--odps sql
--create time:2016-05-09 17:21:27
--Create table tianchi_fresh_comp_train_user_online as
--select * from tianchi_data.tianchi_fresh_comp_train_user_online;
--Create table tianchi_fresh_comp_train_item_online as
--select * from tianchi_data.tianchi_fresh_comp_train_item_online;
--select count (*) from tianchi_fresh_comp_train_user_online;

--create table train_item as
--t.item_id,t.item_category from tianchi_fresh_comp_train_item_online t group by t.item_id,t.item_category ;
--select count (*) from train_item;  --6052459行


--create time:2016-05-09 21:14:12
--create table trainset18_cart_no_buy1 as
--select cart.*,length(buy.time) as buy_time
--from trainset_18_cart cart
--left outer join trainset_18_buy buy on
--cart.user_id=buy.user_id and cart.item_category=buy.item_category;

--create table trainset18_p as
--select t.* from  trainset18_cart_no_buy t where buy_time  IS NULL;
--ALTER TABLE trainset18_cart_no_buy1 ADD COLUMNS (label boolean );
--select t.* from  trainset18_p t where user_id='100000027'

--create table trainset18_p_1 as
--select p.user_id,p.item_id,p.item_category,max(time)as cart_time from  trainset18_p p
--group by p.user_id,p.item_id,p.item_category;
--create table trainset18_p_2 as
--select p.*
--from trainset18_p_1 p
-- join train_item ti on
--p.item_id=ti.item_id ;

--select count (*) from tianchi_fresh_comp_train_item_online;
--select count (*) from train_item;

--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as  --57006行
--select p.user_id,p.item_id
--from trainset18_p_1 p
--join train_item ti on
--p.item_id=ti.item_id ;
--select count (*) from trainset18_p_1;    --662462行
--select count (*) from tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict;--57006行

--create table trainset18_p_2 as --57006行
--select p.*
--from trainset18_p_1 p
--join train_item ti on
--p.item_id=ti.item_id ;

--create table trainset18_p_uc as  --37331
--select p.user_id,count(p.item_id) as item_count,p.item_category
--from trainset18_p_2 p group by p.user_id,p.item_category;
--select count (*) from trainset18_p_uc;

--create table trainset18_p_uc_3 as  --4083行
--select * from trainset18_p_uc where item_count>2

--create table trainset18_p_uc_4 as  --2100行
--select * from trainset18_p_uc where item_count>3
--create table trainset18_p_3 as     --18768行 大于3的uc对
--select p2.user_id,p2.item_id,p2.item_category,p2.cart_time,uc3.item_count
--from trainset18_p_2 p2
--left outer join  trainset18_p_uc_3 uc3 on
--p2.user_id=uc3.user_id and p2.item_category=uc3.item_category;
--select count(* )from trainset18_p_3 where item_count is  NULL; --38808
--select count(* )from trainset18_p_3 where item_count is NOT NULL; --18198

--create table trainset18_p_4 as     --18768行 大于3的uc对
--select p2.user_id,p2.item_id,p2.item_category,p2.cart_time,uc4.item_count
--from trainset18_p_2 p2
--left outer join  trainset18_p_uc_4 uc4 on
--p2.user_id=uc4.user_id and p2.item_category=uc4.item_category;

--select count(* )from trainset18_p_4 where item_count is  NULL; --44757
--select count(* )from trainset18_p_4 where item_count is NOT NULL; --12249

--18号对商品子集的实际购买量 --35878
--create table  trainset_18_buy_son as
--select p.*
--from trainset_18_buy p
--join train_item ti on
--p.item_id=ti.item_id ;
--create table  trainset_18_buy_son1 as --32958
--select b.user_id,b.item_id from trainset_18_buy_son b group by b.user_id,b.item_id;

--create table trainset_18_click as --==32534036
--b.* from trainset_18 b where b.behavior_type=1 ;

--drop table if exists trainset_18_click_count;
--create table trainset_18_click_count as --14792012
--user_id,item_id,max(time) as click_time,count(behavior_type)as ui_click from trainset_18_click  group by user_id,item_id;

--drop table if exists trainset18_p_cart_click;
--create table trainset18_p_cart_click as --57006
--select p4.* ,cc.ui_click,cc.click_time from trainset18_p_4 p4
--left outer join trainset_18_click_count cc on
--p4.user_id=cc.user_id and p4.item_id=cc.item_id;


--create table trainset18_P_4_null as --44757 假如购物车且同类商品部超过3件的ui集
--select p4.* from trainset18_p_4 p4 where p4.item_count is  NULL ;
--create table trainset18_p_cart_click_11143 as
--select * from trainset18_p_cart_click where
--cart_time<'2014-12-18 14' and cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' and ui_click<3 and item_count is NULL ;--1600
--drop table if exists trainset18_p_cart_click_11202;
--create table trainset18_p_cart_click_11202 as
--select * from trainset18_p_cart_click where
--cart_time<'2014-12-18 20' and cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' and ui_click<2 and item_count is NULL;--2355
--create table trainset18_p_cart_click_00125 as
--select * from trainset18_p_cart_click where cart_time<'2014-12-18 12' and ui_click<5 and item_count is NULL;--8004
--drop table if exists trainset18_p_cart_no_buy_day;
--create table trainset18_p_cart_no_buy_day as --白天加入购物车后再次查看但未购买(点击总数不超过8次)
--select * from trainset18_p_cart_click where cart_time<click_time and cart_time<'2014-12-18 18'
--and item_count is NULL and ui_click<8 ;--3928 / 3402

--create table trainset18_p_delete1 as --44757
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag1
--from trainset18_P_4_null pn
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_11143 cc on --1600
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete1_ok as --43157
--select * from trainset18_p_delete1 where flag1 is null

--create table trainset18_p_delete2 as --43157
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag2
--from trainset18_p_delete1_ok pn
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_13202 cc on --1842
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete2_ok as --41315
--select * from trainset18_p_delete2 where flag2 is null
--select * from trainset18_p_delete2_ok where cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' --30935 

--create table trainset18_p_delete3 as --41315
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag3
--from trainset18_p_delete2_ok pn --41315
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_00125 cc on --8004
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete3_ok as --33311
--select * from trainset18_p_delete3 where flag3 is null

--create table trainset18_p_delete_11202 as --44757  删去12-19点加入购物车但点击次数只有一次的ui对
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag1
--from trainset18_P_4_null pn
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_11202 cc on --2355
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete_11202_ok as --42402
--select * from trainset18_p_delete_11202 where flag1 is null

--create table trainset18_p_delete_00125 as --42402  删去00-12点加入购物车但点击次数小于5次的ui对
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag2
--from trainset18_p_delete_11202_ok pn
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_00125 cc on --8004
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete_00125_ok as --34398
--select * from trainset18_p_delete_00125 where flag2 is null

--drop table if exists trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy;
--create table trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy as --34398  --删去白天加入购物车后再次查看但未购买
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag3
--from trainset18_p_delete_00125_ok pn
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_no_buy_day cc on --3402
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--drop table if exists trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy_ok;
--create table trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy_ok as --31987 (30996)
--select * from trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy where flag3 is null


--create table trainset18_p_test as
--select * from tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict;
--DELETE  from trainset18_p_test  where --执行报错
--cart_time<'2014-12-18 14' and cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' and ui_click<3 ;

--drop table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict
---预测结果表 38808行
--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as
--select p3.user_id,p3.item_id from trainset18_p_3 p3 where p3.item_count is  NULL;


--drop table if exists tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict;
--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as
--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as --29684 -- >11
--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as --32838 -- >09
--select p3.user_id,p3.item_id from trainset18_p_3 p3 where p3.item_count is  NULL and cart_time>'2014-12-18 08';
--select p4.user_id,p4.item_id from trainset18_p_4 p4 where p4.item_count is  NULL --and cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' ;
--9-37936,10-36221,11-34377   2016.05.13
--select user_id,item_id from trainset18_p_delete2_ok where cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' --30935  2016.05.14  hit:1982
--select user_id,item_id from trainset18_p_delete_11202_ok where cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' --32022  2016.05.15
--select user_id,item_id from trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy_ok --31987  2016.05.15 hit:1950
--select user_id,item_id from trainset18_p_delete_00125_ok  --34398 2016.05.16  hit:2142




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  1. 【收藏】Win10自带的邮件客户端配置腾讯企业邮箱账号详解
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  3. View Animation
  4. XAML Workflow Schema
  5. [北京微软技术直通车]前端 Visual Studio Code 开发 Angular 与亿级 SQL Servern
  6. edge浏览器下载位置设置在哪里设置
  7. vSphere 故障排错思路总结
  8. Web应用开发基本技术及思想
  9. 国外计算机cpu排行,处理器天梯图2020 电脑cpu处理器性能排行榜
  10. 搞懂特征值与特征向量
  11. 如何快速制作Png格式的图片(不需要PS软件)
  12. Typecho情侣博客Brave主题源码
  13. adobe illustrator 绘制平行四边形
  14. moment的常见应用
  15. Mybatis配置注意事项
  16. 提前还贷怎样才划算 多还本金减少期限最划算
  17. 神经网络图用什么软件做,神经网络输入图片大小
  18. PPT提取文字C代码实现
  19. JVM垃圾回收器G1详解
  20. winscp 登录 am4379 的 linux系统 连接被意外关闭


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  7. 数据采集和信息管理能够提升效率的方法
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