Storyboard Scenarios ( 3 : RD : 3 : 3.1 ) ( 3 : TS : 1 : 1.2 )

负责人:User Experience Architect


Storyboarding augments scenarios and provides user interface details. It is only used when user interface detail plays an important role in satisfying the users. Storyboarding can also align projects across organizations. The storyboard can include a variety of graphical elements including screenshots, application mockups, and screen flow diagrams. It might also include a short narrative describing the persona’s path through the product. A visual depiction of the scenario greatly improves comprehension among users and developers. If storyboards are created for each individual scenario, it is possible to combine them into a high-level product overview.

Entry Criteria

  • Scenarios
    The scenario description is written and attached to the scenario work item.


  • Scenarios are written.



Consider Scenarios

  • Identify the sections of the scenario that warrant a storyboard.
  • Consider how these sections relate to other scenarios already written.
  • Group sections into a single storyboard where applicable.


Generate Screenshots

  • Tools that work well for storyboards include Microsoft Visio and Microsoft PowerPoint. Capture the screens that are presented to the persona. Draw out a rough sketch of the user interface called for in the scenario. Collaborate with members of the development team to ensure the user interface is consistent with the user interface metaphor.
  • Organize screenshots into a coherent presentation.
  • Add short text or voice narrative that describes the user interactions.


Create Screen Flow Diagram

  • Use boxes to represent screens, and arrows to indicate linkage.
  • Upload the storyboard to the project portal and link the storyboard to the scenario work item.

Exit Criteria

Storyboards provide sufficient detail to guide and assist product design work.



第三步:做Screen Flow Diagram。
Screenshots是死的,需要串起来,通过操作串起来就是Screen Flow Diagram了。


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