

import threadingdef main():print(threading.active_count())print(threading.enumerate())print(threading.current_thread())if __name__ == '__main__':main()D:\PythonTest>python test.py
[<_MainThread(MainThread, started 4124)>]
<_MainThread(MainThread, started 4124)>
added_thread = threading.Thread()

添加线程add thread

import threadingdef thread_job():print("This is an added Thread,number is %s"% threading.current_thread())def main():added_thread = threading.Thread(target =thread_job)added_thread.start()if __name__ == '__main__':main()
import threading
import timedef thread_job():print('T1 start\n')for i in range(10):time.sleep(0.1)print('T1 finish\n')def main():added_thread = threading.Thread(target =thread_job,name = 'T1')added_thread.start()print('all done\n')if __name__ == '__main__':main()D:\PythonTest>python test.py
T1 startall doneT1 finish


import threading
import timedef thread_job():print('T1 start\n')for i in range(10):time.sleep(0.1)print('T1 finish\n')def main():added_thread = threading.Thread(target =thread_job,name = 'T1')added_thread.start()added_thread.join()print('all done\n')if __name__ == '__main__':main()D:\PythonTest>python test.py
T1 startT1 finishall done
  • 比较
import threading
import timedef thread_job():print('T1 start\n')for i in range(10):time.sleep(0.1)print('T1 finish\n')def T2_job():print('T2 start\n')print('T2 finish\n')def main():added_thread = threading.Thread(target = thread_job,name = 'T1')thread2 = threading.Thread(target =T2_job,name = 'T2')added_thread.start()thread2.start()print('all done\n')if __name__ == '__main__':main()D:\PythonTest>python test.py
T1 startT2 startT2 finishall doneT1 finish
import threading
import timedef thread_job():print('T1 start\n')for i in range(10):time.sleep(0.1)print('T1 finish\n')def T2_job():print('T2 start\n')print('T2 finish\n')def main():added_thread = threading.Thread(target = thread_job,name = 'T1')thread2 = threading.Thread(target =T2_job,name = 'T2')added_thread.start()thread2.start()added_thread.join()print('all done\n')if __name__ == '__main__':main()D:\PythonTest>python test.py
T1 startT2 startT2 finishT1 finishall done
import threading
import timedef thread_job():print('T1 start\n')for i in range(10):time.sleep(0.1)print('T1 finish\n')def T2_job():print('T2 start\n')print('T2 finish\n')def main():added_thread = threading.Thread(target = thread_job,name = 'T1')thread2 = threading.Thread(target =T2_job,name = 'T2')added_thread.start()thread2.start()thread2.join()print('all done\n')if __name__ == '__main__':main()D:\PythonTest>python test.py
T1 startT2 startT2 finishall doneT1 finish


import threading
import time
from queue import Queuedef job(l,q):for i in range(len(l)):l[i] = l[i] ** 2q.put(l)def multithreading():q = Queue()threads = []data = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5],[4,4,4],[5,5,5]]for i in range(4):t = threading.Thread(target = job,args = (data[i],q))t.start()threads.append(t)for thread in threads:thread.joinresults = []for _ in range(4):results.append(q.get())print(results)if __name__ == '__main__':multithreading()


import threading
import time
from queue import Queue
import copydef job(l,q):res = sum(l)q.put(res)def multithreading(l):q = Queue()threads = []for i in range(4):t = threading.Thread(target = job,args = (copy.copy(l),q),name = 'T%i'%i)t.start()threads.append(t)[t.join() for t in threads]total = 0for _ in range(4):total += q.get()print(total)def normal(l):total = sum(l)print(total)if __name__ == '__main__':l = list(range(1000000))s_t = time.time()normal(l * 4)print('normal:',time.time() - s_t)s_t = time.time()multithreading(l)print('multithreading:',time.time() - s_t)D:\PythonTest>python test.py
normal: 0.13805341720581055
multithreading: 0.16271591186523438


import threading
import time
from queue import Queuedef job1():global Afor i in range(10):A += 1print('join1',A)def job2():global Afor i in range(10):A += 10print('join2',A)if __name__ == '__main__':A = 0t1 = threading.Thread(target = job1)t2 = threading.Thread(target = job2)t1.start()t2.start()t1.join()t2.join()D:\PythonTest>python test.py
join1 1
join1 2
join1 13
join1 14
join1 15
join1 16
join1 17
join1 18
join1 19
join1 20
join2 12
join2 30
join2 40
join2 50
join2 60
join2 70
join2 80
join2 90
join2 100
join2 110
import threading
import time
from queue import Queuedef job1():global A,locklock.acquire()for i in range(10):A += 1print('join1',A)lock.release()def job2():global A,locklock.acquire()for i in range(10):A += 10print('join2',A)lock.release()if __name__ == '__main__':lock = threading.Lock()A = 0t1 = threading.Thread(target = job1)t2 = threading.Thread(target = job2)t1.start()t2.start()t1.join()t2.join()D:\PythonTest>python test.py
join1 1
join1 2
join1 3
join1 4
join1 5
join1 6
join1 7
join1 8
join1 9
join1 10
join2 20
join2 30
join2 40
join2 50
join2 60
join2 70
join2 80
join2 90
join2 100
join2 110



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