
If you recently installed a smart thermostat and discovered that it randomly turns the air conditioning or heat off, it probably isn’t broken. It’s just using a “smart” feature that, frankly, isn’t very smart.

如果您最近安装了智能恒温器,却发现它会随机关闭空调或暖气,则它可能没有损坏。 坦率地说,它只是使用了一个“智能”功能,并不是很智能。

Most smart thermostats come with a feature that can automatically turn itself down while you’re away from home, saving you money on your energy bill with no effort on your part.

大多数智能恒温器都具有一项功能,该功能可以在您出门在外时自动将其自身关闭, 从而省去了电费开支。

This feature can, depending on your thermostat model, use two different triggers to decide whether you’re home: the motion sensor on the thermostat unit itself, and the GPS on your phone (a.k.a. geofencing).

根据您的恒温器型号,此功能可以使用两个不同的触发器来确定您是否在家:恒温器单元本身上的运动传感器和手机上的GPS(又称地理围栏 )。

On the Nest Thermostat, these features are called Auto-Away and Home/Away Assist, respectively. The former uses only the Nest Thermostat’s motion sensor to determine whether someone is home or not, while Home/Away Assist uses a combination of the motion sensor and your phone’s GPS. If you only have Auto-Away enabled, the Nest is only using the motion sensor to determine whether you’re home or not, and that can cause some problems if your Nest thinks you’re not home when you actually are.

在Nest Thermostat上,这些功能分别称为自动离开和回家/离开辅助 。 前者仅使用Nest Thermostat的运动传感器来确定某人是否在家,而Home / Away Assist则结合使用运动传感器和手机的GPS。 如果您仅启用了自动离开,则Nest只会使用运动传感器来确定您是否在家,如果Nest认为您实际上不在家,这可能会引起一些问题。

If you’re home, but you spend most of your time in a room where your smart thermostat isn’t located, after a while the thermostat will think you’re not home and will automatically turn itself down until it detects motion. So, if you’re ever spending a lot of time in a different room and notice that the A/C isn’t kicking in when it should, it’s probably because you haven’t walked by your thermostat in a while and it thinks that you’re not home.

如果您在家,但大部分时间都花在智能恒温器所在的房间里,过了一会儿,恒温器会认为您不在家,并会自动将其调低,直到检测到运动。 因此,如果您曾经在不同的房间里花费大量时间,并且注意到空调在适当的时候没有启动,那可能是因为您有一段时间没有走过恒温器了,它认为你不在家

It’s certainly frustrating, but there are a couple of things you can do to fix this. First, you can enable your thermostat’s geofencing feature, so that your smart thermostat uses your phone’s GPS to see if you’re home or not. Alternatively, you can just disable all automatic away features and manually change the temperature when you leave and when you get home. (In the case of the Nest, that means turning off Auto-Away and Home/Away Assist–remember, they’re to separate features.) That’s less ideal, but there are definitely some users who prefer at least some manual control over their smart thermostat, even if it can do everything for you.

这肯定令人沮丧,但是您可以采取一些措施来解决此问题。 首先,您可以启用恒温器的地理围栏功能,以便智能恒温器使用手机的GPS来查看您是否在家。 另外,您可以禁用所有自动离开功能,并在离开和回家时手动更改温度。 (对于Nest,这意味着要关闭“自动离开” 和“居家/离开辅助”功能,这是分开的功能。)这不太理想,但是肯定有一些用户希望至少对其手动控制一些智能恒温器,即使它可以为您做所有事情。

To enable geofencing on the Nest Thermostat, you simply just need to enable Home/Away Assist in order for the thermostat to use your phone’s GPS to determine where you are. On the Ecobee3, you can use geofencing through an IFTTT recipe.

要在Nest Nest温控器上启用地理围栏,只需启用Home / Away Assist ,即可使温控器使用手机的GPS确定您的位置。 在Ecobee3上,您可以通过IFTTT配方使用地理围栏。

To turn all motion sensing features off on the Nest, just turn off Auto-Away and Home/Away Assist in the settings. On the Ecobee3 turn off Smart Home/Away in the settings.

要关闭Nest上的所有运动感应功能,只需在设置中关闭“自动离开”和“回家/离开辅助”即可。 在Ecobee3上,在设置中关闭Smart Home / Away。

Whatever you decide to do, you at least now know what the likely cause is whenever your thermostat decides to take a long break, even when you’re home. Of course, it’s also a good idea not to rule out a possible HVAC failure if your thermostat isn’t heating or cooling your house to the optimal temperature.

无论您决定做什么,至少现在您都知道,只要您的温控器决定长时间休息,即使在家时,可能的原因是什么。 当然,如果您的恒温器未将房屋加热或冷却至最佳温度,也不排除可能发生的HVAC故障也是一个好主意。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/272330/why-does-my-smart-thermostat-keep-turning-the-ac-off/



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