Lenovo’s new ThinkStation P620 desktop will bring the acclaimed Ryzen Threadripper processor lineup to the workstation PC market.

联想的新型ThinkStation P620台式机将倍受赞誉的Ryzen Threadripper处理器阵容带入工作站PC市场。

By Tom Brant


AMD is bringing its acclaimed Ryzen Threadripper processor lineup to the workstation PC market, starting with a new Lenovo ThinkStation model that can be equipped with 64 processor cores.

AMD将其广受赞誉的Ryzen Threadripper处理器产品线引入工作站PC市场,首先是可配备64个处理器内核的新型Lenovo ThinkStation型号。

The new Ryzen Threadripper Pro chips, unveiled on Tuesday, will mark the first time in three years that workstation customers can look to AMD as an alternative to Intel’s Xeon CPUs. The current Xeon W offerings for workstations max out at 28 cores, while the new flagship Threadripper Pro 3995WX has 64 cores and 128 processor threads, which AMD says is the highest number of cores and threads available in a workstation PC.

新的Ryzen Threadripper Pro芯片于周二发布,这标志着工作站客户三年来首次将AMD视为英特尔至强CPU的替代产品。 当前用于工作站的Xeon W产品最多支持28个内核,而新的旗舰Threadripper Pro 3995WX具有64个内核和128个处理器线程,AMD表示这是工作站PC中可用的最多的内核和线程。

The ThinkStation P620, the first PC to offer the new Threadripper Pro, will start shipping to customers in September for a starting price of $4,599. When equipped with the 64-core chip, it will offer better performance for some processing tasks-including rendering a 3D image with Maxon’s Cinebench R20 app-than a workstation equipped with two of the 28-core Xeon W chips, AMD says.

ThinkStation P620是第一台提供新型Threadripper Pro的PC,它将于9月开始向客户发货,起价为4,599美元。 AMD表示,当配备64核芯片时,它将比包括两个28核Xeon W芯片的工作站在某些处理任务上提供更好的性能,包括使用Maxon的Cinebench R20应用程序渲染3D图像。

The possibility of equipping a single-processor workstation with a vast number of cores has tantalized many existing workstation users. While some tried using consumer-class Threadripper PCs (known as high-end desktops, or HEDTs) as an alternative, they lack the workstation-specific features that many companies require.

为单处理器工作站配备大量内核的可能性吸引了许多现有的工作站用户。 尽管有些人尝试使用消费类的Threadripper PC(称为高端台式机或HEDT)作为替代方案,但它们却缺少许多公司所需的特定于工作站的功能。

Lenovo’s ThinkStation P620 will be the first Threadripper Pro workstation PC
联想的ThinkStation P620将成为第一台Threadripper Pro工作站PC

“There was great demand for a true professional Threadripper workstation,” said Jason Banta, AMD’s general manager for OEM solutions. PCs equipped with Threadripper Pro, including the ThinkStation P620, will come with error-correcting code (ECC) memory, a trusted platform module for hardware encryption, and other enterprise security features from the PC manufacturer, like Lenovo’s ThinkShield software.

AMD OEM解决方案总经理Jason Banta说:“对真正专业的Threadripper工作站的需求很大。 配备Threadripper Pro的PC(包括ThinkStation P620)将配备纠错码(ECC)存储器,用于硬件加密的受信任平台模块以及PC制造商的其他企业安全功能,例如Lenovo的ThinkShield软件。

更多核心,更快速度 (More Cores, More Speed)

In addition to the flagship 64-core Threadripper Pro, AMD will also offer three other workstation processors, with 32 cores, 16 cores, or 12 cores. The 12-core Threadripper Pro 3945WX is notable for its 4GHz base clock speed. AMD says it is the first 12-core, 4GHz workstation chip, which will appeal to users whose software needs higher frequencies, not more cores. Higher frequencies are especially important to game developers.

除了旗舰的64核Threadripper Pro,AMD还将提供其他三个工作站处理器,分别具有32核,16核或12核。 12核Threadripper Pro 3945WX的基本时钟速度为4GHz。 AMD表示,这是首款12核4GHz工作站芯片,将吸引那些需要更高频率而不是更多核的软件的用户。 更高的频率对游戏开发者尤其重要。

“Previously, we always had to choose between either high core count or high clock speed,” Pat Swanson, an IT engineer at Epic Games, said in a statement. “The Lenovo ThinkStation P620 powered by AMD’s Ryzen Threadripper Pro processor is optimized for both aspects in a way that previous HEDT CPUs never quite were.”

“以前,我们总是必须在高内核数或高时钟速度之间进行选择,” Epic Games的IT工程师Pat Swanson在一份声明中说。 “由AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro处理器提供支持的Lenovo ThinkStation P620在这两个方面都进行了优化,其方式是以前的HEDT CPU从未有过的。”

The ThinkStation P620 offers Threadripper Pro configurations with as many as 64 processor cores
ThinkStation P620提供了具有多达64个处理器核心的Threadripper Pro配置

In addition to the choice of all four Threadripper Pro processors, the ThinkStation P620 can also be configured with Nvidia’s full lineup of Quadro RTX graphics cards. The maximum supported graphics configuration is two Quadro RTX 8000 GPUs. The workstation can also be configured with up to a terabyte of memory and up to 20TB of storage spread across a maximum of eight internal drives.

除了可以选择所有四个Threadripper Pro处理器之外,ThinkStation P620还可以配置Nvidia的Quadro RTX全系列显卡。 支持的最大图形配置是两个Quadro RTX 8000 GPU。 工作站还可以配置多达1 TB的内存,并在最多8个内部驱动器上分布多达20 TB的存储。

The ThinkStation P620’s support for DD4–3200 memory connected by eight channels to the Threadripper Pro makes it particularly suitable for memory-intensive tasks, Lenovo says, such as airflow simulations performed in the automotive and aerospace industries.

联想表示,ThinkStation P620支持通过八个通道连接到Threadripper Pro的DD4–3200内存,使其特别适合于内存密集型任务,例如在汽车和航空航天工业中执行的气流模拟。

Unlike consumer Threadripper HEDTs, many of which use liquid cooling, the ThinkStation P620 will be entirely air cooled. Lenovo designed a custom heatsink for the Threadripper Pro, while the rest of the P620 will be cooled using the same type of fans as the ones in other ThinkStation models.

与许多使用液体冷却的消费类Threadripper HEDT不同,ThinkStation P620将完全采用空气冷却。 联想为Threadripper Pro设计了一个自定义的散热器,而其余P620将使用与其他ThinkStation型号相同的风扇进行冷却。

为PCIe Gen 4奠定基础 (Laying the Groundwork for PCIe Gen 4)

The Threadripper Pro workstation PCs will use a new WRX80 chipset different from the one that consumer Threadripper chips use. It includes support for the latest 4th-generation PCI Express standard, with 16 chipset-connected lanes available for expansion cards. In total, the ThinkStation P620 will support 128 PCIe Gen 4 lanes.

Threadripper Pro工作站PC将使用不同于消费者Threadripper芯片的WRX80芯片组。 它包括对最新的第4代PCI Express标准的支持,以及16个与芯片组连接的通道,可用于扩展卡。 ThinkStation P620总共将支持128个PCIe Gen 4通道。

While some current SSDs can take full advantage of PCIe Gen 4’s increased speeds, even PCI Gen 3-devices like the RTX Quadro graphics cards will see some benefit, according to Lenovo. ThinkStation P620 customers looking to add additional PCIe components will have a maximum of 1000 watts of power to work with.

联想表示,尽管当前一些固态硬盘可以充分利用PCIe Gen 4的速度提升,但即使是像RTX Quadro显卡这样的PCI Gen 3设备也可以从中受益。 希望添加其他PCIe组件的ThinkStation P620客户将可使用的最大功率为1000瓦。

In addition to workstation staples like ECC memory and enterprise-grade security, the ThinkStation P620 has also secured several certifications from software vendors, indicating that their apps have been tested to work on the device. These certifications include TensorFlow, Autodesk, Adobe, McKesson, and Catia, among others.

除了诸如ECC内存和企业级安全性之类的工作站常用设备外,ThinkStation P620还获得了软件供应商的多项认证,表明他们的应用程序已经过测试,可以在设备上运行。 这些认证包括TensorFlow,Autodesk,Adobe,McKesson和Catia等。

The ThinkStation P620 uses Nvidia’s Quadro RTX graphics processors
ThinkStation P620使用Nvidia的Quadro RTX图形处理器

The ThinkStation will not offer the specialized Windows 10 Pro for Workstations operating system. It will use the more common Windows 10 Pro instead, following an agreement between AMD and Microsoft. Some of the benefits of Windows 10 Pro for Workstations include support for non-volatile DIMM memory modules and better compatibility with multiple CPUs, neither of which the ThinkStation P620 offers.

ThinkStation将不提供专用的Windows 10 Pro for Workstations操作系统。 根据AMD和Microsoft之间的协议,它将改用更常见的Windows 10 Pro。 Windows 10 Pro工作站版的某些优势包括对非易失性DIMM内存模块的支持以及与多个CPU的更好兼容性,而ThinkStation P620均不提供。

While pricing for all of the ThinkStation P620 configurations is not yet available, Lenovo notes that the higher-end configurations will be significantly cheaper than their Xeon-powered alternatives, which require two CPUs to achieve similar levels of performance and can cost tens of thousands of dollars. The use of Windows 10 Pro instead of the workstation edition of the operating system helps keep cost down as well, Lenovo said. The ThinkStation P620 will also be available with Ubuntu Linux in the future.

虽然尚未提供所有ThinkStation P620配置的价格,但联想指出,高端配置将比其Xeon驱动的替代产品便宜得多,后者需要两个CPU才能达到类似的性能水平,并且可能花费数万美元。美元。 联想表示,使用Windows 10 Pro代替操作系统的工作站版本也有助于降低成本。 ThinkStation P620将来也将随Ubuntu Linux一起提供。

AMD’s Banta said the company has no plans to sell Threadripper Pro processors individually. He said they will be available to other workstation manufacturers once an exclusivity agreement with Lenovo expires.

AMD的Banta表示,该公司没有计划单独销售Threadripper Pro处理器。 他说,与联想的独家协议到期后,其他工作站制造商将可以使用它们。

AMD’s previous Opteron workstation processors achieved some success, and were notable for offering 64-bit ARM architecture options as well as the more prevalent x86 architecture. The Opteron line was discontinued in 2017.

AMD以前的Opteron工作站处理器取得了一些成功,并且以提供64位ARM架构选项以及更为流行的x86架构而著称。 Opteron系列于2017年停产。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/amd-launches-the-64-core-threadripper-pro-for-workstation-pcs-915a9b40bd41



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