
  • 01-绪论 Introduction
    • Course Overview
      • Cryptography is everywhere
      • Secure communication
      • Secure Sockets Layer/TLS
      • Protected files on disk
      • Building block: symmetric encryption
      • Use Cases
      • Things to remember
    • What is cryptography?
      • Crypto core
      • But crypto cand do much more
      • Protocols
      • Crypto magic
      • A rigorous science
    • History
      • Symmetric Ciphers
      • Few Historic Examples (all badly broken)
        • 1. Substitution cipher
          • How to break a substitution cipher?
        • 2. Vigener cipher (16'th century, Rome)
        • 3. Rotor Machines (1870-1943)
      • Data Encryption Standard (1974)
    • Discrete Probability
      • Event
      • The union bond
      • Random Variables
      • The uniform random variable
      • Randomized algorithms
      • Independence
      • XOR
      • An important property of XOR
        • The birthday paradox

01-绪论 Introduction

Course Overview

Cryptography is everywhere

Secure communications:
web traffic: HTTPS
wireless traffic: 802.11i WPA2, GSM, Bluetooth
Encrypting files on disk: EFS, TrueCrypt
Content protection(e.g. DVD, Blu-ray): CSS, AACS
User authentication
… and much much more

Secure communication

Laptop ↔\leftrightarrow↔ web server
protocol: HTTPS (actrual protocol: SSL/TLS)

Make sure that as this data travels across the network:

  1. attacker can’t eavesdrop on this data
  2. attacker can’t modify the data while it’s in the network

[no eavesdropping, no tampering]

Secure Sockets Layer/TLS

Two main parts:

  1. Handshake Protocol: Establish shared secret key using public-key cryptography (2nd part of course)
  2. Record Layer: Transmit data using shared secret key
    Ensure confidentiality and integrity (1st part of course)

Protected files on disk

  1. attacker can’t read the contents in the file
  2. if the attacker tries to modify the data in the file while it’s on disk, it will be detected when decrypting this file

Analogous to secure communication:
Alice today sends a message to Alice tomorrow.

Building block: symmetric encryption

E, D: cipher
k: secret key(e.g. 128bits)
m, c: plaintext, ciphertext

Encryption algorithm is publicly known
Never use a proprietary cipher

Use Cases

Single use key: (one time key)
Key is only used to encrypt one message
e.g. encrypted email: new key generated for every email

Multi use key: (many time key)
Key used to encrypt multiple messages
e.g. encrypted files: same key used to encrypt many files
Need more machinery than for one-time key

Things to remember

Cryptography is:

  • A tremendous tool
  • The basis for many security mechanisms

Cryptography is not:

  • The solution to all security problems
  • Reliable unless implemented and used properly
  • Something you should try to invest yourself
    many many examples of broken ad-hoc designs

What is cryptography?

Crypto core

  • Secret key establishment
  • Secure communication

But crypto cand do much more

  • Digital signatures
  • Anonymous communication
  • Anonymous digital cash
    Can I spend a “digital coin” without anyone knowing who I am?
    How to prevent double spending?


  • Examples:
    -Private auctions
  • Secure multi-party computation

Goal: compute f(x1,x2,x3,x4)f(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)f(x1​,x2​,x3​,x4​)
trusted authority?
“Thm:” anything that can be done with a trusted authority, can also be done without a trusted authority.

Crypto magic

  • Privately outsourcing computation
  • Zero knowledge(proof of knowledge)

A rigorous science

The three steps in cryptography:

  • Precisely specify threat model
  • Propose a construction
  • Prove that breaking construction under threat mode will solve an underlying hard problem


David Kahn, “The code breakers”(1996)

Symmetric Ciphers

Few Historic Examples (all badly broken)

1. Substitution cipher

e.g. Ceaser Cipher (no key)

Q: What is the size of key space in the substitution cipher assuming 26 letters?
A: 26!≈28826!\approx 2^{88}26!≈288

How to break a substitution cipher?

Q: What is the most common letter in English text?
A: “E”

  1. Use frequency of English letters
  2. Use frequency of pairs of letters (diagrams)

2. Vigener cipher (16’th century, Rome)

3. Rotor Machines (1870-1943)

Early example: the Hebern machine (single rotor)

Most famous: the Enigma (3-5 rotors)
# rotor positions = 264≈21826^4\approx 2^{18}264≈218
[total # keys = 2362^{36}236 due to optional plugboard]

Data Encryption Standard (1974)

DES: # keys = 2562^{56}256, block size = 64 bits

Today: AES(2001), Salsa20(2008),… (and others)

Discrete Probability

U: finite set (e.g. U={0,1}nU=\{0, 1\}^nU={0,1}n)
Def: Probability distribution PPP over UUU is a function P:U→[0,1]P: U\rightarrow [0, 1]P:U→[0,1] such that ∑x∈UP(x)=1\displaystyle\sum_{x\in U} P(x)=1x∈U∑​P(x)=1


  1. Uniform distribution: for all x∈Ux\in Ux∈U: P(x)=1/∣U∣P(x)=1/|U|P(x)=1/∣U∣
  2. Point distribution at x0x_0x0​: P(x0)=1,∀x≠x0:P(x)=0P(x_0)=1, \forall x\not =x_0: P(x)=0P(x0​)=1,∀x​=x0​:P(x)=0

Distribution vector:
(Example) (P(000),P(001),P(010),...,P(111))(P(000), P(001), P(010), ..., P(111))(P(000),P(001),P(010),...,P(111))


  • For a set A⊆U:Pr[A]=∑x∈AP(x)∈[0,1]A\subseteq U: Pr[A]=\displaystyle\sum _{x\in A}P(x)\in [0, 1]A⊆U:Pr[A]=x∈A∑​P(x)∈[0,1]
  • The set AAA is called an event
  • note: Pr[U]=1Pr[U]=1Pr[U]=1

U={0,1}8U=\{ 0, 1\}^8U={0,1}8
A={A=\{A={all xxx in UUU that lsb2(x)=11}⊆Ulsb_2(x)=11\}\subseteq Ulsb2​(x)=11}⊆U
for the uniform distribution on {0,1}8\{ 0, 1\}^8{0,1}8:Pr[A]=1/4Pr[A]=1/4Pr[A]=1/4

[lsb2(x)=11lsb_2(x)=11lsb2​(x)=11: the two least significant bits of the byte is “11”]

The union bond

For events A1A_1A1​ and A2A_2A2​
Pr[A1∪A2]≤Pr[A1]+Pr[A2]Pr[A_1\cup A_2]\leq Pr[A_1]+Pr[A_2]Pr[A1​∪A2​]≤Pr[A1​]+Pr[A2​]

A1∩A2=Φ⟹Pr[A1]∪A2=Pr[A1]+Pr[A2]A_1\cap A_2=\Phi \implies Pr[A_1]\cup A_2= Pr[A_1]+Pr[A_2]A1​∩A2​=Φ⟹Pr[A1​]∪A2​=Pr[A1​]+Pr[A2​]

A1={A_1=\{A1​={all xxx in {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n{0,1}n s.t. lsb2(x)=11}lsb_2(x)=11\}lsb2​(x)=11}
A2={A_2=\{A2​={all xxx in {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n{0,1}n s.t. msb2(x)=11}msb_2(x)=11\}msb2​(x)=11}

Pr[lsb2(x)=11Pr[lsb_2(x)=11Pr[lsb2​(x)=11 or msb2(x)=11]=Pr[A1∪A2]≤1/4+1/4=1/2msb_2(x)=11]=Pr[A_1\cup A_2]\leq 1/4+1/4=1/2msb2​(x)=11]=Pr[A1​∪A2​]≤1/4+1/4=1/2

[lsb2(x)=11lsb_2(x)=11lsb2​(x)=11: end with “11”]
[msb2(x)=11msb_2(x)=11msb2​(x)=11: begin with “11”]

Random Variables

Def: a random variable XXX is a function X:U→VX: U\rightarrow VX:U→V

X:{0,1}n→{0,1}X: \{ 0, 1\}^n\rightarrow\{0, 1\}X:{0,1}n→{0,1}
X(y)=lsb(y)∈{0,1}X(y)=lsb(y)\in \{0, 1\}X(y)=lsb(y)∈{0,1}

For the uniform distribution on UUU:
Pr[X=0]=1/2,Pr[X=1]=1/2Pr[X=0]=1/2, Pr[X=1]=1/2Pr[X=0]=1/2,Pr[X=1]=1/2

More generally:
rand.var. XXX induces a distribution on VVV: Pr[X=v]:=Pr[X−1(v)]Pr[X=v]:=Pr[X^{-1}(v)]Pr[X=v]:=Pr[X−1(v)]

[X−1(v)X^{-1}(v)X−1(v): aaa for X(a)=vX(a)=vX(a)=v]
Formally we say that the probability that XXX outputs vvv, is the same as the probability of the event that when we sample a random element in the universe, we fall into the pre-image of vvv under the function XXX.

The uniform random variable

Let UUU be some set, e.g. U={0,1}nU=\{0, 1\}^nU={0,1}n
We write r←RUr\xleftarrow{R}UrR​U to donate a uniform random variable over UUU
for all a∈Ua\in Ua∈U: Pr[r=a]=1/∣U∣Pr[r=a]=1/|U|Pr[r=a]=1/∣U∣
(formally, rrr is the identity function: r(x)=xr(x)=xr(x)=x for all x∈Ux\in Ux∈U)

Let rrr be a uniform random variable on {0,1}2\{ 0, 1\}^2{0,1}2
Define the random variable X=r1+r2X=r_1+r_2X=r1​+r2​
Then Pr[X=2]=1/4Pr[X=2]=1/4Pr[X=2]=1/4

(Hint: Pr[X=2]=Pr[r=11]Pr[X=2]=Pr[r=11]Pr[X=2]=Pr[r=11])

Randomized algorithms

Deterministic algorithm: y←A(m)y\leftarrow A(m)y←A(m)

Randomized algorithm:
y←A(m;r)y\leftarrow A(m;r)y←A(m;r) where r←R{0,1}nr\xleftarrow{R}\{0, 1\}^nrR​{0,1}n
output is a random variable

A(m;k)=E(k,m)A(m;k)=E(k, m)A(m;k)=E(k,m), y←RA(m)y\xleftarrow{R}A(m)yR​A(m)


Def: events A and B independent if Pr[APr[APr[A and B]=Pr[A]⋅Pr[B]B]=Pr[A]\cdot Pr[B]B]=Pr[A]⋅Pr[B]
random variables X, Y taking values in V are independent if ∀a,b∈V:Pr[X=a\forall a,b\in V: Pr[X=a∀a,b∈V:Pr[X=a and Y=b]=Pr[X=a]⋅Pr[Y=b]Y=b]=Pr[X=a]\cdot Pr[Y=b]Y=b]=Pr[X=a]⋅Pr[Y=b]

U={0,1}2={00,01,10,11}U=\{ 0, 1\}^2=\{00, 01, 10, 11\}U={0,1}2={00,01,10,11} and r←RUr\xleftarrow{R}UrR​U
Define random variables XXX and YYY as: X=lsb(r)X=lsb(r)X=lsb(r), Y=msb(r)Y=msb(r)Y=msb(r)
Pr[X=0Pr[X=0Pr[X=0 and Y=0]=Pr[r=00]=1/4=Pr[X=0]⋅Pr[Y=0]Y=0]=Pr[r=00]=1/4=Pr[X=0]\cdot Pr[Y=0]Y=0]=Pr[r=00]=1/4=Pr[X=0]⋅Pr[Y=0]


XOR of two strings in {0,1}n\{ 0, 1\}^n{0,1}n is their bit-wise addition mod 2

An important property of XOR

YYY is a random variable over {0,1}n\{ 0, 1\}^n{0,1}n
XXX is a uniform random variable over {0,1}n\{ 0, 1\}^n{0,1}n
XXX and YYY are independent
Then: Z:=Y⊕XZ:=Y\oplus XZ:=Y⊕X is a uniform variable on {0,1}n\{ 0, 1\}^n{0,1}n

Proof: (for n=1)
Pr[Z=0]=Pr[(X,Y)=(0,0)Pr[Z=0]=Pr[(X,Y)=(0,0)Pr[Z=0]=Pr[(X,Y)=(0,0) or (X,Y)=(1,1)]=Pr[(X,Y)=(0,0)]⋅Pr[(X,Y)=(1,1)]=1/2(X,Y)=(1,1)]=Pr[(X,Y)=(0,0)]\cdot Pr[(X,Y)=(1,1)]=1/2(X,Y)=(1,1)]=Pr[(X,Y)=(0,0)]⋅Pr[(X,Y)=(1,1)]=1/2

The birthday paradox

Let r1,r2,...,rn∈Ur_1, r_2, ..., r_n\in Ur1​,r2​,...,rn​∈U be independent identically distributed random variables.
when n=1.2×∣U∣1/2n=1.2\times |U|^{1/2}n=1.2×∣U∣1/2 then Pr[∃i≠j:ri=rj]≥1/2Pr[\exist i\not = j: r_i=r_j]\geq 1/2Pr[∃i​=j:ri​=rj​]≥1/2
[notation: ∣U∣|U|∣U∣ is the size of UUU]

Let U={0,1}128U=\{ 0, 1\}^{128}U={0,1}128
After sampling about 2642^{64}264 random messages from UUU, some two sampled messages will likely be the same.


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