elasticdump --input=http://ip:9200/baochuan_pro --output=C:/qbc/baochuan.json

elasticdump --input=C:/qbc/baochuan.json --output=http://ip:9200/baochuan_pro


elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9488/baochuan --output=C:/qbc/baochuan.json --searchBody={“query”:{“bool”:{“filter”:[{“bool”:{“must”:[{“match_phrase”:{“withFileTypeName”:{“query”:“7”}}}]}}]}},“_source”:{“include”:[“*”]}}

elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9488/baochuan --output=C:/qbc/baochuan.json --searchBody={“query”:{“bool”:{“filter”:[{“terms”:{“withFileTypeName”:[“9”,“12”,“597”]}}]}},“_source”:{“include”:[“*”]}}

一定要将es 语句转义

–limit 1000- 就是一次导出10000条数据

注意:–searchBody 不要单引号且需要转义

命令elasticdump: Import and export tools for elasticsearch
version: %%version%%Usage: elasticdump --input SOURCE --output DESTINATION [OPTIONS]--inputSource location (required)
--input-indexSource index and type(default: all, example: index/type)
--outputDestination location (required)
--output-indexDestination index and type(default: all, example: index/type)
--overwriteOverwrite output file if it exists(default: false)
--limitHow many objects to move in batch per operationlimit is approximate for file streams(default: 100)
--sizeHow many objects to retrieve(default: -1 -> no limit)
--concurrencyThe maximum number of requests the can be made concurrently to a specified transport.(default: 1)
--concurrencyIntervalThe length of time in milliseconds in which up to <intervalCap> requests can be madebefore the interval request count resets. Must be finite.(default: 5000)
--intervalCapThe maximum number of transport requests that can be made within a given <concurrencyInterval>.(default: 5)
--carryoverConcurrencyCountIf true, any incomplete requests from a <concurrencyInterval> will be carried over tothe next interval, effectively reducing the number of new requests that can be createdin that next interval.  If false, up to <intervalCap> requests can be created in thenext interval regardless of the number of incomplete requests from the previous interval.(default: true)
--throttleIntervalDelay in milliseconds between getting data from an inputTransport and sending it to anoutputTransport.(default: 1)
--debugDisplay the elasticsearch commands being used(default: false)
--quietSuppress all messages except for errors(default: false)
--typeWhat are we exporting?(default: data, options: [settings, analyzer, data, mapping, alias, template])
--deleteDelete documents one-by-one from the input as they aremoved.  Will not delete the source index(default: false)
--searchBodyPreform a partial extract based on search resultswhen ES is the input, default values areif ES > 5`'{"query": { "match_all": {} }, "stored_fields": ["*"], "_source": true }'`else`'{"query": { "match_all": {} }, "fields": ["*"], "_source": true }'`
--headersAdd custom headers to Elastisearch requests (helpful whenyour Elasticsearch instance sits behind a proxy)(default: '{"User-Agent": "elasticdump"}')
--paramsAdd custom parameters to Elastisearch requests uri. Helpful when you for examplewant to use elasticsearch preference(default: null)
--sourceOnlyOutput only the json contained within the document _sourceNormal: {"_index":"","_type":"","_id":"", "_source":{SOURCE}}sourceOnly: {SOURCE}(default: false)
--ignore-errorsWill continue the read/write loop on write error(default: false)
--scrollTimeTime the nodes will hold the requested search in order.(default: 10m)
--maxSocketsHow many simultaneous HTTP requests can we process make?(default:5 [node <= v0.10.x] /Infinity [node >= v0.11.x] )
--timeoutInteger containing the number of milliseconds to wait fora request to respond before aborting the request. Passeddirectly to the request library. Mostly used when you don'tcare too much if you lose some data when importingbut rather have speed.
--offsetInteger containing the number of rows you wish to skipahead from the input transport.  When importing a largeindex, things can go wrong, be it connectivity, crashes,someone forgetting to `screen`, etc.  This allows youto start the dump again from the last known line written(as logged by the `offset` in the output).  Please beadvised that since no sorting is specified when thedump is initially created, there's no real way toguarantee that the skipped rows have already beenwritten/parsed.  This is more of an option for whenyou want to get most data as possible in the indexwithout concern for losing some rows in the process,similar to the `timeout` option.(default: 0)
--noRefreshDisable input index refresh.Positive:1. Much increase index speed2. Much less hardware requirementsNegative:1. Recently added data may not be indexedRecommended to use with big data indexing,where speed and system health in a higher prioritythan recently added data.
--inputTransportProvide a custom js file to use as the input transport
--outputTransportProvide a custom js file to use as the output transport
--toLogWhen using a custom outputTransport, should log linesbe appended to the output stream?(default: true, except for `$`)
--transformA javascript, which will be called to modify documentsbefore writing it to destination. global variable 'doc'is available.Example script for computing a new field 'f2' as doubledvalue of field 'f1':doc._source["f2"] = doc._source.f1 * 2;May be used multiple times.Additionally, transform may be performed by a module. See [Module Transform](#module-transform) below.
--awsChainUse [standard](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/a-new-and-standardized-way-to-manage-credentials-in-the-aws-sdks/) location and ordering for resolving credentials including environment variables, config files, EC2 and ECS metadata locations_Recommended option for use with AWS_
--awsSecretAccessKeyWhen using Amazon Elasticsearch Service protected byAWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), provideyour Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.--sessionToken can also be optionally provided if using temporary credentials
--awsIniFileProfileAlternative to --awsAccessKeyId and --awsSecretAccessKey,loads credentials from a specified profile in aws ini file.For greater flexibility, consider using --awsChainand setting AWS_PROFILE and AWS_CONFIG_FILEenvironment variables to override defaults if needed
--awsIniFileNameOverride the default aws ini file name when using --awsIniFileProfileFilename is relative to ~/.aws/(default: config)
--support-big-int   Support big integer numbers
--retryAttempts  Integer indicating the number of times a request should be automatically re-attempted before failingwhen a connection fails with one of the following errors `ECONNRESET`, `ENOTFOUND`, `ESOCKETTIMEDOUT`,ETIMEDOUT`, `ECONNREFUSED`, `EHOSTUNREACH`, `EPIPE`, `EAI_AGAIN`(default: 0)--retryDelay   Integer indicating the back-off/break period between retry attempts (milliseconds)(default : 5000)
--parseExtraFieldsComma-separated list of meta-fields to be parsed
--fileSizesupports file splitting.  This value must be a string supported by the **bytes** module.     The following abbreviations must be used to signify size in terms of units         b for byteskb for kilobytesmb for megabytesgb for gigabytestb for terabytese.g. 10mb / 1gb / 1tbPartitioning helps to alleviate overflow/out of memory exceptions by efficiently segmenting filesinto smaller chunks that then be merged if needs be.
--fsCompressgzip data before sending outputting to file
--s3AccessKeyIdAWS access key ID
--s3SecretAccessKeyAWS secret access key
--s3RegionAWS region
--s3Endpoint        AWS endpoint can be used for AWS compatible backends such asOpenStack Swift and OpenStack Ceph
--s3SSLEnabled      Use SSL to connect to AWS [default true]--s3ForcePathStyle  Force path style URLs for S3 objects [default false]--s3Compressgzip data before sending to s3  --retryDelayBaseThe base number of milliseconds to use in the exponential backoff for operation retries. (s3)
--customBackoffActivate custom customBackoff function. (s3)
--tlsAuthEnable TLS X509 client authentication
--cert, --input-cert, --output-certClient certificate file. Use --cert if source and destination are identical.Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.
--key, --input-key, --output-keyPrivate key file. Use --key if source and destination are identical.Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.
--pass, --input-pass, --output-passPass phrase for the private key. Use --pass if source and destination are identical.Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.
--ca, --input-ca, --output-caCA certificate. Use --ca if source and destination are identical.Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.
--inputSocksProxy, --outputSocksProxySocks5 host address
--inputSocksPort, --outputSocksPortSocks5 host port
--helpThis page

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