
  • 1.verb plua me
    • 1.gimme = give me
    • 2.lemme = sort of
  • 2.what + is + word
    • 1.wassup = what is up
    • 2.whatser = what is her
    • 3.whatsis = what is his
  • 3.word + have
    • 1.coulda = could have
    • 2.mighta = might have
    • 3.musta = must have
    • 4.shoulda = should have
    • 5.woulda = would have
  • 4.word + to
    • 1.gonna = going to
    • 2.gotta = got to
    • 3.hafta = have to
    • 4.hasta = has to
    • 4.oughta = ought to
    • 1.wanna/wansta = want/wants to
  • word + of
    • 1.sorta = sort of
    • 2.typa = type of
    • 3.frunna = front of
    • 4.kinda = kind of
    • 5.kindsa/loadsa = kinds/loads of
    • 6.lotta/lotsa = lot/lots of
    • 7.outta = out of

We just use them in speaking english,and we need to write down the integrate word.

1.verb plua me

1.gimme = give me

Give me(gimme)  that pen.

2.lemme = sort of

Let me(Lemme) come with you.

2.what + is + word

1.wassup = what is up

What is up(Wassup) with that?

2.whatser = what is her

What is her(Whatser) name again?

3.whatsis = what is his

What is his(Whatsis) phone number?

3.word + have

1.coulda = could have

You could have told me(coulda) that  yesterday.

2.mighta = might have

She might have(mighta) gone to the bank today.

3.musta = must have

She must have(musta) taken the train.

4.shoulda = should have

You should have(shoulda) done something.

5.woulda = would have

I would have(woulda) gone, but I was ill.

4.word + to

1.gonna = going to

I'm going to(gonna) go to  the shops, do you want anything?

2.gotta = got to

I've got to(gotta) go.

3.hafta = have to

Seriously, you have to(hafta) meet him.

4.hasta = has to

She has to(hasta) believe him.

4.oughta = ought to

You ought to(oughta) call in sick.

1.wanna/wansta = want/wants to

I want to(wanna) go  to the cinema.
She wants to(wansta) come with me

word + of

1.sorta = sort of

example:What sorta chocolate is that ?

2.typa = type of

example:It's a typa dark chocolate.

3.frunna = front of

example:Park in frunna the house.

4.kinda = kind of

example:I kind of(kinda) like it.

5.kindsa/loadsa = kinds/loads of

I've got loads of(loadsa) kinds of(kindsa) tea in my cupboard.

6.lotta/lotsa = lot/lots of

There are lots of(lotsa) people here.
She has lot of(lotta) friends.

7.outta = out of

I have to(hafta) get out of(outta) here.


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