

% create some line form the equation y=mx+h

m = 0.5; h = 0.2;

x = -2:0.01:2;

y = m*x+h;

% create a grid on the range [-1,1]

[X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,10),linspace(-1,1,10));

% create a quad mesh on this range

fvc = surf2patch(X,Y,zeros(size(X)));

% extract topology

v = fvc.vertices(:,[1,2]);

f = fvc.faces;

% plot the grid and the line

patch(fvc,'EdgeColor','g','FaceColor','w'); hold on;


% use line line intersection from the link

DC = [f(:,[1,2]);f(:,[2,3]);f(:,[3,4]);f(:,[4,1])];

D = v(DC(:,1),:);

C = v(DC(:,2),:);

A = repmat([x(1),y(1)],size(DC,1),1);

B = repmat([x(end),y(end)],size(DC,1),1);

E = A-B;

F = D-C;

P = [-E(:,2),E(:,1)];

h = dot(A-C,P,2)./dot(F,P,2);

% calc intersections

idx = (0<=h & h<=1);

intersections = C(idx,:)+F(idx,:).*repmat(h(idx),1,2);

intersections = uniquetol(intersections,1e-8,'ByRows',true);

% sort by x axis values

[~,ii] = sort(intersections(:,1));

intersections = intersections(ii,:);


% get segments lengths

directions = diff(intersections);

lengths = sqrt(sum(directions.^2,2));

directions = directions./repmat(sqrt(sum(directions.^2,2)),1,2);

directions = directions.*repmat(lengths,1,2);



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