【TA-霜狼_may-《百人计划》】图形3.3 曲面细分与几何着色器 大规模草渲染

  • @[TOC](【TA-霜狼_may-《百人计划》】图形3.3 曲面细分与几何着色器 大规模草渲染
  • 3.3.1 曲面细分着色器的应用
  • 3.3.2 几何着色器的应用
    • 着色器执行顺序
  • 3.3.3 TESS的输入输出
  • 3.3.4 TESS流程(Tessellation Shader )
    • HULL Shader
  • 3.3.5 GS的输入与输出
  • 作业
    • 曲面细分
    • 大面积草渲染
    • Tessellation Shader
    • 草 Shader
    • 补充

3.3.1 曲面细分着色器的应用

  1. 海浪、雪地
  2. 与置换贴图的结合

3.3.2 几何着色器的应用


3.3.3 TESS的输入输出

  • 输入
  • 功能
  • 输出

3.3.4 TESS流程(Tessellation Shader )

  1. HULL Shader

    • 决定细分的数量(设定Tessellation factor 以及 Inside Tessellation factor)
    • 对输入的Patch参数进行改变(如果需要)
  2. Tessellation Primitive Generation
  3. Domain Shader

HULL Shader

  • Tessellation Factor


  • Inner Tessellation Factor

3.3.5 GS的输入与输出

  • 输入:为图元(三角形,矩形,线等)
  • 输出同样为图元,一个或多个,需要自己从顶点构建,顺序很重要,同时需要定义最大输出的顶点数





Tessellation Shader

Shader "Custom/100 learning/MyTessShader"
{Properties{_TessellationUniform ("Tessellation Uniform", Range(1, 64)) = 1}SubShader{Tags {"RenderType" = "Opaque"}Pass{LOD 200Name "FORWARD"Tags{"LightMode" = "ForwardBase"}CGPROGRAM// 曲面细分着色器中包含 hull shader 和 domain shader// 另外加上 顶点着色器和片元着色器#pragma hull hullShader#pragma domain domainShader#pragma vertex tessVert#pragma fragment frag#include "UnityCG.cginc"//曲面细分头文件 包括一些辅助函数#include "Tessellation.cginc"#pragma target 5.0sampler2D _MainTex;float4 _MainTex_ST;struct a2v{float4 vertex : POSITION;float3 normal : NORMAL;float4 tangent : TANGENT;float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;};struct v2f{float4 pos : SV_POSITION;float3 normal : NORMAL;float4 tangent : TANGENT;float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;};// 应用于domain函数中,用于处理坐标v2f vert (a2v v){v2f o;o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);o.normal = v.normal;o.tangent = v.tangent;o.uv = v.uv;return o;}#ifdef UNITY_CAN_COMPILE_TESSELLATIONstruct tessVertex{float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;float3 normal : NORMAL;float4 tangent : TANGENT;float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;};// 不同的图元,该结构会有所不同 用于Hull Shaderstruct outputPatchConstant{float edge[3] : SV_TESSFACTOR;float inside : SV_INSIDETESSFACTOR;};// 将顶点着色器中的数据传入曲面细分着色器tessVertex tessVert(a2v v){tessVertex o;o.vertex = v.vertex;o.normal = v.normal;o.tangent = v.tangent;o.uv = v.uv;return o;}float _TessellationUniform;outputPatchConstant hsconst (InputPatch<tessVertex, 3> patch){// 定义曲面细分参数outputPatchConstant o;o.edge[0] = _TessellationUniform;o.edge[1] = _TessellationUniform;o.edge[2] = _TessellationUniform;o.inside = _TessellationUniform;return o;}// 确定图元的种类:quad / triangle[UNITY_domain("tri")]// 拆分edge的规则:equal_spacing, fractional_odd, fractional_even[UNITY_partitioning("fractional_odd")]// 输出三角形的情况,例如顺时针或者逆时针 与背面剔除等有关[UNITY_outputtopology("triangle_cw")]// 一个patch一共有三个点,但是这三个点都共用这个函数[UNITY_patchconstantfunc("hsconst")]// 不同的图元会对应不同的控制点[UNITY_outputcontrolpoints(3)]// 定义hullShader函数tessVertex hullShader (InputPatch<tessVertex, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTID){return patch[id];}// 定义图元的种类:与hull shader中相同[UNITY_domain("tri")]// bary代表重心坐标下的系数,将重心坐标下的点重新还回去v2f domainShader(outputPatchConstant tessFactors, const OutputPatch<tessVertex, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DOMAINLOCATION){a2v v;v.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;v.tangent = patch[0].tangent * bary.x + patch[1].tangent * bary.y + patch[2].tangent * bary.z;v.normal = patch[0].normal * bary.x + patch[1].normal * bary.y + patch[2].normal * bary.z;v.uv = patch[0].uv * bary.x + patch[1].uv * bary.y + patch[2].uv * bary.z;v2f o = vert (v);return o;}#endiffixed4 frag(v2f i):SV_Target{return fixed4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);}ENDCG}}FallBack Off

草 Shader

Shader "Custom/100 learning/MyGrassShader"
{Properties{[Header(Shading)]// 颜色_TopColor("Top Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)_BottomColor("Bottom Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)_TranslucentGain("Translucent Gain", Range(0,1)) = 0.5// 草的宽度和高度 以及 对应的随机调整阈值_BladeWidth("Blade Width", Float) = 0.05_BladeWidthRandom("Blade Width Random", Float) = 0.02_BladeHeight("Blade Height", Float) = 0.5_BladeHeightRandom("Blade Height Random", Float) = 0.3// 随机倾斜阈值_BendRotationRandom("Bend Rotation Random", Range(0, 1)) = 0.2// Tessellation Shader 相关_TessellationUniform("Tessellation Uniform", Range(1, 64)) = 1// 加入风吹的扭曲纹理_WindDistortionMap("Wind Distortion Map", 2D) = "white" {}_WindFrequency("Wind Frequency", Vector) = (0.05, 0.05, 0, 0)// 风的强度_WindStrength("Wind Strength", Float) = 1}// CGINCLUDE一般写在SubShader的外面 方便所有 SubShader共用CGINCLUDE#include "UnityCG.cginc"#include "Autolight.cginc"#include "Tessellation.cginc"// 这个引用的作用跟上面的这个Tessellation一模一样#include "Assets/100PersonPlan/Shader/CustomTessellation.cginc"float _BendRotationRandom;float _BladeHeight;float _BladeHeightRandom;float _BladeWidth;float _BladeWidthRandom;sampler2D _WindDistortionMap;float4 _WindDistortionMap_ST;float2 _WindFrequency;float _WindStrength;struct geometryOutput{float4 pos : SV_POSITION;#if UNITY_PASS_FORWARDBASE//     float3 normal : NORMAL;float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;//     // unityShadowCoord4 is defined as a float4 in UnityShadowLibrary.cginc//     unityShadowCoord4 _ShadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;#endif};// https://forum.unity.com/threads/am-i-over-complicating-this-random-function.454887/#post-2949326// Returns a number in the 0...1 range.float rand(float3 co){return frac(sin(dot(co.xyz,float3(12.9898, 78.233, 53.539))) * 43758.5453);}// Construct a rotation matrix that rotates around the provided axis, sourced from:// https://gist.github.com/keijiro/ee439d5e7388f3aafc5296005c8c3f33float3x3 AngleAxis3x3(float angle, float3 axis){float c, s;// return sin and cos values of the given anglesincos(angle, s, c);float t = 1 - c;float x = axis.x;float y = axis.y;float z = axis.z;return float3x3(t * x * x + c, t * x * y - s * z, t * x * z + s * y,t * x * y + s * z, t * y * y + c, t * y * z - s * x,t * x * z - s * y, t * y * z + s * x, t * z * z + c);}// 由于在CustomTessellation.cginc中已经定义了 vertexInput vertexOutput 以及 vert// 所以下面三个部分省略// struct vertexInput{//     float4 vertex : POSITION;//     float3 normal : NORMAL;//     float4 tangent : TANGENT;// };// struct vertexOutput{//     float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;//     float3 normal : NORMAL;//     float4 tangent : TANGENT;// };// // Modify the vertex shader// vertexOutput vert(vertexInput v){//     vertexOutput o;//     o.vertex = v.vertex;//     o.normal = v.normal;//     o.tangent = v.tangent;//     return o;// }geometryOutput VertexOutput(float3 pos, float2 uv){geometryOutput o;o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(pos);o.uv = uv;return o;}// 将变换顶点的操作 转移到了geometry shader中,所以UnityObjectToClipPos写在geo shader中// 在函数声明部分共有两个参数 第一个为输入,表示接收一个triangle类型, (内部包含三个顶点)//第二个参数表示输出一个triangles,并利用geometryOutput来承载其中的数据[maxvertexcount(3)]void geo(triangle vertexOutput IN[3], inout TriangleStream<geometryOutput> triStream){geometryOutput o;float3 pos = IN[0].vertex;float3 vNormal = IN[0].normal;float4 vTangent = IN[0].tangent;float3 vBinormal = cross(vNormal, vTangent) * vTangent.w;//用于在世界空间和切线空间之间进行转换float3x3 tangentToLocal = float3x3(vTangent.x, vBinormal.x, vNormal.x,vTangent.y, vBinormal.y, vNormal.y,vTangent.z, vBinormal.z, vNormal.z);// 根据当前位置随机生成旋转角度,并指定旋转为 z 轴(切线空间下)float3x3 facingRotationMatrix = AngleAxis3x3(rand(pos) * UNITY_TWO_PI, float3(0,0,1));float3x3 bendRotationMatrix = AngleAxis3x3(rand(pos.zzx) * _BendRotationRandom * UNITY_PI * 0.5, float3(-1,0,0));// 利用当前点的位置来取样扭曲纹理,而不是给定的网格的纹理坐标,从而达到逼真的风的效果float2 uv = pos.xz * _WindDistortionMap_ST.xy + _WindDistortionMap_ST.zw + _WindFrequency * _Time.y;// 结合风的强度对扭曲纹理进行采样 纹理采样范围从0 - 1变为 -1 - 1float2 windSample = (tex2Dlod(_WindDistortionMap, float4 (uv, 0, 0)).xy * 2 - 1)* _WindStrength;// 生成旋转的轴float3 wind = normalize(float3(windSample.x, windSample.y, 0));// 生成旋转矩阵float3x3 windRotation = AngleAxis3x3(UNITY_PI * windSample, wind);// 利用平移矩阵和旋转矩阵生成变换矩阵float3x3 transformationMatrix = mul(mul(mul(tangentToLocal, windRotation), facingRotationMatrix), bendRotationMatrix);// 利用随机数生成每一片草的高度和宽度float height = (rand(pos.zyx) * 2 - 1) * _BladeHeightRandom + _BladeHeight;float width = (rand(pos.xzy) * 2 -1) * _BladeWidthRandom + _BladeWidth;// 将点从模型空间转换到世界空间的处理提取到外面变成函数调用// 加以切线变化矩阵的应用就变成从切线空间到世界空间的转化triStream.Append(VertexOutput(pos + mul(transformationMatrix, float3(width, 0, 0)), float2(0, 0)));triStream.Append(VertexOutput(pos + mul(transformationMatrix, float3(-width, 0, 0)), float2(1, 0)));// 在切线坐标下,指向上的方向为z轴,所以此处的1应该赋予ztriStream.Append(VertexOutput(pos + mul(transformationMatrix, float3(0, 0, height)), float2(0.5, 1)));}ENDCGSubShader{Cull OffPass{Tags{"RenderType" = "Opaque""lightMode" = "ForwardBase"}CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert#pragma hull hull#pragma domain domain#pragma geometry geo#pragma fragment frag#pragma target 4.6#pragma multi_compile_fwdbase#include "Lighting.cginc"float4 _TopColor;float4 _BottomColor;float _TranslucentGain;fixed4 frag(geometryOutput i, fixed facing : VFACE) : SV_Target{return lerp(_BottomColor, _TopColor, i.uv.y);}ENDCG}}FallBack Off



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