Is making coffee slowing you down in the morning? Even in today’s drip-machine world, is pouring dust into a cup still just too darn hard during your 6AM haze? Here are several ways you can automate your coffee maker, so it’s ready for you in the morning with minimal interaction.

煮咖啡会使您早上起来慢下来吗? 即使在当今的滴灌机世界中,在早上6点雾霾中,往杯子里倒灰尘仍然太难受吗? 您可以通过以下几种方法来自动化咖啡机,因此早上就可以以最小的交互量为您准备好了。

Keep in mind that you can’t have the coffee-making experience be 100% automated, since there are still some things that have to remain manual—even if it’s just making sure you place a coffee cup underneath the dispenser. However, there are a few different things you can add to the experience that will at least partially automate the process.

请记住,您不能让咖啡制作过程100%自动化,因为仍然有一些事情需要手动操作-即使只是确保将咖啡杯放在分配器下方。 但是,您可以为体验添加一些不同的东西,这些东西至少可以部分地使过程自动化。

使用可编程咖啡机 (Use a Programmable Coffee Maker)

You might already have one of these in the first place, but the most basic form of coffee-making automation is the good ol’ programmable coffee maker.


It’s the least “smart” way to automate the coffee making process, but it’s by far the cheapest solution, since you can get a programmable coffee maker for as little as $20.


These coffee makers allow you to set a time that the coffee maker will automatically turn on and begin brewing coffee. So if you normally have your coffee around 7am, maybe program it to turn on at 6:50am or so.

这些咖啡壶可让您设置咖啡壶自动开启并开始煮咖啡的时间。 因此,如果您通常在早上7点左右喝咖啡,则可以将其编程为在早上6:50左右打开。

Granted, you can’t control it remotely and it’s probably not the best solution for those who don’t have their coffee at the same time every morning. However, most people have a consistent morning routine, so a programmable coffee maker would be the best option there.

当然,您不能远程控制它,对于那些每天早上都不在同一时间喝咖啡的人来说,它可能不是最好的解决方案。 但是,大多数人的早晨习惯是一致的,因此可编程的咖啡机将是那里的最佳选择。

Plus, if your current coffee maker isn’t programmable and you don’t want to give it up, you could get a basic plug-in timer that will give you mostly the same features of a programmable model.

另外,如果您当前的咖啡机不是可编程的,并且您不想放弃它,则可以使用基本的插入式计时器 , 该计时器将为您提供与可编程模型基本相同的功能。

使用智能插座 (Use a Smart Outlet)

If you want more control over when your coffee maker turns on and starts brewing your coffee, you might want more than just a basic programmable coffee maker. If you usually don’t have your coffee at the same time every day, then it might be better to have something that you can trigger whenever you want. This is where smart outlets come into play.

如果您想更好地控制咖啡机何时开启并开始冲泡咖啡,则可能不仅仅需要基本的可编程咖啡机。 如果您通常每天都不在同一时间喝咖啡,那么最好随时准备一些可以触发的东西。 这是智能网点发挥作用的地方。

Smart outlets (like the Belkin WeMo Switch) require the coffee maker to have an on/off mechanical switch (rather than a push button), but it will let you turn your coffee maker on and off from anywhere using the app at any time. You can even tell Alexa to “turn the coffee maker on” whenever you’re ready for your morning fix.

智能插座(例如Belkin WeMo Switch )要求咖啡壶具有开/关机械开关 (而不是按钮),但是它使您可以随时使用该应用程序随时随地打开和关闭咖啡壶。 您甚至可以在准备好早上做饭时告诉Alexa“打开咖啡机”。

Plus, smart outlets are pretty cheap at around $30, and you can usually find them on sale throughout the year for as low as $20 if you’re patient enough. It’s a good middle-of-the-road automation solution for coffee making. Of course, you still to need to put in a filter, fill it with coffee grounds, and dump some water in, but you could do that the night before so that you can take it easy the next morning.

另外,智能插座的价格相当便宜,约为30美元,如果您足够耐心的话,您通常可以在全年以低至20美元的价格找到它们。 这是用于咖啡制作的很好的中间路线自动化解决方案。 当然,您仍然需要放入过滤器,将咖啡粉填充到其中,然后倒入一些水,但是您可以在前一天晚上这样做,以便第二天早晨放轻松。

使用内置的Smarts获取咖啡壶 (Get a Coffee Maker with Smarts Built In)

If you want to streamline your automated coffee maker setup, you can get bypass the smart outlet and get a coffee maker that has smarts already built in. This Mr. Coffee machine has Belkin’s WeMo technology built right into the coffee maker itself, so you can control it remotely from your phone without needing to plug in a bulky smart outlet.

如果您想简化自动咖啡机的设置,则可以绕开智能插座,而获得已内置智能功能的咖啡机。 这台Mr. Mr.咖啡机内置了Belkin的WeMo技术,因此您可以通过电话远程控制它,而无需插入笨重的智能插座。

The only downside is that even though WeMo works natively with Alexa, the coffee maker does not, so you’ll have to go through IFTTT in order to control it using your Amazon Echo.

唯一的缺点是,即使WeMo与Alexa本身合作,但咖啡壶却没有,因此您必须通过IFTTT才能使用Amazon Echo对其进行控制。

Of course, buying a smart coffee maker with the tech built in severely limits which coffee makers you can get. So if you’re particular about your coffee makers or you already have one that you’re in love with, it might be best to stick with a smart outlet if possible.

当然,购买具有内置技术的智能咖啡机会严重限制您可以买到的咖啡机。 因此,如果您对咖啡机很在行,或者您已经爱上了咖啡机,那么如果可能的话,最好坚持使用智能插座。

查找适合您的系统 (Find a System That Works for You)

In the end, coffee making is never fully automated and probably never will be, since there are so many factors that go into it. Granted, you can buy expensive coffee makers that grind the beans for you and automatically begins brewing the coffee, but you still need to make sure there’s a cup or mug underneath the dispenser, which is something that you just can’t automate.

最后,由于有很多因素,咖啡制作永远不会完全自动化,也可能永远不会完全自动化。 当然,您可以购买昂贵的咖啡壶,这些咖啡壶可以为您磨豆并自动开始冲泡咖啡,但是您仍然需要确保分配器下方有一个杯子或杯子,这是您无法自动执行的操作。

Whatever coffee maker you have and whichever automation method you decide to use, you’ll need to come up with a system that works well for you and that’s as close to “automatic” that you can get. If it means preparing the water and coffee grounds the night before so that all you have to do is tell Alexa to start up the coffee maker, then so be it.

无论您使用哪种咖啡机,以及决定使用哪种自动化方法,都需要提供一个对您来说运行良好的系统,并且该系统应接近“自动”系统。 如果这意味着在前一天晚上准备水和咖啡渣,那么您要做的就是告诉Alexa启动咖啡机,那就这样吧。



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