


#     FileName: pipe1.c
#         Desc: an example of pipe communication application
#       Author: Licaibiao
#      Version:
#   LastChange: 2017-01-09
#      History: =============================================================================*/
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{    pid_t pid;int fd[2];int read_count = 0;int i;char read_buffer[10] = {0};char write_buffer[10] = {0};/*create pipe*/if (pipe(fd) < 0){printf("Create pipe failed\n");return -1;}/*create process*/if ((pid = fork()) < 0){printf("Fork failed\n");return -1;}/* child */if (pid == 0){printf("[child]Close read endpoint...\n");/* close read */close(fd[0]);         for(i=0;i<10;i++){write_buffer[i]=i; }write(fd[1],write_buffer,i);}/*father*/else{printf("[parent]Close write endpoint...\n");/* close write */close(fd[1]);   read_count = read(fd[0], read_buffer, 10);printf("father process read data\n");for(i=0; i<read_count; i++){printf("read_buffer[%d] = %d\n",i,read_buffer[i]);}}


root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# gcc pipe1.c -o test
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
[parent]Close write endpoint...
[child]Close read endpoint...
father process read data
read_buffer[0] = 0
read_buffer[1] = 1
read_buffer[2] = 2
read_buffer[3] = 3
read_buffer[4] = 4
read_buffer[5] = 5
read_buffer[6] = 6
read_buffer[7] = 7
read_buffer[8] = 8
read_buffer[9] = 9



#     FileName: pipe2.c
#         Desc: three process write piep and father process read data
#       Author: Licaibiao
#      Version:
#   LastChange: 2017-01-09
#      History: =============================================================================*/
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
{int fd[2];int i;int pid[3]={1,1,1};char outpipe[100],inpipe[100];pipe(fd);/* create three process */for(i=0;i<3;i++){pid[i]=fork( );if(pid[i]==0)break;}if(pid[0]==0){lockf(fd[1],F_LOCK,0);sprintf(outpipe,"child 1 process is sending message!");   write(fd[1],outpipe,50);    sleep(5);                lockf(fd[1],F_ULOCK,0);exit(0);}if(pid[1]==0){  lockf(fd[1],F_LOCK,0);sprintf(outpipe,"child 2 process is sending message!");write(fd[1],outpipe,50);sleep(5);lockf(fd[1],F_ULOCK,0);exit(0);}if(pid[2]==0){  lockf(fd[1],F_LOCK,0);sprintf(outpipe,"child 3 process is sending message!");write(fd[1],outpipe,50);sleep(5);lockf(fd[1],F_ULOCK,0);exit(0);}wait(0);read(fd[0],inpipe,50);  printf("%s\n",inpipe);read(fd[0],inpipe,50);printf("%s\n",inpipe);read(fd[0],inpipe,50);printf("%s\n",inpipe);return 0;


root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# gcc pipe2.c -o test
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 3 process is sending message!
child 2 process is sending message!
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 3 process is sending message!
child 2 process is sending message!
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 3 process is sending message!
child 2 process is sending message!
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 2 process is sending message!
child 3 process is sending message!
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 3 process is sending message!
child 2 process is sending message!
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 3 process is sending message!
child 2 process is sending message!
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 3 process is sending message!
child 2 process is sending message!
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 3 process is sending message!
child 2 process is sending message!
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
child 1 process is sending message!
child 3 process is sending message!
child 2 process is sending message!




#     FileName: pipe3.c
#         Desc: two process write into pipe and two process read from pipe
#       Author: Licaibiao
#      Version:
#   LastChange: 2017-01-09
#      History:
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
{int fd[2], i;int pid[3] = {1,1,1};char outpipe[100],inpipe[100];pipe(fd);for(i=0;i<3;i++)
{pid[i]=fork( );if(pid[i]==0)break;}if(pid[0]==0){lockf(fd[1],F_LOCK,0);sprintf(outpipe,"child 1 process is sending message!");   write(fd[1],outpipe,50);    sleep(5);                lockf(fd[1],F_ULOCK,0);exit(0);}if(pid[1]==0){  lockf(fd[1],F_LOCK,0);sprintf(outpipe,"child 2 process is sending message!");write(fd[1],outpipe,50);sleep(5);lockf(fd[1],F_ULOCK,0);exit(0);}if(pid[2]==0){  lockf(fd[0],F_LOCK,0);read(fd[0],inpipe,50);printf("Child 3 read:\n%s\n",inpipe);lockf(fd[0],F_ULOCK,0);exit(0);}wait(0);read(fd[0],inpipe,50);  printf("Parent read:\n%s\n",inpipe);exit(0);


root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# vim pipe3.c
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# gcc pipe3.c -o test
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
Child 3 read:
child 2 process is sending message!
Parent read:
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
Child 3 read:
child 2 process is sending message!
Parent read:
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
Child 3 read:
child 2 process is sending message!
Parent read:
child 1 process is sending message!
root@ubuntu:/home/share/pipe# ./test
Child 3 read:
child 2 process is sending message!
Parent read:
child 1 process is sending message!



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liwen01   2022.08.21


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