
In this week's roundup, Slicer trick, pivot charts, slow workbooks, dashboards, and more.


1.分割日期和时间 (1. Split Date and Time)

Instead of using a complicated date formula, here are a couple of quick ways to split a combined date and time into two separate columns. One method uses a simple formula, and the other method just needs a bit of typing.

除了使用复杂的日期公式之外,这里有几种快速的方法将合并的日期和时间分成两个单独的列。 一种方法使用简单的公式,另一种方法只需要一点输入即可。

2. Excel Slicer技巧 (2. Excel Slicer Trick)

On the Excel Campus blog, Jon Acampora shows a handy trick for creating a search box to use with a Slicer. This will make it much easier to find things, if the Slicer has a long list of items.

在Excel Campus博客上,Jon Acampora展示了一个方便的技巧,可用于创建与Slicer一起使用的搜索框 。 如果“切片器”具有很长的项目列表,这将使查找内容变得更加容易。

And remember, registration closes this Thursday (Feb 25th) for Jon's VBA Pro Course.

请记住,Jon的VBA Pro课程的注册于本周四(2月25日)截止。

3.使用图表 (3. Working With Charts)

It reasonably easy to make a combination chart in Excel, to show some series in columns, and other series as lines. It's not as easy to make a Bar-Line combination chart though, so Jon Peltier guides you through the steps.

在Excel中制作组合图,在列中显示某些系列,在线条中显示其他系列是相当容易的。 制作条形图组合图并不容易,因此Jon Peltier会指导您完成这些步骤。

You won't be able to do that with a pivot chart though, because the "line" series is really a Scatter (X,Y) chart type, and those aren't allowed. Jon also wrote everything you ever wanted to know about pivot charts last week, and he mentioned Contextures, so it must be a good article! There are a few pivot chart articles on my Pivot Table blog too.

但是,您将无法使用数据透视图执行此操作,因为“折线”系列实际上是散点图(X,Y)图表类型,并且不允许使用这些类型。 乔恩上周还写了您想了解的有关透视图的所有内容,并且他提到了Contextures,所以它一定是一篇好文章! 我的数据透视表博客上也有一些数据透视图文章 。

4.英雄堰船 (4. Hero Weir-Ship)

The always enthusiastic Jeff Weir is finally going to meet some of his Excel heroes – he's registered for the upcoming Excel Summit South. I agree, it should be a great event, and a bit too far away for me. What do you think, after reading Jeff's article – should those Microsoft guys be very afraid?

始终充满热情的Jeff Weir终于会见了他的一些Excel英雄-他已经为即将到来的Excel Summit South注册。 我同意,这应该是一件大事,对我来说有点遥不可及。 在阅读了Jeff的文章后,您如何看待这些Microsoft员工应该非常害怕?

5.慢工作簿 (5. Slow Workbook)

Lots of things can slow down a workbook, and some of those problems are hard to track down. Colin Legg just discovered some rogue INDIRECT formulas in a workbook that were causing calculation to grind to a halt in some cases. Use those Volatile functions wisely! And if you're not sure which ones are volatile, Charles Williams has a list.

许多事情会使工作簿变慢,并且其中一些问题很难找到。 柯林·莱格(Colin Legg)刚刚在工作簿中发现了一些流氓INDIRECT公式,这些公式在某些情况下导致计算陷入停顿。 明智地使用那些易失性功能! 而且,如果您不确定哪些波动较大,则查尔斯·威廉姆斯 ( Charles Williams)列出了清单 。

6. Excel仪表板 (6. Excel Dashboards)

Excel Dashboard Course: Mynda Treacy recently opened registration for her acclaimed Excel Dashboard course, and the registration deadline is Thursday, Feb. 25th. The course is a great investment, and you can read my review for the highlights, and more information. Get my new dashboard tools as a bonus with purchase -enter coupon code DebraD

Excel Dashboard课程 :Mynda Treacy最近开放了她备受赞誉的Excel Dashboard课程的注册,注册截止日期为2月25日,星期四 。 本课程是一项巨大的投资,您可以阅读我的评论以了解重点内容以及更多信息。 通过购买获得我的新仪表盘工具作为奖励-输入优惠券代码DebraD

Free Dashboard Webinars: Mynda is also offering two free one-hour webinars -- 1) How to Build Excel Dashboards, and 2) Dashboards with Power Query and Power Pivot. Get the details, and sign up for a date and time that is convenient for you.

免费仪表板网络研讨会 :Mynda还提供两个免费的一小时网络研讨会 -1)如何构建Excel仪表板,以及2)具有Power Query和Power Pivot的仪表板。 获取详细信息,并注册一个方便的日期和时间 。

7. Excel幽默 (7. Excel Humour)

Finally, for a bit of spreadsheet humour, you can see what people are saying about Excel, in my weekly collection of tweets. Here's one of my favourite tweets from this week's collection.

最后,对于电子表格的一些幽默,您可以在我的每周推文集中看到人们对Excel 的评价 。 这是本周收藏中我最喜欢的推文之一。

通过电子邮件获取Excel每周新闻 (Get Weekly Excel News By Email)

To get Excel news and tips by email, add your name for the Contextures Excel newsletter.

若要通过电子邮件获取Excel新闻和提示,请为Contextures Excel新闻通讯添加名称。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2016/02/22/excel-roundup-20160222/




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