
Assignment 2: Pandas and matplotlib



League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular games in the world today. There are some datasets that aim to provide information for data scientists interested in analyzing the game and, hopefully, playing a bit better. smile This assignment will focus on the (LoL) League of Legends Ranked Games dataset, which gathers details from more than 50,000 ranked LoL games. This dataset is available at https://www.kaggle.com/datasnaek/league-of-legends.


According to the website, This is a collection of over 50,000 ranked EUW games from the game League of Legends, as well as json files containing a way to convert between champion and summoner spell IDs and their names. For each game, there are fields for:

  • Game ID
  • Creation Time (in Epoch format)
  • Game Duration (in seconds)
  • Season ID
  • Winner (1 = team1, 2 = team2)
  • First Baron, dragon, tower, blood, inhibitor and Rift Herald (1 = team1, 2 = team2, 0 = none)
  • Champions and summoner spells for each team (Stored as Riot’s champion and summoner spell IDs)
  • The number of tower, inhibitor, Baron, dragon and Rift Herald kills each team has
  • The 5 bans of each team (Again, champion IDs are used)

Obtain this dataset and familiarize yourself with it. Using this dataset, you are expected to answer some questions and create some plots:

  1. Which champion id is more often associated with a team winning?
  2. Which champion id is more often associated with a team losing?
  3. Which champion id being banned is more often associated with a team losing?
  4. Which two champion ids appear more often together in winning teams (where they are not banned)?
  5. Create a scatterplot showing the number of times each champion is part of a winning team.
  6. Furthermore, create a violin plot to show the distribution of wins for the various champions. This plot will also highlight whether there are outliers, i.e., champions that win or lose much more often than the median.
  7. Finally, you should plot a bar chart and a pie chart with the top 20 most often winning champions.

Your charts should be readable, without overlapping names, and with tight borders. Ideally, they should be part of the same figure, appearing as subplots.

The deliverable for this assignment is a Jupyter Notebook with all the code that you wrote. The notebook should also use the functions you built so that the responses to the questions posed in the tasks are visible in the notebook. The notebook should also include the code to produce the plots so that all the responses can be seen in the same notebook.




import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns


# set the path
path = './archive'
gamepath = './archive/games.csv'
champ1path = './archive/champion_info.json'
champ2path = './archive/champion_info_2.json'
spellpath = './archive/summoner_spell_info.json'



gamedata = pd.read_csv(gamepath)


# create table columns names
for i in range(1,3):for j in range(1,6):champ_team_list.append('t{}_champ{}id'.format(i,j))team_ban.append('t{}_ban{}'.format(i,j))


['t1_champ1id', 't1_champ2id', 't1_champ3id', 't1_champ4id', 't1_champ5id']
['t1_ban1', 't1_ban2', 't1_ban3', 't1_ban4', 't1_ban5']


直接把1-3问大一统地解决掉,核心方法是字典,字典的键是champion id,值初始化为0。它们仨的初始化其实直接浅拷贝就行,就是用.copy()方法,注意champion_banned_lose中有-1键,这个键并没有出现在champion id里面;-1代表着空ban:

champid_dict_won = {i:0 for i in pd.read_json(champ1path).index.values}
champid_dict_lose = {i:0 for i in pd.read_json(champ1path).index.values}
champid_banned_lose = {i:0 for i in pd.read_json(champ1path).index.values}
champid_banned_lose[-1] = 0for i in range(len(gamedata)):if gamedata.loc[i, 'winner'] == 1:for id in gamedata.loc[i, team1_champid_list].T.values:champid_dict_won[id] += 1for id in gamedata.loc[i, team2_champid_list].T.values:champid_dict_lose[id] += 1for id in gamedata.loc[i, team1_ban].T.values:champid_banned_lose[id] += 1elif gamedata.loc[i, 'winner'] == 2:for id in gamedata.loc[i, team2_champid_list].T.values:champid_dict_won[id] += 1for id in gamedata.loc[i, team1_champid_list].T.values:champid_dict_lose[id] += 1for id in gamedata.loc[i, team2_ban].T.values:champid_banned_lose[id] += 1


%%time获得的值是Wall time: 3min 43s

# number of champions



# return the maximum value and corresponding key from a dictionary
def get_max_from_dict(adict):max_key = max(adict.keys(),key=(lambda x:adict[x]))max_value = adict[max(adict.keys(),key=(lambda x:adict[x]))]print('id:',max_key, 'value:', max_value)


  1. Which champion id is more often associated with a team winning?
id: 18 value: 6713


  1. Which champion id is more often associated with a team losing?
id: 412 value: 6859


  1. Which champion id being banned is more often associated with a team losing?
id: 157 value: 16519



Which two champion ids appear more often together in winning teams (where they are not banned)?


champid_list = sorted([i for i in pd.read_json(champ1path).index.values])
champid_tuple = []for i in range(len(champid_list)):for j in range(len(champid_list[i+1:])):champid_tuple.append((champid_list[i], champid_list[i+1:][j]))champid_win_both = {i:0 for i in champid_tuple}
for i in range(len(gamedata)):champid_tuple_demo=[]if gamedata.loc[i, 'winner'] == 1:data = gamedata.loc[i, team1_champid_list].T.valueselif gamedata.loc[i, 'winner'] == 2:data = gamedata.loc[i, team2_champid_list].T.valuessorted_data = sorted(data)for i in range(len(sorted_data)):for j in range(len(sorted_data[i+1:])):champid_tuple_demo.append((sorted_data[i], sorted_data[i+1:][j]))for i in champid_tuple_demo:if i in champid_tuple:champid_win_both[i] += 1

这个是在双核奔腾笔记本上运行的,Wall time是3min 56s。

# champion ids appear more often together in winning teams
id: (497, 498) value: 1242



The happy thing is that these two ids are correspond to Rakan and Xayah who are lovers in the game.


Create a scatterplot showing the number of times each champion is part of a winning team.

won_id_times = sorted(champid_dict_won.items(), key=lambda d:d[0], reverse=False)
scatter_x = [i[0] for i in won_id_times]
scatter_y = [i[1] for i in won_id_times]# set the figure size
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax1.set_title('Champion id and Times on Winning Team')  plt.xlabel('Champion id')
plt.ylabel('Times')  ax1.scatter(scatter_x, scatter_y, s=20)  plt.show()



Furthermore, create a violin plot to show the distribution of wins for the various champions. This plot will also highlight whether there are outliers, i.e., champions that win or lose much more often than the median.





Dear professor,
     I am trapped in question #6 “Furthermore, create a violin plot to show the distribution of wins for the various champions. This plot will also highlight whether there are outliers, i.e., champions that win or lose much more often than the median.” Although I have plotted the violin plot of wins for the various champions which is the graph as an attachment, I have trouble in highlighting the max value on the plot.
     The fatal question for me is that it is hard to plot a yellow circle as the highlight point onto the plot since this violin plot created by seaborn does not have y values.
     I would be appreciate it if you give me some helpful suggestion.
     sincerely student


Dear XXX,
You can change the orientation of the violin plot by passing the orient optional named parameter with argument “v” (for “vertical”). Would that help you solve the problem?
I apologize for the long delay. This message got lost in my inbox.
Kind regards,



champid_list = sorted([i for i in pd.read_json(champ1path).index.values])champid_won_times = np.array([i[1] for i in sorted(champid_dict_won.items(), key=lambda d:d[0], reverse=False)])
champid_lose_times = np.array([i[1] for i in sorted(champid_dict_lose.items(), key=lambda d:d[0], reverse=False)])datadict = {'id':champid_list, 'won_times':champid_won_times, 'lose_times':champid_lose_times}champ_won_lose = pd.DataFrame(data=datadict)
# violin plot with outliers
# outliers were highlighted by plotting red pointsfig, ((ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 5), sharex=True)data_won_violin = champ_won_lose['won_times']
data_lose_violin = champ_won_lose['lose_times']q1_won, q3_won = np.percentile(champ_won_lose['won_times'], [25, 75])
whisker_low_won = q1_won - (q3_won - q1_won) * 1.5
whisker_high_won = q3_won + (q3_won - q1_won) * 1.5q1_lose, q3_lose = np.percentile(champ_won_lose['lose_times'], [25, 75])
whisker_low_lose = q1_lose - (q3_lose - q1_lose) * 1.5
whisker_high_lose = q3_lose + (q3_lose - q1_lose) * 1.5sns.violinplot(x=data_won_violin, color='CornflowerBlue', ax=ax1)
outliers_won = data_won_violin[(data_won_violin > whisker_high_won) | (data_won_violin < whisker_low_won)]
sns.scatterplot(x=outliers_won, y=0, marker='o', color='crimson', ax=ax1)sns.violinplot(x=data_lose_violin, color='CornflowerBlue', ax=ax2)
outliers_lose = data_lose_violin[(data_lose_violin > whisker_high_lose) | (data_lose_violin < whisker_low_lose)]
sns.scatterplot(x=outliers_lose, y=0, marker='o', color='crimson', ax=ax2)ax1.set_title('Won Violin Plot')
ax2.set_title('Lose Violin Plot')plt.tight_layout()



Finally, you should plot a bar chart and a pie chart with the top 20 most often winning champions.




Since the description of the title is not very accurate, two methods are used to draw the pictures. One is based on the victory of the champion and the team, and the other is based on the victory rate of the champion.


id_name_map = {i['id']: i['name'] for i in pd.read_json(champ1path).data.values}won_rate = (champ_won_lose['won_times']/(champ_won_lose['lose_times']+champ_won_lose['won_times'])).to_list()
won_rate_dict = {x:0 for x in champid_list}
for i in range(len(won_rate)):won_rate_dict[champid_list[i]] += won_rate[i]rate_won_id_times_sorted_with_value_20 = sorted(won_rate_dict.items(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse=True)[:20]
bar_x_rate = [id_name_map[i[0]] for i in rate_won_id_times_sorted_with_value_20]
bar_y_rate = [i[1] for i in rate_won_id_times_sorted_with_value_20]won_id_times_sorted_with_value_20 = sorted(champid_dict_won.items(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse=True)[:20]
bar_x = [id_name_map[i[0]] for i in won_id_times_sorted_with_value_20]
bar_y = [i[1] for i in won_id_times_sorted_with_value_20]

了解一下top 20的英雄id

# check the top20 won champion ids
[(18, 6713),(412, 6143),(67, 5498),(40, 4826),(141, 4807),(29, 4665),(64, 4217),(222, 4087),(157, 3948),(202, 3925),(236, 3915),(498, 3906),(99, 3560),(53, 3506),(497, 3433),(117, 3367),(24, 3347),(103, 3295),(61, 3286),(21, 3256)]


id_name_map = {i['id']: i['name'] for i in pd.read_json(champ1path).data.values}


# pie chart
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax1.set_title('Pie Chart for Top 20 Most Winning Champions')
plt.pie(bar_y, labels=bar_x, autopct='%0.2f%%')


# pie chart (winning rate)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax1.set_title('Pie Chart for Top 20 Most Winning Champions (Winning Rate)')
plt.pie(bar_y_rate, labels=bar_x_rate, autopct='%0.2f%%')



# bar chart
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax1.set_title('Bar Chart for Top 20 Most Winning Champions')
plt.xticks(fontsize = 12, rotation=45)
plt.xlabel("Champion Name")


# bar chart (winning rate)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax1.set_title('Bar Chart for Top 20 Most Winning Champions (Winning Rate)')
plt.xticks(fontsize = 12, rotation=45)
plt.xlabel("Champion Name")



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