
Never has there been a better time to build a payments startup. The shift in consumer demands towards digital and contactless payments provides a plethora of opportunities for software solutions to enable all kinds of innovative purchase interactions.

从来没有比现在更好的时间来建立一个支付初创公司。 消费者需求向数字和非接触式支付的转变为软件解决方案提供了众多机会,以支持各种创新的购买交互。

While hundreds of fintech and payment startups are launched each day, each trying to be the next Stripe, Square, PayPal, or Klarna, many don’t make it. According to the Startup Genome, 11 out of 12 (92%) startups fail. According to Failory, the large majority of reasons were related to Product-Market Fit (34%), Marketing (22%), and Team Problems (18%).

每天都有成百上千的金融科技和支付初创公司成立,每家都想成为下一个Stripe,Square,PayPal或Klarna,但许多公司却没有做到。 根据启动基因组 ( Startup Genome)的数据 ,在12个启动中(有92%)启动失败。 根据Failory的说法 ,绝大多数原因与产品市场契合度(34%),市场营销(22%)和团队问题(18%)有关。

With up to 74% of reasons relating to product and marketing, startups must carefully evaluate its strategic choices, partnerships, and product design.


In this article, I’ll be outlining the steps we took at Littlepay to ensure we wouldn’t fail, and how we grew our business to 2.5 million unique users after 12 months.


步骤1:通过强迫症发现来找出客户的第一大问题。 (Step 1: Figure out your customer’s #1 problem through obsessive discovery.)

In the early days, sit alongside your prospective customers to understand how they work, their jobs-to-be-done, their needs and motivations. The more you live and breathe your customer environment, the more you will get to understand their problems and the biggest pinpoints they need solving.

在早期,请与您的潜在客户坐在一起,了解他们的工作方式,待完成的工作,需求和动力。 您在客户环境中生活和呼吸的时间越多,您就会越了解他们的问题以及他们需要解决的最大问题。

Start making a log of problem statements in the form of facts, assumptions or hypotheses you need to validate. Your understanding of the problem will allow you to design how lean your minimum viable product can be. Use rough estimations (e.g., t-shirt sizing) with your technical teams for required effort.

开始以您需要验证的事实,假设或假设的形式记录问题陈述。 您对问题的理解将使您可以设计最小可行产品的精益程度。 与技术团队一起进行粗略估计(例如T恤尺码),以进行所需的工作。

At Littlepay, we observed how bus operator companies worked by performing ethnographic studies to see how cash was handled on buses, interviewed drivers and support staff on their daily jobs-to-be-done, and created problem statements and personas along the way.


Aji Maulidio Indra Rukmana on Aji Maulidio Indra Rukmana摄于UnsplashUnsplash

It turns out that the UK bus industry lacked a compelling solution at a price point that suited them: they could not afford a multi-million-pound investment to build a new solution every time. They needed an easy way to accept contactless bank cards on-bus, through a service that was easy to understand and adopt.

事实证明,英国公交行业在适合他们的价格点上缺乏引人注目的解决方案:他们无力承担数百万英镑的投资来每次构建新的解决方案。 他们需要一种易于理解和采用的简便方法,以便在公交车上接受非接触式银行卡。

Based on our discovery, we created our first elevator pitch, thanks to Adeo Ressi’s one-line elevator pitch template:

根据我们的发现, 借助Adeo Ressi的单线电梯间距模板 ,我们创建了第一个电梯间距 :

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