
  1. 修改环境变量“PROMPT_COMMAND”
  2. 给bash打补丁‘bash-BOFH’
  3. shell封装‘rootsh / sniffy / ttyrpld / ttysnoop’



#! /bin/bashcat >> /etc/bash_audit <<"EOF"
#to avoid sourcing this file more than once
if [ "${OSTYPE:0:7}" != "solaris" ] #following not working in solaris
then#do not source this file twice; also do not source it if we are in forcecommand.sh, source it later from "-bash-li"#if we would source it from forcecommand.sh, the environment would be lost after the call of 'exec -l bash -li'
if [ "$AUDIT_INCLUDED" == "$$" ] || { [ -z "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" ] && [ "$(cat /proc/$$/cmdline)" == 'bash-c"/etc/forcecommand.sh"' ]; }
elsedeclare -rx AUDIT_INCLUDED="$$"
fi#prompt & color
#PS1="\[${_backblue}${_frontgrey_b}\]\u@\h:\[${_backblack}${_frontblue_b}\]\w\\$\[${_backnone}${_frontgrey_b}\] " #grey
PS1="\[${_backblue}${_frontgreen_b}\]\u@\h:\[${_backblack}${_frontblue_b}\]\w\\$\[${_backnone}${_frontgreen_b}\] " #green
#PS1="\[${_backblue}${_frontred_b}\]\u@\h:\[${_backblack}${_frontblue_b}\]\w\\$\[${_backnone}${_frontred_b}\] " #red
declare -rx PS1#'history' options
declare -rx HISTFILE="$HOME/.bash_history"
declare -rx HISTSIZE=500000                                 #nbr of cmds in memory
declare -rx HISTFILESIZE=500000                             #nbr of cmds on file
declare -rx HISTCONTROL=""                                  #does not ignore spaces or duplicates
declare -rx HISTIGNORE=""                                   #does not ignore patterns
declare -rx HISTCMD                                         #history line number
#following line is commented to avoid following issue: loading the history during the sourcing of this file (non-interactive bash) is also loading history lines that begin with '#', but then during the trap DEBUG calls it reloads the whole history without '#'-lines and produces an double-length history.
#history -r                                                  #to reload history from file if a prior HISTSIZE has truncated it#following 2 lines commented because 'history -r' was still loading '#'-lines
#shopt -s extglob                                            #enable extended pattern matching operators
#HISTIGNORE="*([ \t])#*"; history -r                         #reload history without commented lines; this force non-interactive bash to behave like interactive bash, without this AUDIT_HISTLINE will get a wrong initial value, leading then to a small issue where empty bash sessions are actually logging the last command of historyif [ "${OSTYPE:0:7}" != "solaris" ] #following not working in solaris
if groups | grep -q root
thendeclare -x TMOUT=3600                                     #timeout for root's sessionschattr +a "$HISTFILE"                                     #set append-only
shopt -s histappend
shopt -s cmdhist#history substitution ask for a confirmation
shopt -s histverify#add timestamps in history - obsoleted with logger/syslog
#declare -rx HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '#enable forward search ('ctrl-s')
if shopt -q login_shell && [ -t 0 ]
thenstty -ixon
fi#bash audit & traceability
declare -rx AUDIT_LOGINUSER="$(who -mu | awk '{print $1}')"
declare -rx AUDIT_LOGINPID="$(who -mu | awk '{print $6}')"
declare -rx AUDIT_USER="$USER"                              #defined by pam during su/sudo
declare -rx AUDIT_PID="$$"
declare -rx AUDIT_TTY="$(who -mu | awk '{print $2}')"
declare -rx AUDIT_SSH="$([ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ] && echo "$SSH_CONNECTION" | awk '{print $1":"$2"->"$3":"$4}')"
declare -x AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE=""                            #to avoid logging the same line twice
declare -rx AUDIT_SYSLOG="1"                                #to use a local syslogd
#the logging at each execution of command is performed with a trap DEBUG function
#and having set the required history options (HISTCONTROL, HISTIGNORE)
#and to disable the trap in functions, command substitutions or subshells.
#it turns out that this solution is simple and works well with piped commands, subshells, aborted commands with 'ctrl-c', etc..
set +o functrace                                            #disable trap DEBUG inherited in functions, command substitutions or subshells, normally the default setting already
shopt -s extglob                                            #enable extended pattern matching operators
function AUDIT_DEBUG() {if [ -z "$AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE" ]                           #initializationthenlocal AUDIT_CMD="$(fc -l -1 -1)"                        #previous history commandAUDIT_LASTHISTLINE="${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}"elseAUDIT_LASTHISTLINE="$AUDIT_HISTLINE"filocal AUDIT_CMD="$(history 1)"                            #current history commandAUDIT_HISTLINE="${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}"if [ "${AUDIT_HISTLINE:-0}" -ne "${AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE:-0}" ] || [ "${AUDIT_HISTLINE:-0}" -eq "1" ]        #avoid logging unexecuted commands after 'ctrl-c', 'empty+enter', or after 'ctrl-d'thenecho -ne "${_backnone}${_frontgrey}"                    #disable prompt colors for the command's output#remove in last history cmd its line number (if any) and send to syslogif [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]thenif ! logger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}"thenecho error "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}"fielseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}" >>/var/log/userlog.infofi#echo "===cmd:$BASH_COMMAND/subshell:$BASH_SUBSHELL/fc:$(fc -l -1)/history:$(history 1)/histline:${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}/last_histline:${AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE}===" #for debuggingreturn 0elsereturn 1fi
#audit the session closing
function AUDIT_EXIT() {local AUDIT_STATUS="$?"if [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]thenlogger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session closed ==="elseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session closed ===" >>/var/log/userlog.infofiexit "$AUDIT_STATUS"
#make audit trap functions readonly; disable trap DEBUG inherited (normally the default setting already)
declare -frx +t AUDIT_DEBUG
declare -frx +t AUDIT_EXIT
#audit the session opening
if [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]
thenlogger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session opened ===" #audit the session openning
elseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session opened ===" >>/var/log/userlog.info
#when a bash command is executed it launches first the AUDIT_DEBUG(),
#then the trap DEBUG is disabled to avoid a useless rerun of AUDIT_DEBUG() during the execution of pipes-commands;
#at the end, when the prompt is displayed, re-enable the trap DEBUG#declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND="AUDIT_DONE=; trap 'AUDIT_DEBUG && AUDIT_DONE=1; trap DEBUG' DEBUG; [ -n \"\$AUDIT_DONE\" ] && echo '-----------------------------'"#NOK: declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND="echo "-----------------------------"; trap 'AUDIT_DEBUG; trap DEBUG' DEBUG; echo '-----------------------------'"#OK:  declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND="echo "-----------------------------"; trap 'AUDIT_DEBUG; trap DEBUG' DEBUG"
declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND="[ -n \"\$AUDIT_DONE\" ] && echo '-----------------------------'; AUDIT_DONE=; trap 'AUDIT_DEBUG && AUDIT_DONE=1; trap DEBUG' DEBUG"
declare -rx BASH_COMMAND                                    #current command executed by user or a trap
declare -rx SHELLOPT                                        #shell options, like functrace
trap AUDIT_EXIT EXIT                                        #audit the session closing#endof
EOFchown root:root /etc/bash_audit
chmod 644 /etc/bash_auditfor i in /etc/profile /etc/skel/.bashrc /root/.bashrc /home/*/.bashrc; doif ! grep -q ". /etc/bash_audit" "$i"thenecho "===updating $i==="echo "[ -f /etc/bash_audit ] && . /etc/bash_audit #added by franzi" >>"$i"fi
donecat >>/etc/rsyslog.conf <<"EOF"
#added by franzi
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_FileFormat
#stop avahi if messages are dropped (cf. /var/log/messages with 'net_ratelimit' or 'imuxsock begins to drop')
#update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove && service avahi-daemon stop
#$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 10
#$SystemLogRateLimitBurst 500
$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 0
EOFcat >/etc/rsyslog.d/45-xsserver.conf <<"EOF"
#added by franzi# Filter duplicated messages
$RepeatedMsgReduction off# Enable high precision timestamps
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_FileFormat# Log bash audit generated log messages to file
if $syslogfacility-text == 'user' and $syslogseverity-text == 'info' and $syslogtag startswith '[audit' then /var/log/userlog.info#then drop them
& ~EOF

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