



3.1 mapfile

3.2 -map使用语法



coverage相关的用户手册可以在本人的百度云盘中查看Coverage Technology User Guide.pdf

还可以参考gsithxy的博文 [VCS]Condition Coverage收不全的问题及解法 该文给出了vcs收覆盖率的option、merge常见问题、merge常见option




-cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert

line : Enable collecting line or statement coverage
cond : Enable collecting condition coverage
fsm : Enable collecting FSM coverage
tgl : Enable collecting toggle coverage
branch : Enable collecting branch coverage
assert :  Enable collecting SystemVerilog assertion coverage

-cm_libs yv

yv :Enable collecting coverage source code from Verilog libraries
Default doesn't collect coverage of the library files.

-cm_dir $directory_path_name

Specify an name and location for simv.vdb

Default is simv.vdb

-cm_log $filename

Specify a log file for monitoring coverage.

Default is cm.log. To suppress the log file, you could re-direct the log file to empty path. (ex, -cm_log /dev/null)

-cm_name $testname

Specify a different location for different simulation, used in dsim flow

-cm_hier $filename

Collect particular instances' coverage

$filename contents
+/-tree $instance_name [$level] //level number of 0 (or no level number) specifies the entire sub-hierarchy
+/-module $module_name

-cm_assert_hier $filename

Collect particular assertion' coverage

$filename contents
+/-assert my_assert
+/-assert A*
+/-assert $instance_name

-cm_line contassign

Specifies enabling line coverage for Verilog continuous assignments.

-cm_tgl portsonly

Only monitor port of toggle coverage, remove net and variables monitor in modules.


export path := cov_r20111db_file=$(shell find ${path} -maxdepth 2 -depth -name "simv*").PHONY:merge
merge:@echo ${db_file}urg -full64 -dir ${db_file} -dbname ${path}/merged.vdb  #urg -full64 -dir a.vdb b.vdb c.vdb -dbname xxx.vdb
cov:bsub -I verdi -cov -covdir ${path}/merged.vdb



主要参考Coverage Technology User Guide.pdf中mapping coverage一节


3.1 mapfile

-map命令需要mapfile以表明map关系,下图给出的mapfile意思是将module name为My_Ip的在B模块中的两个例化My_Ip1,My_Ip2的覆盖率映射到


3.2 -map使用语法

urg -dir base.vdb -dir input.vdb -mapfile file_name

Where, file_name is the mapping configuration file



When merge vdb files of local simulation to whole chip,  you might get the error as following:

“Warning-[UCAPI-MAP-SHAPEMISMATCH] Shape mismatch in mapping”

导致shape mismatch可能有以下几个原因:

1. Coverage option mismatch;

Make sure the coverage-related options are the same for both vdbs.

For example:if one vdb is compiled with –cm_line contassign and the other isn’t, it will cause shape mismatch;

$vcs_cov_opts .= " -cm_line contassign ";

2. RTL mismatch;

3. Version  mismatch;

4. Tool bug;

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