循环链表,和苯一样,一条蛇咬住了自己的尾巴。在 操作系统 给 进程 分配运行 资源 时,有体现。

  1 #include<stdio.h>
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 struct node
  5 {
  6     int data;
  7     struct node * next;
  8 };
  9 //插入动作,在头节点之前插入
 10 void insert(struct node ** head_ref, int data)
 11 {
 12     struct node * new_node = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof(struct node));
 13     struct node * temp = (*head_ref);
 14     new_node->data = data;
 15     // 头尾相连
 16     new_node->next = (*head_ref);
 17     //判断链表是否为空,如果不为空,则要循环到最后一个节点,让最后一个节点的next指向新的头结点
 18     if(NULL != (*head_ref))
 19     {
 20         while(temp->next != (*head_ref))
 21         {
 22             temp = temp->next;
 23         }
 24         temp->next = new_node;
 25     }
 26     else
 27     {
 28         //若链表为空链表,则将欲插入的节点的next指向他自己
 29         new_node->next = new_node;
 30     }
 31     //将其指定为头结点
 32     (*head_ref) = new_node;
 33 }
 34 //判断该链表是否为一个循环链表
 35 int isCircular(struct node * head_ref)
 36 {
 37     if(NULL == head_ref)
 38     {
 39         return 1;
 40     }
 42     struct node * temp = head_ref->next;
 44     while(temp != NULL && temp != head_ref)
 45     {
 46         temp = temp->next;
 47     }
 49     return (temp == head_ref) ? 1 : -1;
 50 }
 51 //打印循环链表,可以从任何一个位置打印,而单链表只能从头结点开始打印(不考虑位置关系的话)
 52 void printCircularLinkedList(struct node * head_ref)
 53 {
 54     struct node * temp = head_ref;
 56     if(NULL != head_ref)
 57     {
 58         do
 59         {
 60             printf("%d  ", temp->data);
 61             temp = temp->next;
 62         }
 63         while(temp != head_ref);
 64         printf("\n");
 65     }
 66 }
 67 //手撕鬼子似的将循环链表撕裂,WOW,这里用到了单链表里返回链表中间元素的 方法之一
 68 void splitList(struct node * head, struct node ** head1_ref, struct node ** head2_ref)
 69 {
 70     struct node * fast_pointer = head;
 71     struct node * slow_pointer = head;
 73     if(-1 == headIsNULL(head))
 74     {
 75         printf("ERROR!");
 76         return ;
 77     }
 79     while(fast_pointer->next->next != head && fast_pointer->next != head)
 80     {
 81         fast_pointer = fast_pointer->next->next;
 82         slow_pointer = slow_pointer->next;
 83     }
 84     //如果不是当前元素不是尾节点的话,而是倒数第二个节点
 85     if(head == fast_pointer->next->next)
 86     {
 87         fast_pointer = fast_pointer->next;
 88     }
 89     //判断该链表是否只有一个节点
 90     if(head->next != head)
 91     {
 92         (*head2_ref) = slow_pointer->next;
 93         fast_pointer->next = slow_pointer->next;
 94     }
 95     (*head1_ref) = head;
 96     slow_pointer->next = (*head1_ref);
 97 }
 98 //排序式插入节点
 99 void sortInsert(struct node ** head_ref, struct node * new_node)
100 {
101     struct node * current = (*head_ref);
103     if(NULL == (*head_ref))
104     {
105         new_node->next = new_node;
106         (*head_ref) = new_node;
107     }
108     //如果插入节点的data小于当前头节点的data
109     else if(current->data >= new_node->data)
110     {
111         while(current->next != (*head_ref))
112             current = current->next;
114         current->next = new_node;
115         new_node->next = (*head_ref);
116         (*head_ref) = new_node;
117     }
118     else
119     {
120         //若插入节点data大于当前节点data,循环链表到一个大于当前插入节点data的节点
121         while(current->next != (*head_ref) && current->next->data < new_node->data)
122         {
123             current = current->next;
124         }
125         //新节点的next = 当前节点的下一个节点
126         new_node->next = current->next;
127         current->next = new_node;
128     }
129 }
130 //判断链表是否为空
131 int headIsNULL(struct node * head_ref)
132 {
133     return (NULL == head_ref)? -1 : 1;
134 }
135 int main(void)
136 {
137     struct node * head = NULL;
139     insert(&head, 0);
140     insert(&head, 1);
141     insert(&head, 3);
142     insert(&head, 4);
143     insert(&head, 5);
144     printCircularLinkedList(head);
145     struct node * firstList = NULL;
146     struct node * lastList = NULL;
147     splitList(head, &firstList, &lastList);
148     printCircularLinkedList(firstList);
149     printCircularLinkedList(lastList);
150     /*------------------------------------*/
151     int array[] = {2, 5, 1, 0, 9, 10, 3};
152     int arraySize = sizeof(array)/sizeof(int);
153     struct node * head_1 = NULL;
154     struct node * temp = NULL;
156     for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
157     {
158         temp = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node));
159         temp->data = array[i];
160         sortInsert(&head_1, temp);
161     }
162     printCircularLinkedList(head_1);
163     if(0 < isCircular(head))
164     {
165         printf("\nThe linked list is circularLinked list!");
166     }
167     else
168     {
169         printf("\nThe linked list isn`t circularLinked list!");
170     }
171     return 0;
172 }



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