wordpress 古腾堡

Wondering how to update your old blog posts with Gutenberg, the new WordPress block editor? If you haven’t upgraded to WordPress 5.0, then you’re not alone.

想知道如何使用新的WordPress区块编辑器Gutenberg更新您的旧博客文章吗? 如果您还没有升级到WordPress 5.0 ,那么您并不孤单。

A lot of readers are concerned because Gutenberg is a completely new experience. The good news is that your old articles are safe even after upgrading to Gutenberg. In this article, we’ll show you how to update your old articles with Gutenberg, the new WordPress Block editor.

许多读者担心,因为古腾堡是一种全新的体验。 好消息是,即使升级到古腾堡,您的旧文章也很安全。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用新的WordPress区块编辑器Gutenberg更新旧文章。

You may also want to know what will happen to your existing content after upgrading your blog to Gutenberg.


经典编辑器和古腾堡编辑器有什么区别? (What’s The Difference Between Classic Editor and Gutenberg Editor?)

Before we get started, let’s first discuss the major differences between the old Classic Editor and the new Gutenberg Editor.


The Classic Editor was a text editor that looked very similar to Microsoft Word. It had a single editing field with formatting options at the top. Here’s what the Classic Editor looks like:

经典编辑器是一个看起来与Microsoft Word非常相似的文本编辑器。 它只有一个编辑字段,顶部带有格式选项。 这是经典编辑器的外观:

On the other hand, the new Gutenberg editor is a fully block-based editor. You’ll add all the content in the form of blocks. Here’s how the Gutenberg Block Editor looks like:

另一方面,新的Gutenberg编辑器是完全基于块的编辑器。 您将以块的形式添加所有内容。 古腾堡块编辑器的外观如下:

Blocks are content elements which are separate from each other with their own set of formatting options. There’re individual blocks for every piece of content including:

块是内容元素,它们通过各自的格式设置集彼此分开。 每段内容都有单独的块,包括:

  • Regular text or paragraph
  • Image
  • Button
  • Gallery
  • List
  • Table
  • Embeds, etc.

Plus, you can find more blocks and widgets provided by your plugins and theme.


In order to create or edit a post in the new Gutenberg editor, you’ll need to use blocks. Here’s how to update your old blog posts and pages with Gutenberg block editor.

为了在新的Gutenberg编辑器中创建或编辑帖子,您将需要使用块。 这是使用Gutenberg块编辑器更新旧博客文章和页面的方法。

使用古腾堡(Gutenberg)编辑较旧的WordPress文章 (Editing Your Older WordPress Articles with Gutenberg)

If you’ve updated your WordPress blog to 5.0 or the later version, then you’ll have the new Gutenberg block editor as your default editor.


The good part about Gutenberg is that it doesn’t affect any of your old content, and you can easily edit them.


To edit an older article, simply edit it as you would normally do in WordPress.


On the post edit screen, you’ll see the entire content wrapped inside a single Classic block.


The same post would look like the screenshot below in the old classic editor.


As you can notice, the content is same however the way it’s organized looks slightly different.


Yes, that’s the only change you’ll see.


The new WordPress block editor will not make any changes to the content, and it would still look the same on your website.


Now, you have two options to edit your old blog posts and pages:


  1. Continue editing inside the Classic block在Classic块中继续编辑
  2. Convert your old content to new Gutenberg blocks将您的旧内容转换为新的古腾堡块

The first option is to continue editing your old article inside the Classic block.


The Classic block offers you the same Classic editor interface with formatting options at the top. This should be fairly straight forward.

Classic块为您提供相同的Classic编辑器界面,顶部带有格式选项。 这应该是相当简单的。

The second option is converting your old content into new Gutenberg blocks.


You can do this by clicking on the three-dot menu option on the top right corner of Classic block.


From the menu dropdown, you need to select Convert to Blocks option.


That’s it!


Your old content will be automatically converted into appropriate blocks. The content inside the Classic block will be split into several different blocks.

您的旧内容将自动转换为适当的块。 Classic块中的内容将分为几个不同的块。

Now, you can edit your old article using the new Gutenberg editor blocks. Each block is a separate entity with its own formatting options, styles, and design options.

现在,您可以使用新的Gutenberg编辑器块编辑旧文章。 每个块都是一个单独的实体,具有自己的格式设置选项,样式和设计选项。

For example, in our screenshot above, there’s an image block and a paragraph block.


If you want to make changes to how the image appears, then you can simply click the image to select the block, and the editing options will appear at the top.


You will also see more options under the Block tab in the right column of the screen.

您还将在屏幕右列的“ 阻止”选项卡下看到更多选项。

You can realign the image, make it full width, add Alt text, change image dimensions, add a link, and more.


Following the same process, you can edit all of the blocks and make your article look visually impressive.


Once you’re done making all the necessary edits, you can simply click the Update button at the top right of the screen to save your changes.

完成所有必要的编辑后,只需单击屏幕右上方的“ 更新”按钮即可保存更改。

Note: Although Gutenberg works fine with most themes and plugins, some may still not have Gutenberg support. It’s better to test your theme and plugins for Gutenberg compatibility before switching to it.

注意 :尽管Gutenberg在大多数主题和插件上都可以正常工作,但有些可能仍不支持Gutenberg。 最好在切换主题之前测试主题和插件的兼容性。

The new WordPress Gutenberg editor offers an easy and flexible way of creating content in WordPress. However if you are not ready to use it yet, then you can disable Gutenberg and keep using the classic editor.

新的WordPress Gutenberg编辑器提供了一种在WordPress中创建内容的简便灵活的方法。 但是,如果您尚未准备使用它,则可以禁用Gutenberg并继续使用经典编辑器 。

You can keep using the Classic editor until 2022 which should be enough time for getting familiar with the new WordPress block editor. We have a complete Gutenberg Block Editor tutorial for beginners that you should check out.

您可以一直使用Classic编辑器,直到2022年,这应该是足够的时间来熟悉新的WordPress块编辑器。 我们为初学者准备了完整的Gutenberg块编辑器教程 ,您应该检查一下。

We hope this article helped you learn how to update your old articles with Gutenberg Block Editor. You may also want to see our list of the must have WordPress plugins for professional websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用Gutenberg Block Editor更新旧文章。 您可能还想查看我们的必备列表,这些列表必须具有用于专业网站的WordPress插件 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-update-your-old-wordpress-posts-with-gutenberg-block-editor/

wordpress 古腾堡

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