
/*** Get CMS component data by uid** This method can be safely and optimally used to load multiple components data at the same time.* Calling getComponentData multiple times for different components will always result in optimized* back-end request: all components requested at the same time (in one event loop) will be loaded in one network call.** In case the component data is not present, the method will load it.* Otherwise, if the page context is not provided, the current page context from the router state will be used instead.** @param uid CMS component uid* @param pageContext if provided, it will be used to lookup the component data.*/getComponentData<T extends CmsComponent | null>(uid: string,pageContext?: PageContext): Observable<T> {const context = serializePageContext(pageContext, true);if (!this.components[uid]) {// create the component data structure, if it doesn't already existthis.components[uid] = {};}const component = this.components[uid];if (!component[context]) {// create the component data and assign it to the component's contextcomponent[context] = this.createComponentData(uid, pageContext);}const result = component[context] as Observable<T>;console.log('Jerry in getComponentData method, uid: ' + uid);result.subscribe((data) => {console.log('Jerry got cp data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));});return result;}

Jerry in getComponentData method, uid: HamburgerMenuComponent



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