
import random
from itertools import permutations
def play_again():print("你想要在尝试一遍吗(Yes or No)")response = input(">").upper()if response.startswith("Y"):return Trueelse:return False
def start():win = Falseplayer_moves = []computer_moves = []attempt = []turns = 0tic_tac_screen = [["", "", ""],["", "", ""],["", "", ""]]list_1 = [5]list_2 = [1, 3]list_3 = [5]list_4 = [1, 7]list_5 = [1, 3, 7, 9]list_6 = [3, 9]list_7 = [5]list_8 = [7, 9]list_9 = [5]winning_combinations = {(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9), (1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8), (3, 6, 9), (1, 5, 9), (3, 5, 7)}def comp():computer_check = str(computer_moves[-1])if "1" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[0][0] = "o"elif "2" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[0][1] = "o"elif "3" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[0][2] = "o"elif "4" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[1][0] = "o"elif "5" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[1][1] = "o"elif "6" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[1][2] = "o"elif "7" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[2][0] = "o"elif "8" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[2][1] = "o"elif "9" in computer_check:tic_tac_screen[2][2] = "o"def turn_1():if 1 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_1))comp()elif 2 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_2))comp()elif 3 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_3))comp()elif 4 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_4))comp()elif 5 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_5))comp()elif 6 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_6))comp()elif 7 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_7))comp()elif 8 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_8))comp()elif 9 in player_moves:computer_moves.append(random.choice(list_9))comp()def comp_game():if (1 in computer_moves) and (2 in computer_moves) and (3 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(3)comp()elif (1 in computer_moves) and (3 in computer_moves) and (2 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(2)comp()elif (2 in computer_moves) and (3 in computer_moves) and (1 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(1)comp()elif (4 in computer_moves) and (5 in computer_moves) and (6 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(6)comp()elif (4 in computer_moves) and (6 in computer_moves) and (5 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in computer_moves) and (6 in computer_moves) and (4 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(4)comp()elif (7 in computer_moves) and (8 in computer_moves) and (9 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(9)comp()elif (7 in computer_moves) and (9 in computer_moves) and (8 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(8)comp()elif (8 in computer_moves) and (9 in computer_moves) and (7 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(7)comp()elif (1 in computer_moves) and (4 in computer_moves) and (7 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(7)comp()elif (1 in computer_moves) and (7 in computer_moves) and (4 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(4)comp()elif (4 in computer_moves) and (7 in computer_moves) and (1 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(1)comp()elif (2 in computer_moves) and (5 in computer_moves) and (8 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(8)comp()elif (2 in computer_moves) and (8 in computer_moves) and (5 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in computer_moves) and (8 in computer_moves) and (2 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(2)comp()elif (3 in computer_moves) and (6 in computer_moves) and (9 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(9)comp()elif (3 in computer_moves) and (9 in computer_moves) and (6 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(6)comp()elif (6 in computer_moves) and (9 in computer_moves) and (3 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(3)comp()elif (1 in computer_moves) and (5 in computer_moves) and (9 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(9)comp()elif (1 in computer_moves) and (9 in computer_moves) and (5 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in computer_moves) and (9 in computer_moves) and (1 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(1)comp()elif (3 in computer_moves) and (5 in computer_moves) and (7 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(7)comp()elif (3 in computer_moves) and (7 in computer_moves) and (5 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in computer_moves) and (7 in computer_moves) and (3 not in player_moves):computer_moves.append(3)comp()else:if (1 in player_moves) and (2 in player_moves) and (3 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(3)comp()elif (1 in player_moves) and (3 in player_moves) and (2 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(2)comp()elif (2 in player_moves) and (3 in player_moves) and (1 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(1)comp()elif (4 in player_moves) and (5 in player_moves) and (6 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(6)comp()elif (4 in player_moves) and (6 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in player_moves) and (6 in player_moves) and (4 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(4)comp()elif (7 in player_moves) and (8 in player_moves) and (9 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(9)comp()elif (7 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (8 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(8)comp()elif (8 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (7 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(7)comp()elif (1 in player_moves) and (4 in player_moves) and (7 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(7)comp()elif (1 in player_moves) and (7 in player_moves) and (4 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(4)comp()elif (4 in player_moves) and (7 in player_moves) and (1 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(1)comp()elif (2 in player_moves) and (5 in player_moves) and (8 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(8)comp()elif (2 in player_moves) and (8 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in player_moves) and (8 in player_moves) and (2 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(2)comp()elif (3 in player_moves) and (6 in player_moves) and (9 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(9)comp()elif (3 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (6 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(6)comp()elif (6 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (3 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(3)comp()elif (1 in player_moves) and (5 in player_moves) and (9 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(9)comp()elif (1 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (1 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(1)comp()elif (3 in player_moves) and (5 in player_moves) and (7 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(7)comp()elif (3 in player_moves) and (7 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in player_moves) and (7 in player_moves) and (3 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(3)comp()elif (2 in player_moves) and (6 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (2 in player_moves) and (4 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (4 in player_moves) and (8 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (6 in player_moves) and (8 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (1 in player_moves) and (8 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (3 in player_moves) and (8 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (2 in player_moves) and (7 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (2 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (3 in player_moves) and (4 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (4 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (1 in player_moves) and (6 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (6 in player_moves) and (7 in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()elif (5 in player_moves) and (1 in player_moves) and (9 in computer_moves) and (7 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(7)comp()elif (5 in player_moves) and (3 in player_moves) and (7 in computer_moves) and (9 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(9)comp()elif (5 in player_moves) and (9 in player_moves) and (1 in computer_moves) and (3 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(3)comp()elif (5 in player_moves) and (7 in player_moves) and (3 in computer_moves) and (1 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(1)comp()else:comp_gen = Falsewhile not comp_gen:if (2 not in player_moves) and (2 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(2)comp()comp_gen = Trueelif (4 not in player_moves) and (4 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(4)comp()comp_gen = Trueelif (6 not in player_moves) and (6 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(6)comp()comp_gen = Trueelif (8 not in player_moves) and (8 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(8)comp()comp_gen = Trueelif (1 not in player_moves) and (1 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(1)comp()comp_gen = Trueelif (3 not in player_moves) and (3 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(3)comp()comp_gen = Trueelif (5 not in player_moves) and (5 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(5)comp()comp_gen = Trueelif (7 not in player_moves) and (7 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(7)comp()comp_gen = Trueelif (9 not in player_moves) and (9 not in computer_moves):computer_moves.append(9)comp()comp_gen = Trueelse:comp_gen = Truewhile not win:tic_tac_screen1 = [["1", "2", "3"],["4", "5", "6"],["7", "8", "9"]]for row in tic_tac_screen1:print(row)print()for row in tic_tac_screen:print(row)attempt = int(input("输入空格对应的数字:"))player_check = str(attempt)if attempt in player_moves:print("这个区域已经被占,再试一次")elif attempt in computer_moves:print("这个区域已经被占,再试一次")elif attempt not in player_moves:player_moves.append(attempt)turns += 1if "1" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[0][0] = "x"elif "2" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[0][1] = "x"elif "3" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[0][2] = "x"elif "4" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[1][0] = "x"elif "5" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[1][1] = "x"elif "6" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[1][2] = "x"elif "7" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[2][0] = "x"elif "8" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[2][1] = "x"elif "9" in player_check:tic_tac_screen[2][2] = "x"for moves in permutations(player_moves, 3):if moves in winning_combinations:for row in tic_tac_screen:print(row)print("你赢了")win = Truebreakelse:if turns == 1:turn_1()for moves in permutations(computer_moves, 3):if moves in winning_combinations:for row in tic_tac_screen:print(row)print("你失败了!")win = Truebreakelif turns == 2:comp_game()for moves in permutations(computer_moves, 3):if moves in winning_combinations:for row in tic_tac_screen:print(row)print("你失败了!")win = Truebreakelif turns == 3:comp_game()for moves in permutations(computer_moves, 3):if moves in winning_combinations:for row in tic_tac_screen:print(row)print("你失败了!")win = Truebreakelif turns == 4:comp_game()for moves in permutations(computer_moves, 3):if moves in winning_combinations:for row in tic_tac_screen:print(row)print("You Lose!")win = Truebreakelse:for row in tic_tac_screen:print(row)print("Tie Game")win = Truewhile True:start()if play_again():continueelse:break


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