Lecture11 属于 产品开发流程 6 phases 中的第0个phase,而且还只是它的 step1。。。剩下的4个step嘛,就是下一章:lecture 12. Phase 0 的后4步


Phase 0:Planning


1. What is an opportunity? At which stage of the product development process do you need to identify it?

2. What is the Ansoff's Growth Matrix?  安索夫增长矩阵

3. How to use the opportunity funnel?  “机遇漏斗”

4. Describe the 6 stages of opportunity identification process.

5. Explain the role of R&D(Research & Development).

Phase 0:Planning

phase 0 has another 5 steps:

Step 1 – Identify Opportunities   发现机遇
Step 2 – Evaluate and prioritise projects   评估,并按先后顺序列出项目
Step 3 – Allocate resources and plan timing    分给资源和时间
Step 4 – Complete pre-project planning    完善产前规划
Step 5 – Reflect on the results and the process   将上述反映在产开实操中


1. What is an opportunity? At which stage of the product development process do you need to identify it?   


Stage:When  product description in an embryonic form (当 一个产品还处在“胚胎”概念阶段时
1)newly sensed need , 新发掘的需求
2)newly discovered technology , 新发现的技术
3) rough match between a need and a possible solution( 需求和解决方案之间的粗略匹配
4)a hypothesis about how value might be created (对于 如何创造价值有了一个设想

2. What is the Ansoff's Growth Matrix?  安索夫增长矩阵

  • Def:Ansoff’s directional policy matrix,a tool that can be used by organisations to identify the variety of growth options available to them.


  • This is also known as the ‘Product-Market’ growth matrix because it combines two of the key variables that enable a business to grow:

An increase in market opportunities;

An increase in product opportunities



4 Strategies:

  • Market Penetration:市场渗透



1. increase the volume of sales of existing products(扩大现有产品的销量来盈利

2. Utilising the marketing mix(利用多种市场因素),eg:

1)find a different way or time for customers to use your products;

2)gain greater market share

  • Market Development:市场发展



make products available to new markets,eg:

using existing products in new geographical markets(如:NIKE sells in China);

selling your existing products to a new age group of customers

  • Product Development:产品发展
1.  offering new or improved products to existing markets
2. gain new customers for new product
3. NPD can be a crucial business development strategy for firms to stay competitive
  • Diversification:多样化经营
     potentially with a base from your existing product knowledge or diversification through  acquisition(收购)  of other companies
     Eg. 英国维珍集团 the Virgin Group。从做音乐发家,一双不讲武德的小手伸向各行各业
     music business   ——used its respected brand name ——>  travel, leisure, telecoms, health, finance, shopping, flights,...

3. How to use the opportunity funnel?  “机遇漏斗”


Eg. FroliCat(一家为宠物猫做玩具的公司,frolic:嬉戏)

(which is highly likely to result in profitable)


4. Describe the 6 stages of opportunity identification process.

6-step process identified by Ulrich and Eppinger,

1. Establish a charter 撰写一份章程
the goals of the organisation (including NPD,client,...)
the boundary conditions for an innovation effort(最多能投入多少)
E.g. FroliCat:

       “Create a physical product in the cat toy category that we can launch to the market within about a year through our existing retail sales channels”

2. Generate and sense many opportunities 捕获 机会
Focus both on internal and external sources of raw opportunities;come from:
3. Screen opportunities 筛选机会
to eliminate any opportunities that are unlikely to result in the creation of value
to focus attention on the opportunities worthy of further investigation;
use web-based surveysmulti-voting,...
NOT to pick the single best opportunity!

4. Develop promising opportunities 发展有前途的机会
invest modest levels of resources in developing a few of the screened opportunities.
Goal:resolve the greatest uncertainty surrounding at the lowest cost in time and money .
More details should be sought for these opportunities:
        customer interviews ,客户访谈
        testing of existing products,产品测试
        quick prototypes ,雏形
        estimates of market sizes and growth rates

5. Select exceptional opportunities 选择其中最优秀的机会
select a few that warrant a significant investment in product development
"Real-Win-Worth it",set up by the 3M

6. Reflect on the result and process 复盘结果和过程
How many of the opportunities identified came from internal sources versus external sources?
Did we consider dozens or hundreds of opportunities?
Are the resulting opportunities really  exciting to the team ?

5. Explain the role of R&D(Research & Development).

  • Def: develop new knowledge,apply scientific or engineering knowledge, toconnect the knowledge from different fields(发展新知识,应用科学或工程知识,将不同领域的知识联系起来)


       Research – discovery of new knowledge and scientific results

       Development – new product improvement for commercial gain
  • The 3 Strategic Roles of R&D
        R&D for existing businesses 现有业务的研发
        R&D for new businesses 新业务研发
        R&D for exploratory research 探索性研究

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