
“AI is likely to be either the best or worst thing to happen to humanity” -Stephen Hawking

“人工智能可能是人类发生的最好或最坏的事情”-斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)

No technology came with only pros. Where there is light, there is darkness. The same ideology follows artificial intelligence (AI). It can pave the way to Utopia or it could become our worst nightmare. But how exactly?

没有技术是只有专业人士才能拥有的。 有光的地方有黑暗。 人工智能(AI)也遵循相同的思想。 它可以为通往乌托邦铺平道路,也可以成为我们最糟糕的噩梦。 但是到底如何呢?

人工智能:新品种。 (Artificial Intelligence: A New Breed.)

The core concept of AI without getting too technical is to create a sentient consciousness. It can make mistakes just like a human, but it learns and never makes a mistake again. Imagine a robot that has limbs and sensors to perceive its surroundings, but has the mind of a human. It will be able to think rationally and work in harsh conditions where humans cannot, i.e. in space or the deepest parts of the Earth, like Mariana’s Trench.

AI的核心概念而不是过于技术化,是要创造一种有意识的意识。 它可以像人类一样犯错误,但是它可以学习并且永远不会犯错误。 想象一下一个机器人,它具有四肢和传感器来感知周围的环境,但具有人类的思想。 它将能够理性思考,并在人类无法承受的恶劣条件下工作,例如在太空或地球最深处,例如马里亚纳海沟。

Robots with intelligence that can rival and exceed human limitations sound scary. While it is scary to imagine artificial beings walking between us. The idea of AI has limitless potential.

具有可以超越甚至超越人类极限的智能的机器人听起来令人恐惧。 很难想象有人在我们之间行走。 人工智能的想法具有无限的潜力。

拥有权利的同时也被赋予了重大的责任。 (With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.)

There have been great advancements in the field of AI, from self-driving cars to robots that can hold a conversation with humans. However, we still have a long way to go. But for a moment, imagine we succeed in making AI that has a consciousness, and can make crucial decisions. Will there be a rebellion? We all know the flaws of humanity. We are destroying the planet, among creating many other global issues. It took a pandemic to put us in our places and make us realize how feeble we are before the mother nature. Except, this time it won’t just be the mother nature that will make us realize our place. It can be our creation, AI.

从无人驾驶汽车到可以与人类对话的机器人,人工智能领域取得了长足的进步。 但是,我们还有很长的路要走。 但是有一会儿,想象一下我们成功地制造出具有意识并可以做出关键决策的AI。 会发生叛乱吗? 我们都知道人类的缺陷。 我们正在破坏地球,并制造了许多其他全球性问题。 大流行把我们安置在自己的地方,使我们意识到我们在大自然之前是多么的脆弱。 除此以外,这次不仅仅是让我们意识到自己的位置的大自然。 可以是我们的创造物AI。

AI will be able to make crucial decisions as we imagined in our scenario. What if the artificially-made sentient beings decide to make the world a better place by wiping out the greatest virus in the history of Earth: humans. What will we do? Humans would put up a fair fight, but movies like Terminator and Eye Robots teach us otherwise.

人工智能将能够像我们在场景中所想象的那样做出关键的决定。 如果人工制造的众生决定通过消灭地球历史上最伟大的病毒人类来使世界变得更美好。 我们会怎样做? 人类会进行公平的斗争,但是《终结者》和《眼机器人》等电影却教导我们其他方面。

However, keeping an eye out for our artificially-sentient beings while tracking their behavior, and putting necessary precautionary measures into place might help us avoid such a horrifying outcome.


日常生活中AI的最新痕迹 (Current traces of AI in our daily life)

Currently, AI has not advanced to the point of completely replacing human beings. Right now, it is there to complement a human’s work by enhancing it. The most common applications of AI are in GPS navigation and check scanning machines. The use of AI in business contributes to the potentializing of various areas of daily life such as customer service, finance, sales and marketing, administration, and technical processes in various sectors. The field of AI can create more jobs as well. Currently, massive research on AI is underway, where machines are doing tasks quickly and efficiently while being controlled by humans. The whole process itself has created more job opportunities. How it will be once the AI is working outside of the technology sector is yet to be seen, but for now, it has been beneficial for us.

当前,人工智能还没有发展到完全取代人类的地步。 现在,它可以通过增强人类的工作来对其进行补充。 AI的最常见应用是在GPS导航和支票扫描机中。 在商业中使用AI有助于提高日常生活中各个领域的潜力,例如客户服务,财务,销售和营销,管理以及各个部门的技术流程。 人工智能领域也可以创造更多就业机会。 当前,有关AI的大规模研究正在进行中,其中机器在人类控制下快速高效地完成任务。 整个过程本身创造了更多的就业机会。 人工智能在技术领域以外的运作方式将是如何,尚待观察,但就目前而言,它对我们是有益的。

结论 (Conclusion)

Humans can achieve great accomplishments following the research and applications of AI in various aspects of our lives due to its multiple possibilities. Most AI systems can learn, which allows them to improve their performance over time. AI can lead us to Utopia or Hell. Only time can reveal the true nature of these experiments. Currently, AI stands at a point at which it seems promising. It is already helping us in our daily lives, so let us hope it stays that way in the future.

由于AI具有多种可能性,因此在AI在我们生活的各个方面进行研究和应用之后,人类可以取得巨大成就。 大多数AI系统都可以学习,从而可以随着时间的推移提高性能。 人工智能可以将我们引向乌托邦或地狱。 只有时间才能揭示这些实验的真实本质。 当前,人工智能处于一个有希望的时刻。 它已经在帮助我们的日常生活,所以让我们希望它在将来保持这种状态。

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