Q. Wu, J. Qi, C. Wu and M. Wang, “Design of UGV Trajectory Tracking Controller in UGV-UAV Cooperation,” 2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2020, pp. 3689-3694, doi: 10.23919/CCC50068.2020.9188688.

Design of UGV Trajectory Tracking Controller in UGV-UAV Cooperation

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Model Analysis of UGV
    • 2.1 Dynamic Model Establishment
    • 2.2 Kinematic Model Establishment
    • 2.3 Tracking Problem Description
  • 3 Target Tracking Control Algorithm
  • 4 Construction of Experiment Platform
    • 4.1 UGV and UAV Construction
    • 4.2 Motion Capture System
    • 4.3 Whole Experimental Platform
  • 5 Experimental Data Analysis
  • 6 Conclusion

1 Introduction

2 Model Analysis of UGV

2.1 Dynamic Model Establishment

2.2 Kinematic Model Establishment

2.3 Tracking Problem Description

3 Target Tracking Control Algorithm

4 Construction of Experiment Platform

4.1 UGV and UAV Construction

4.2 Motion Capture System

4.3 Whole Experimental Platform

5 Experimental Data Analysis

6 Conclusion

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