

class Solution
public:vector<TreeNode*> allPossibleFBT(int N){vector<TreeNode*> ret;if(N == 1){TreeNode* rt = new TreeNode(0);ret.push_back(rt);return ret;}for(int i=1; i<=(N-1)/2; i+=2)  //左子树的节点数{vector<TreeNode*> left = allPossibleFBT(i);      //创建所有可能左子树vector<TreeNode*> right = allPossibleFBT(N-1-i);  //创建所有可能的右子树for(int j=0;j<left.size();j++)      //遍历所有左子树for(int k=0;k<right.size();k++)    //遍历所有右子树{TreeNode * rt = new TreeNode(0);   //创建根节点rt->left = left[j];rt->right = right[k];ret.push_back(rt);if(i != N-1-i)      //如果左右子树节点数不同,交换左右子树也是一种可能{TreeNode * rt2 = new TreeNode(0);rt2->left = right[k];rt2->right = left[j];ret.push_back(rt2);}}}return ret;}


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