
Network security is a continuous process built around the corporate security policy. The security wheel depicted in Figure 1-6 shows a recursive, ongoing process of striving toward perfection—to achieve a secured network infrastructure. The paradigm incorporates the following five steps:


Step 1. Develop a security policy
A strong security policy should be clearly defined, implemented, and documented, yet simple
enough that users can easily conduct business within its parameters.



Step 2. Make the network secure
Secure the network by implementing security solutions (implement authentication, encryption,
firewalls, intrusion prevention, and other techniques) to stop or prevent unauthorized access or
activities and to protect information and information systems.



Step 3. Monitor and respond.
This phase detects violations to the security policy. It involves system auditing and real-time
intrusion detection and prevention solutions. This also validates the security implementation in Step
Step 4. Test.
This step validates the effectiveness of the security policy through system auditing and vulnerability
scanning and tests existing security safeguards.
Step 5. Manage and improve.
Use information from the monitor and test phases to make improvements to the security
implementation. Adjust the corporate security policy as security vulnerabilities and risks are
identified. Manage and improve corporate security policy.


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