
Bulls are so much better at math than the cows. They can multiply huge integers together and get perfectly precise answers … or so they say. Farmer John wonders if their answers are correct. Help him check the bulls’ answers. Read in two positive integers (no more than 40 digits each) and compute their product. Output it as a normal number (with no extra leading zeros).

FJ asks that you do this yourself; don’t use a special library function for the multiplication.

  • Lines 1…2: Each line contains a single decimal number.

  • Line 1: The exact product of the two input lines

Sample Input

Sample Output


int  read(int *am)
{int i=0;char st=getchar();while(st!='\n'){am[++i]=st-'0';st=getchar();}return i;
int main(void)
{int n1[50]={0};int n2[50]={0};int ans[100]={0};int carry=0;int size1=0,size2=0;size1=read(n1);size2=read(n2);int size=0;int k=0,tep;for(int j=size2;j>=1;j--,++k){size=k;//模拟加+for(int i=size1;i>=1;i--){tep=carry+ans[size]+n1[i]*n2[j];//顺便把上一次结果加进来,模拟运算ans[size++]=tep%10;carry=tep/10;}while(carry){ans[size++]=carry%10;carry/=10;}}for(int i=size-1;i>=0;i--){printf("%d",ans[i]);}

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